Chapter Five

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"Ouch!" i yelp when the needle pierces my skin on my waist, "Díhen- nin, mui ladui."(Forgive me, My Lady.) the seamstress said with a worry voice, I look down to her and smile "Don't worry. I'm okay." with that she returns to work on my gown for the feast that will take place tomorrow in the Palace. I can't believe that Thranduil ask me to go with him! Yeah, I know that we had kiss but I don't know what kind of relationship. I feel something for him but I don't if it's love and for what I've learn in my world, elves just love once and Thranduil was married. God, I don't even know if he really likes me.

The sound of the door opening stopped my trail of thoughts, I look back and saw Tauriel enter with a big smile, "You look beautiful, Y/n." I smile to her "Thank you, Tauriel! I can't wait for tomorrow!! I've never been in a feast like this." she and the seamstress start laughing at mine enthusiasm, "I'm sure you will like it. I'm here to tell you that the King wish to see you after you're done with this." the smile on my face grow even more that it was at mention of Thranduil, "And where I should meet him?" I said giggling a bit "At the garden." I nod, smiling as I recall our first kiss, "Well I have to go now. It's my turn to patrol the Kings halls." with that she leaves the room, closing softly the door.

(Thranduil P.O.V)

I was passing back and forward in the garden, waiting for Y/n to arrive. I have just received a letter from Lady Galadriel saying that she has a hit how to control Y/n power, knowing that manifests itself from her emotions. Y/n has to started a training, first begin just staying outside with nature half the day, getting to know the plants and animals, learn to interact with them.

I stop when I hear the sound of small feet's hitting the floor, I turn around and saw Y/n walking towards me with a big smile. Grabbing her small waist, I pull her to me, embracing her softly, "Hello, Meleth nin." I say softly to her, "Hi!...So why do you wanted to see me?" she said with excitement in her voice, I grab her hand and lead her forward into the garden, here no one would bother us. We sit on the grass, I look into her eyes "I have receive a letter from Lothlórien. Lady Galadriel have a hit how could you control your powers." as she heard my words, she almost jumps from her seat "REALLY?" I chuckle at her excitement "Yes...She said the you should first learn how to speak with them, interact with the plants and animals." she nods slowly, looking around her, gazing at the trees "Try closing your eyes...Listen to their tales. Try listen them speaking through the wind." she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. We stay there a moment, hearing the warm wind blowing around us, hearing the trees shaking, the birds singing, the woodpecker hitting the tree trunk. Suddenly flowers start growing around Y/n, letting go a sweet smell in the air. The sounds of the birds were almost violently loud, making look like the forest was singing. I stay still, staring around us in amazement, the ground under us was warm, I look up to Y/n and saw a soft smile on her face, she was still with her eyes closed. She looks like she was talking to the forest, sharing stories together.

Suddenly she open her eyes, tears falling down on her soft cheeks "T..This is a..amzing, Thranduil! I could hear everything! Feel all the animals and plants, like we were all one." I move my hand to her cheek, cleaning her tears "You are truly amazing you know, that right?" she giggles, sounding like a Goddess to me. I move closer to her, bending my head to kiss her soft plump lips. We part a little, for catch our breath, I move a piece of her hair behind her ear "I'm so proud of you." she smiles and nuzzle her head into my neck.

We stay like this almost half the day, talking about things that happen in her life and how excited she was for the feast.

In this moment I wish that Legolas was here but he made an oath that he couldn't break.

(Y/n P.O.V)

I stand before a giant mirror, speechless. I look into my reflection with wide eyes, I was beautiful. The dress was a dark green, almost looking like the green from the forest, it hugged all my curves in the right way. In the bottom of the dress was sewed several flowers, like vines. I had a gorgeous diamond necklace matching with my earrings. My hair was made in away with two small braids on each side of my head that linked in the back of my head, I feel a small tear escape from my eye. I've never felt so beautiful in my life, "Oh my....Y/n you are beautiful!" Tauriel voice sounded so happy, I look back to her and give a huge smile "Thank you Tauriel!" she nods "Come. King Thranduil want to meet you right away." with we leave my chamber.

We walk down the king's hall, I was telling Tauriel a funny story that happen to me with my best friend. I've never seen Tauriel laugh so hard, I could see her tears falling down her cheeks "and then..." my words stopped when I look forward. In front was Thranduil, he wore a beautiful green robe, with vines all over it, matching my outfit. Tauriel whisper a goodbye and leave for the feast, Thranduil took a step towards me "You are beautiful, Meleth nin." he grabs my hand and kiss it. I was sure that my face was red as a tomato "So are you, Love." I said timidly, he smiles and lead me to two huge doors "You ready?" I look up to him a confused face "For what?" he gives me a mischief smirk and nod to the two guards for them open the doors. As the doors were opening, an elf tells the crowd that the King have arrive "Our King Thranduil have arrive, with his guest Y/n." the crowd starts applauding to they King. Oh God! I didn't know that I would enter the feast with him?! Everyone is looking at me, shit...I'm so embarrassed. Do I look good? Maybe I look stupid, maybe I'm not good enough to be beside Thranduil. My thoughts were interrupted by a squeeze that he gave me with hand, making me look to him with scared eyes. He leans down and whisper on my ear "Don't worry. You look like a Queen." I smile a bit, feeling my confidence growing back.

Thranduil sit on his throne, a while I sit beside him on a chair that looks like it was fit for a Queen. Thranduil gives some words to his people and the feast started, servants begin serve the food. Several types of food were on the table, everyone was talking and laugh at the tales and stories that they talking. I feel Thranduil hand rubbing up and down on my thigh, my head shot up and saw he smirking at me "Are you having fun?" I chuckle a bit and nod "Yes...Everyone are so happy. And the food is amazing!" he laughs "I knew that you were love it."

After the food, the elves started dancing, music flowed through the ball room. I was so engrossed on the people dancing that i didn't notice Thranduil standing up, giving me his hand "Come, Meleth nin. Let's dance." I took his hand and let him lead me to the dancefloor. The elves give us room for dance, standing there looking to their King dance with his guest, "Ahh...Thranduil..I don't know how to dance..." I said timidly, looking down ashamed. He lifts my chin with his finger "Don't worry. Just let me lead you." I nod and relaxed my body.

He grabs my waist with one hand and move the other to grab my right hand. He was a pro in dancing, like a leaf blowing in the wind. As the song was ending, the front door burst open, Thranduil stop and put me behind him, protecting me for whatever was happening. A guard stand there with panic eyes "My King, an army of orcs it's marching towards the Palace!" Thranduil stay quiet for a second, suddenly he turns back to me "Go hide on your chambers! Whatever happens don't come out! Now GO!" I try to argue but Tauriel grab me by the arm and lead me back to my room. The last thing I saw in the room was Thranduil yelling to prepare his army and to get his armor. What's happening??  

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