Chapter Eight

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I watch the tree shaking with the wind, making a beautiful sound of leaves touching each other's. The forest was cure, full of life. The elves begin returning to Greenwood, making their houses in the woods, safe from the darkness that was killing the forest. I can't believe that I could cure Mirkwood, the silvan elves call me Eruantiel which means The Gift of Eru, for cure they home and for cure they King.

A smile form on my face with I hear the little giggles behind me, turning around I saw my two little devils running away from they big brother. I sigh and put my head on my husband shoulder "What the twins did this time?" I ask with a little chuckle "They change all Legolas clothes to dresses." he said laughing loudly. Me and Thranduil discovered that we were going to have twins a few days after we got married, a girl and a boy, Lindariel and Calanon. That was some years ago, they look like a child of 6 years old but they were 60 years old, which shocked me a lot. Lindariel was daddy's little girl, always Thranduil shadow, following him everywhere. When Thranduil knew that he would have a daughter, he was so happy, saying that he always wanted a little girl. Calanon was my little helper, when I go to the forest to cure more of the trees and animals, he would go to with his little backpack, with all kind of medicines and herbs inside. But when the two were together, they made Legolas life a hell, always pulling pranks on him and waking him up in the middle of the night asking him to tell a story from his battles and adventures but Legolas a gentle soul and loved them with all his heart.

My thoughts were interrupted by a squeal "ROARRRR!!! The Balrog it's gonna get you!!" Legolas start chasing them, pretending that he was a Balrog. The twins run to us, Calanon hide under my gown as Lindariel jump to Thranduil arms "Ada!! Save me!" she said giggling. Thranduil stand up, still holding his daughter, "Don't be afraid, My Fair Lady! I will defeat this monster!" with that he gave me Lindariel and start pretending fighting with Legolas. The twins begin giggling as they saw their ada and brother making fools of themselves. I can't believe how my life had change so quick. First, I was full of exams and working on an awful coffee shop with rude customers, and now I'm married with an ELF!! Which I had twins with it.

Me and the twins cheer when Thranduil defeated the 'Balrog' "Now my children are safe!" he said with a proud voice. Legolas start laughing and took his ada hand to stand up, they walk to me and the twins and sat on the grass in front of us. The twins start braiding Thranduil hair and talk with him, Legolas turn to me with a smile as he heard Thranduil laughing some jokes that the twins told "Thank you for everything." I smile and nod "After my mother death, I thought that him would never be the same. I even thought that he would fade but he has a strong fae. Now he returns to be himself again and for that I give you my thanks...May I call you mother?" with those words, a tear falls from my eye "Of course, Ion nin." he smiles and put his hand on mine and squeeze a little, spreading a comfort feeling. I look to Thranduil and saw him giving me a proud smile, Calanon runs to me "Naneth!! I'm hungry. Could we go eat some pie? Pleaseeee?" he asks with a little pout on his lips, making hard to say no. I sigh "Okay...But only if you two eat all your vegetables at dinner!" the twins grumbled "Yess, Naneth..." I nod and lift up from my seat, grabbing they little hands and walk to the kitchen.

(Thranduil P.O.V)

I watch Y/n taking the twins to the kitchen with a huge smile on my lips. A chuckle sounded behind me, I turn back and saw Legolas smirking "What?" he only smiles "You really love her...I'm happy for you, Ada. You and Y/n are really a beautiful couple." I chuckle a bit "Thank you, Ion nin...Your blessing means very much for me, I hope you know that." he nods and stand up "Let's go see if it's there any pie left, before Lindariel and Calanon eat all of it." I laugh at that, thinking of the angry face that Y/n will make to the twins, saying that they will not have more pie for 200 years. "Yeah... I doubt that Y/n would let them eat that much." we leave the garden and go to the kitchen. Feeling happy as all my family is with me again. What it would be my life without Y/n? She is really a gift from Eru.

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