Chapter 7

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Sarah's POV

Today was mine and Niall's one year anniversary, and it was safe to say we are in love with each other. Currently, I was getting ready for our date with help from Louis and Cass, while Kendal was asleep. Then, as expected, Niall knocked on the door ready to take me out.

"You look stunning." Niall complimented.

I blushed, and yes after a year being together I still do that. "Thank you, you look handsome."

"Thanks. Ready to go?" he asked while offering me his hand.

"Yes." I said accepting it.

We drove to a very fancy restaurant, and sat down at a private table. Conversation was awkward, something seemed almost off about Niall. He would talk to me, but he was kinda nervous about it. Which is weird, normally Niall and I could talk about anything so easily, why was it different tonight? Did I do something wrong? Or after all this time is he questioning his feelings for me? Well, now I'm just over thinking things, or am I? Okay, now I am really over thinking this. Alright Sarah you're just gonna ask him about it, it's Niall for god sake's. Not once has he disrespected you, or thought one of you ideas as stupid. He is open with you, and you are open with him. Well, not right now, but if you ask him he will be. Okay, do it. Do it. DO IT!!

"Niall is everything alright? You don't seem like yourself, just super nervous. I don't know if it is just me, but it's like you won't talk to me like you used too. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine. I'm sorry I am acting this way, but to tell you the truth, I'm really nervous." he replied.

"About what? Us getting serious? Please don't tell me it's that..."

"Sarah, it is definitely not that. I love you with all my heart, and to show you I am ready to be even more serious..." Niall paused for suspense.

"Okay, show me what?"

"Well, it's more of a question..."

"Alright shoot."

"Sarah Lynn Mahar will you..." cue another dramatic pause.

"Will I..."

"Move in with me?"

Holy shit.

Yes! I wanted to scream, but my mouth wouldn't form the words. I was in shock. So here I was, standing in front of my boyfriend of one year, staring at him like a wide-eyed idiot.

Niall's POV

Shit. Why did you have to ask her Niall? She obviously doesn't want to. With the look on her face, she was totally shocked that I would even ask.

"Yes.." Sarah said almost in a whisper.


"Yes!" she shouted back.

I got up out of my seat and hugged her while saying, "Good! I was so nervous! From the look on your face I thought you would have said no..."

"I would have never rejected the offer!"

We then went and sat down to finish dinner. From then on, we went back to normal, talking and laughing with each other. I dropped Sarah off at her flat, but right before she went inside, Sarah said something to me.

"I guess now I have to tell Cass..." she said with a sigh.

Cassidy's POV

I was sitting on the couch watching Friends laughing way to hard at Joey and Chandler, when Sarah walked in the door. She came and sat down beside me asking where Louis was. Louis and Kendal were both asleep, while I wasn't, because lets face it, I'm a night owl, not a morning person. Assuming she was going to join me in my marathon, I turned it back on. That wasn't the case though, she just took the remote and paused it.

"Cass, I have to tell you something..."

"Alright, what is it?"

"I'm moving out..."

Gotta admit, that really hurt. She is my best friend and now she's just leaving and moving out? I mean it is her life, but I don't want her to leave!


Did Niall ask her? With that thought, I got a really big smile on my face.

"Niall asked you to move in with him didn't he?" I questioned.


"I'm so happy for you!"

Now insert a couple minutes of our happy dances.

"Okay, that explained your creeper smile!"

Then, we did the whole sentimental hug, where I wiped away a fake tear and sobbed into her shoulder, "They grow up so fast!"

"Your so weird!"

"And your not?"

"True dat."

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