Chapter 10

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Louis' POV

Cass and I were on our way to the playground where we met. It was at our old school, well our old old school; the one we went to when we were 12. I picked this place for two reasons, one Kendal would love it and two so would Cassidy. After playing around for awhile, Kendal was going to Niall's and Cass and I were going to another secret location that would be revealed to her later. Then, I stopped the car so Cass couldn't see where we were going.

"Alright close your eyes, we're here." I demanded jokingly.

"What if I don't want too?" she shot back in the same tone of voice.

"Then I will just have to do this...." I said as I pounced on her (AN: In a NON SEXUAL way you dirty people :P) to blindfold her.

"What are you---" Cass started but stopped herself. "It's not even worth it is it?"

"Nope, just go with it." I said as I started up the car again.

After a good 5 minutes, we pulled into the school parking lot. I got out of the vehicle, went around to the other side and pulled out Cassidy, then grabbed Kendal.

"Okay, take off the blindfold now."

Cass did just that, but became silent once she took in her surroundings. Was there something bad about this place? Why was Cassidy staring into nothingness? I was starting to get worried, but then she broke out into a huge grin.

"This is where we met."

"That it is my friend, that it is."

"Your so weird."

"If I'm weird what are you?"

"Hardy har har."

After that little episode, we played with Kendal and just had a good time. When it started getting dark, I brought my two favourite girls back into my car. I drove to Niall and Sarah's flat; where I parked right outside the front.

"Kendal is staying with Niall, so I just got to drop her off and then we will finish our date."

"Alright cool. Bye Kendal, love you!"

I unbuckled my beautiful little girl from the backseat and took her and her luggage up the stairs and into one of my best friend's apartment. It was hard though, I was going to part ways with her for not one night, but the whole weekend. For the first time since she was born, I would be without Kendal for longer than one of her naps. Hesitating, I knocked on the door for it to be opened within seconds. Sarah was standing in the archway, wearing casual clothes with a smile on her face.

"I'm so excited! Kendal is just adorable, but I wish I could come."

"Don't worry we are going back soon, got some concerts coming up."

"Alright, see ya later!"

"Yes thanks again for taking care of Kendal!"

"No problem! Now go Louis, you wouldn't want to miss your flight!"

Cassidy's POV

Louis didn't take too long inside of Sarah's new apartment and we were now on our way to a place that I don't know the name of. I didn't bother to ask where; knowing Lou, he wouldn't tell me. The car ride was uneventful really, we just put my iPod in the car jack and burst into song every once in a while. Normal for us really. After a quite long car ride, we came to a stop at the--wait what? The airport?

"Surprise! We are going to Saskatoon!"

"Louis you aren't shitting me are you? If so, I WILL punch you."

"Nope. I have never been there before, so this weekend you're going to show me around Saskatoon and you can see that brother of yours."

This was the point where I tackled my best friend to the ground. "LOUIS TOMLINSON YOU ARE GOD!"

"I thought Sarah was?"

"Well then you are just a wonderful best friend that I happen to like alot."

"Good because so much same."

"Hey, what am I suppose to do for clothes and stuff?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I got you covered." Louis replied.

We made our way to the front desk for the airline and handed in our luggage that magically appeared from... let's go with Narnia. Louis being the awesome person he is; stopped at the Starbucks in the airport. After finishing up our drinks, Louis pulled me up from my chair and lead me to the right terminal.

"Time to go!" 

AN: Surprise update..... YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA FOR ME!!! :D Good news, I go to Hawaii on the 18th. Bad news, I won't be able to update until the new year probably. Sooo.... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. And if you don't celebrate Christmas..... HAPPY JUST ANOTHER RANDOM AND ORDINARRY DAY OF THE YEAR!! :P

All you awesome people should need my other stories... one is called Fix Me and the other one is Just A Dream. Just A Dream is a collaberation with @MissPotatoRules and @NomNomsWithNiall. They are awesome so go read their stories as well!!!!

Don't forget to...




and follow @5HomosKidRauhl

Ciao!! ~Cass

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