Chapter 3

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Eleanor's POV- A Couple Days Later

I woke up, and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could, almost falling over in the process. When you are violently sick, you don't pay much attention to your surroundings. So, when Louis came into the bathroom to see if I was alright, I almost had a heart attack. He then leaned down, and held my hair out of the way as I emptied the contents of my stomach.

"'s okay." He cooed while rubbing circles on my back.

Louis was just so caring, and I knew from that moment that he would be a great father. At first, I wasn't sure if we could handle parenthood, but now at least one of us will. Was I selfish for doing this though? I mean he has his band and his career to worry about. Now adding myself and this baby to the list?

"Eleanor, we have to leave for our appointment soon, do you need any help getting ready?' Louis asked, but not in a seductive way at all, just trying to be helpful.

I totally forgot about the ultrasound I had today. 

"Umm... no thanks, I'm good.

Then, I grabbed a random pair of capri's and a baggy t-shirt. I quickly brushed my teeth, making that horrid taste in my mouth disappear. Once I was finished, I hopped in the shower and just let the warm water consume me. Reluctantly, I got out and dressed myself, but not bothering to put any make-up on. We got into Louis' car and drove to the doctor's office in comfortable silence. When we arrived, Louis helped me out of the car because I was still feeling gross. Louis checked me in at the front desk, and we sat down in the waiting room. After a few minutes, we were called into a examination room, where we were left alone. Then, the doctor came in and asked me to lay down on the table. He put the warm liquid on my belly and eventually found the right angle. It showed a picture of our tiny little baby on the screen. A tear started to trickle down my face when Dr.Wilson spoke.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?"

I looked at Louis for comformation, and he nodded.

"Yes" I replied.

"Your having a girl."

Louis and I then burst out in tears and just held each other.

"I'll give you two a minute." Dr.Wilson said before she left the room.

After complete silence, I suddenly proposed a name to Louis.

"What if we name her Kendall Tomlinson?"

"Well, we have lots of time to pick a name for her."

"You don't like it?" I asked.

"I do, its just we shouldn't decide her name yet, your only 3 months pregnant." He replied.

"Ya, I guess it is gonna be our baby girl's one and only name."

"Our baby girl." He repeated.

"Our baby girl." I said as he leaned down to kiss my belly.

AN: AWWWW! SO CUUUUUTTTTTEEEE! Don't mind me and my awesomeness. Anyways, the second upload of the day as promised! Peace out bitches! And comment, vote, fan and follow me on twitter @1D_Niam_Larry

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