New Beginning

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[Y-N]- Your Name
[F-C]- Favorite Color
[S-F-C]- Second favorite color
[H-C] - Hair Color


There was a loud gun shot, you fell to the ground then it went black, but you still felt warm? You opened your eyes and looking at what was above you. It was a dark red sky, you weren't able to tell if it was day or night but. What is this place?

You were scared and alone, you weren't sure where you were and you didn't want anything bad to happen while you were in this unknown place! You got up and looking at your surroundings, everything was so dark and sinister. You didn't feel safe in a place that looked like this!

You begin to walk away from where you have randomly awoken, looking at everything. Your eyes wondered from the streets to the buildings to the.. people? They didn't look human, not at all that's what scared you more. How are you supposed to just get by without freaking out?

You just kept to yourself, and looked down making sure to not make any eye contact. You were doing good for the most part but all of a sudden you were grabbed! The person or thing that grabbed you was male his skin a dark purple and his bright blue eyes make him stand out. He pinned your arms above your head he then spoke in a low sinister tone.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone in Hell?"

You spoke up trying to get him off of you at the same time.

"Let me go you bastard!"

He wasn't very happy with the way you responded so he tried to take your clothes off. That's what he was gonna do in the first place but he wanted to know what your beautiful voice sounded like before he took any action. Though at this you got mad, you kicked him where the sun does not shine and he fell to the ground his hands in between his legs.

You were so disgusted with what this man tried to do to you! Do people here have no respect for women or anyone for that matter? You find yourself getting angrier just then a machete appeared in your hand it was a dark red from the blade to the handle. The man slightly looked at you amused.

"Oh what is a little girl like you gonna do with such a weapon you don't have the ba-"

You cut him off as he was about to finish his sentence. You stabbed him, he no longer looked amused but he was in pain. You then started to repeatedly stab him until you were covered in blood. You stopped and looked at the corps, gasping. Realizing what you have just done.

"O-Oh my hell.."

You looked at the weapon and dropped it as you started to tear up. You didn't mean to kill him you don't know what came over you but it felt... Good.. How can doing something so disgraceful as that feeling so good? Making you feel you had so much power over them. You stopped crying and ran away from the dead body.

After a bit of running you stopped to find a mirror. One you found one you noticed your appearance was different your clothes had changed and you didn't look like you. You had an off shoulder shirt that was ripped at the bottom it was [F-C] and you wore a skirt that was also slightly ripped at the bottom and it was [S-F-C]. You had just noticed that you were wearing red heals and that your hair was longer, that's not how it used to look.

Your hair is thick and it went below your thighs, the color of your hair was [F-C]. Your skin was a light pink color but it still looked like it was a regular skin tone if someone were to see you from far away. Then looking at your eyes they were [S-F-C] it made you stand out. As you looked at yourself you saw your hair sticking up slightly, it looked as if you had ears on the top of your head. They weren't big but they slightly looked like wolf ears but surely you didn't look like one!

After a bit of looking at yourself you realized you had razor sharp teeth! You where slightly concerned by this but it seemed like almost every here has sharp teeth. You decided to explore where you were more. You didn't really wanna walk around in bloody clothes but you had no choice because you had nothing to change into.

It's been a few hours and you were still wondering about.. Hell. You had remembered the words that the man had said to you, you were indeed in hell. Well it was kinda obvious cause you now saw the welcome to hell sign, looks like you woke up in the wrong area. You just sighed to yourself why you? What did you do wrong that made you end up in hell?

    Two years ago ★彡

You were going to the kitchen to make dinner, nothing out of the ordinary. It was your daily routine you get home from working and you make dinner for all who you live with, which was only one person. You were married to a handsome man, well he was good looking on the outside but on the inside he was ugly. You were abused but not all the time you just had to make sure you did everything perfectly.

As you were making dinner your Husband walked in, his name was Jason. He was adored by all people, you knew he wasn't faithful and that's what put you over the edge more. As you were making dinner he went over to see what you were making.

"Hey bae whatcha making?" He questioned as if he was blind. He could clearly see what you are currently making.

You gave him a small smile and replied to him "I'm making spaghetti your Favorite!" You said favorite a bit more joyful trying to act innocent as you always did.

He was satisfied with your answer, leaving you to continue to cook. He left into the room to change for dinner you assumed. Though while he was changing you quickly make your plate, then added poison into the sauce of his plate. Quickly placing the food down at the take, cleaning up the kitchen as best you could before he walked out. The plates were very expensive and so was everything in the house. You were rich, not him.

He just used you for all the money you were making daily. Though soon that would be over, you soon hear a door open and it was your husband. He came and sat at the table putting a napkin on his lap.

"Thank you for this dinner"

You smiled at him and began to eat your non poisoned food as you ate. You watched him waiting to see him choke and fall to the ground, begging you to help him. Wanting to see him suffer and get the payback that this disgusting excuse of a human being deserves.

After what seemed like a few minutes he started to grab his throat. He was coughing loudly trying to get you to help him. He saw as you watched him struggle to keep breathing, him then falling to the ground.

He was


You laughed as you watched him struggle on the ground, foam leaking out of the corner of his mouth. He reached out to you trying to say something but his arm fell to the ground. His chest stood still and he was finally dead.

You smiled gracefully looking at the now still body before you. There was many things going through your mind.

What a tragedy!

Such an awful thing!!

Happening to such an..

Awful person who deserves it.

Thank you all for reading this!
I will try to update this as soon as I can
I hope you all enjoyed!
And don't forget to smile because you are never fully dressed without one :)
And as always stay tuned

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