Shes Back

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You get off the bed, the both of you headed back down the the hotel lobby, after what happened in your dream you didn't want to see what happened next. You just sighed to yourself but when you got back to the lobby you saw the demon you have met days ago! And it was the Heart Demon also known as Beck!

You went up to her and smiled, she did keep her promise! She then noticed you and gave a pleased smile back.

"Why hello again [Y-N]! It is so very great to see you again."

"You came back! I can't wait to know more about my powers, since you did say I have some! I'm ready to learn!"

She giggled at your enthusiasm and lightly patted your head, this made Alastor red in the face he didn't like that she was touching you, though the red light died down around him and as always he kept his wide smile on to show that everything was 'fine'.

He watched you smile at the Heart Demon, he was supposed to be capturing those smiles from you! But wait.. Why does he feel the need to have you with him at all times? He shouldn't be getting jealous at all, he's never taken a liking to anyone before.

But somehow you were different to him, yes many people say that about the person they think is the one but for sure. Alastor knew that there was something about you that made you special to him.

He continued to watch you and the other women speak just listening in on your conversation. A wide smile still stuck on his face making sure to show no hint of jealousy.

"I know you don't know much about me but I'll tell in the limo! Come along child you have much to learn!"

You nodded and smiled wider if that was possible, you then look to see Alastor alone, you didn't want him to be bored with no one to talk to so you decided to ask if he could come.

"Do you think Alastor can come to?"

As you asked this his heard this his head perked up and his smile became a little wider, he was shocked that you wanted him to come but was also very delighted to know you wanted him by your side. Though the demoness had thought for a few seconds and gave a small nod.

"Well of course he can come my child."

You looked at Alastor and he looked back at you he was smiling widely at you. He was actually glad that he was coming he didn't trust the women you were so willing to go with! How can you be so careless and just trust her so easily?

"Now come along you two don't wanna keep the diver waiting do you?"

Your eyes brightened, driver?! You followed Beck out of the hotel with Alastor following behind you, when you were outside you were met with a limo it was half white and red and the other hand was yellow, grey and a bit of pink. You thought it was strange to have such a strange colored car but you can't judge!

You all got into the limo you and Alastor sitting next to each other and Beck sitting across from you. It was exciting, you wondered where you were going! You looked at Alastor and he looked back at you, you gave him a wide smile him making his smile wider than it already was.

"Straight home ring!~"

Beck told the driver through a small device on the limo. It was really amazing she was very wealthy and it seemed she had some advanced technology!

Strawberry Pimp (Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now