Chapter 2

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Being Pretty

— Chapter 2

[Izaya's POV]

When I opened my eyes, I was in a familiar room. Although, it wasn't my hotel room. I tried to move, but my head was heavy and my back was aching. With some effort I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. I noticed my right wrist was bandaged. And my head was slightly wrapped with bandages, as well.

The room I was in was beige-brown. The walls had a brick interior. I noticed a kitchen in the far right of the room. The door was slightly parted open. I looked down with effort, because of how bandaged the back of my head was. I was laying on a white couch. Then it kicked in where I was but—

How did I get here? When did I get here?

I tried to force my mind to recall what happened last night but my memories were still too hazy. I went for a walk after dinner… and then… then… I pressed my eyes closed, trying to remember, ...I got into a fight with someone… wait— a hooded figure. An unknown hooded figure… then… a blonde male appeared… not any blonde male— Shizu-chan came to my rescue… then he deposited me here at Shin—

“Oh, Izaya!” Just as I was about to think of the underground doctor, he himself had appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. “You're awake! How are you feeling?”

I sat up, flashing a wry smile his way. I opened my mouth to speak, but instead I coughed hard into my hand. Shinra knelt beside me now, rubbing his hand against my back. After my coughing fit had finished, I sat up and finally said, “I'm fine. Don't worry. My head and back are just aching. A part from that — I'm okay.”

Shinra’s glasses slipped down his nose and he pushed them back up. Then, after a beat passed, he raised an eyebrow at me, “Even I know you're not okay. You're sick and injured.” Shinra pushed at my shoulders and forced me to lay back down, and I pouted. “You need to lie down, you might get even worse. At least lay down until you're feeling a little better.”

A smile appeared on his lips and he shook his head softly, “What is it, Shinra? What are you smiling at?” I asked, snuggling my head into a cushion.

“You.” The underground doctor replied and I raised an eyebrow at the man. “Why didn't you tell me you were back?”

I swallowed hard, and steadied my voice. I felt tears in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. A moment passed, then I spoke firmly, “I wasn't sure if you would want to see me again.”

A frown formed on the doctor's forehead, “Of course, I would! We're friends, aren't we?”

A smile couldn't help but form on my lips. I had been worrying all this time that Shinra hated me — that he didn't see me as a friend anymore, especially considering we had drifted further and further away from one another. “Yeah, yeah we are!” The smile upon my lips faded after a moment passed, “But — but even so everything that happened with Celty—”

“—That's all in the past.” A familiar voice spoke from beside me and I slowly turned my head, as far as it would go, at the voice. Celty was stood in the doorway, a cup in one hand. I blinked once. Then, again. It was weird now, seeing Celty with her head. I had gotten so used to seeing her wearing her cat helmet all the time, or black smoke emitting from her neck. Celty walked into the room and stood beside me now, “It's good to see you again. It has been a while, hasn't it? I made a cup of coffee for you.” It was weird to hear Celty's voice after all this time of her using her PDA.

I took the cup out of her hands, and smiled gratefully in her direction. I was shocked by both of their actions towards me. Why were they being so nice and understanding towards me? I was an arsehole to the both of them at times, I had even stolen Celty's head and kept it from her. I had done so, so many horrible — almost evil things in the past. “Thank you so much~” I blinked tears out of my eyes, it was hard to keep them at bay. The both of them were being nice to me, and I didn't deserve it, at all. “It's great that I'm here actually… I wanted to apologise to the both of you.”

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