Chapter 6

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Being Pretty

— Chapter 6

[Izaya's POV]

"Mhm." I mumbled as a rubbed my face against the soft cushioned material I was laying on. Although the last time I checked Shinra’s sofa wasn't this comfortable.

I felt a hand run through my hair and my eyes shot wide open. I blinked rapidly and looked up. Shizuo was there. Awake. I was laying on Shizuo's lap. But, how... oh.

I shook my head and thought back to yesterday. After the three of us had finished our drinks, Shinra said the both of us could stay and he went and joined Celty in their bedroom, and well, the blonde and I stayed on the sofa until we fell asleep. Clearly like this. I blushed, but I didn't think too much about it. We were together. So it was no longer a worry for me.

"Good morning, Izaya." Shizuo said, staring at me with a smile. "Sleep well?"

I smiled, and nodded, "Very well, Shizuo." I sat up and sat next to the blonde. "How about you~~?"

"Yeah, pretty good. Although Shinra’s sofa isn't the comfiest." The blonde laughed and I smiled. He had a beautiful laugh, that made my heart do funny things.

I stretched my arms above my head with a yawn, "Mhm, you're right about that, Shizuo."

"You want a drink?" Shizuo asked, with a smile.

"Sure." I replied.

Shizuo got up and laughed softly, "Let's hope Shinra doesn't mind if I use his kettle."

I smiled, "I doubt it. I wonder what time it is?" I looked around for a clock but couldn't find one. I tapped my jeans pockets and found my phone. I clicked it on. It was 9:30am. I voiced the time to Shizuo.

"It's still quite early." Shizuo clicked the kettle on and searched the cupboards for two cups. As he found them I noticed a large smile upon his face which I couldn't help but comment on.

"Why are you so happy, Shizuo?" I questioned with a smile of my own, "Are you excited for today?"

Shizuo turned towards me, "Yeah, I am. Are you?"

I nodded with a smile as I stood up and joined Shizuo in the kitchen. I leaned my body against the counter and rubbed my eyes.

"Are you still tired?" Shizuo asked softly, walking the short distance towards me.

"A little." I admitted. I was tired and not just from Shinra’s sofa, but because of thoughts of my sisters'. I treated them badly in the past. Saw them as annoyances in my life I didn't need, but all that was different now.

"Worried about your sisters'?" Shizuo asked and I grinned.

"You know me so well, Shizuo." Shizuo grinned, too. "Yes I am. Even though they're OK, I'm still worried about them. It sounds... stupid I'm sure." Shizuo shook his head at me, "It's just I was never there for them, and now I want to start anew."

"And this is why I admire you, Izaya." I looked up into Shizuo's eyes, "You've come back to start again. The old you would of never admitted his wrongdoings or apologised for anything, and that's why I admire you. Of course there are others, such as reaching out to your parents. I know you don't get along with them. I remember snippets of conversations from school, but even so."

I hummed and looked away. My parents and I had never had a good relationship. They were always away travelling, and even when they weren't, they took no notice of me. I was ignored. Outshone by my own sisters'. I always knew my parents favoured them, and maybe that's the real reason I hated or envied them. Looking back it was all ridiculous.

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