Chapter 8

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Being Pretty

— Chapter 8

[Izaya's POV]

I had barely slept last night, and I woke up earlier that I should of. I was nervous of course I was. I was finally able to be myself. Wear something I'd never thought I'd wear. I was excited, but extremely anxious.

I rolled over and wrapped up arms around Shizuo's waist. I moved closer. We were both lying in the bed that was seated in the spare room. It was much more comfortable than the sofa.

Shizuo hummed and rolled over, so he was cuddling me against his chest. "Wake already?"

"Uhm. Can't sleep." I muttered.

"Nervous?" He asked, and I nodded. "You're going to be OK. We're all here for you, Izaya."

"I know you are, and I'm ever so grateful. You know that, right?" I asked, and Shizuo nodded.

"I'm glad. If there's anything I want to come out of today, it's that. Oh, and I..." I flustered and stopped for a moment, "and I love you. And I don't expect for you to say it back because, well—"

Shizuo kissed me against the lips and I stopped. The blonde was blushing, "I love you too, Izaya. And I know what our past was like, but that's well, exactly what it was. The past. Everything's different now."

"You're incredible." I said. It wasn't the first time I had said it to the blonde I knew that.

Shizuo kissed me against the forehead, and I yawned. "Come here. Sleep." I gave him a helpless look, "Or try and sleep."

I smiled and moved closer to the male. I buried myself into this chest and closed my eyes, and it wasn't long before I fell asleep. Maybe being cuddled in Shizuo's arms is exactly what I needed.

When I woke up next it was 10am. I had slept four hours. But I was still feeling tired for the obvious reasons. So I didn't immediately get out of bed, I slept for another half an hour. Once it was half ten it wasn't only me that was awake, Shizuo was too.

He smiled at me between a yawn, and I laughed softly. He was adorable.

"I don't want to get up." I muttered, snuggling against his side.

Shizuo stroked his fingers through my hair, "Because you're nervous?"

"No. Because I'm happy where I am." Yeah, you'd never think I'd ever come out with that line. Wow.

"You're adorable, Izaya." Shizuo pulled me closer.

"Stop it." I blushed and hid my face, "Hmm. If I wasn't so excited and happy to go to the summer festival, I would probably stay here all day."

"You and me both." Shizuo agreed and nodded. I heard his stomach rumble a moment later, and I smiled. "Want to go and get breakfast?"

I nodded my head and got out of bed. The room was thankfully warm, but I did miss the warmth of the bed. Shizuo got up a moment later and we both walked into the living-room together.

Celty and Shinra was already up. Celty was wearing black pyjamas and Shinra was in his usual clothes. Does that guy even own anything else?

Celty heard us approach and turned with a smile, "Good morning! Sleep well?"

"Yeah. Better than I did the night before." Shizuo said. "The bed is much more comfortable."

"That's great," Celty said, "How about you, Izaya?"

"Hmm... So-so." I said.

"Hm? Are you OK... Ahh... Nervous, huh?" Celty gave me a sympathetic smile.

"It's like you can read minds!" I laughed softly and so did Celty. "And yes. Yes I am nervous. Very nervous."

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