Chapter 3

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Being Pretty

— Chapter 3

[Izaya's POV]

Shinra opened the door, and a smile immediately appeared onto his face. A friendly, knowing smile. He clearly knew the person who was at the door. Friend? Family member? He turned his head and made eye contact with me, then looked away. What was that?

“Good morning, Shinra.” The familiar voice spoke, “Is the flea awake?” Oh god. Shizu-chan.


“Why don't you come on in, Shizuo?” Shinra stepped aside to let Shizu-chan into the hallway. I, of course, was still stood in the exact spot. Frozen, somehow.

Shizuo came into the hallway, looking good like he usually does. But something about him was different today. I looked hard, and I realised what it was. Again, his blonde hair was messy, his fringe falling over his forehead. No blue sunglasses again. In one hand he was carrying a carrier bag, with a premade dinner in it. Sushi, maybe? But his suit was different. He wasn't wearing his bartenders outfit. He was wearing a black suit blazer, a white shirt, a black tie, and skinny, black trousers. He looked good. Of course he did. Where was he going to? My heart clenched slightly, A funeral? I looked at his face, No, he couldn't of been. He didn't look upset or remorseful.

The blonde deposited something in a bin stood close by. Probably a half-smoked cigarette. Then, he turned back to Shinra and shook his hand. “Thank you for letting me in, Shinra. Did you sleep well? I'm sorry if I woke you up last night with the flea.”

Shinra’s cheeks blushed in colour. It was obvious why. I was stood close-by as Shizuo was talking about me. Did he not notice me here? Was he ignoring the fact I was here? “No worries, there's no need to apologise. And I slept perfectly fine.” Shinra made quick eye contact with me, “How was your sleep?”

“I slept fine—” Shizuo’s eyes followed where the underground doctor was looking a moment ago and noticed me, standing there — frozen still, at that. I swallowed hard, and took a step backwards. My back hit the wall and so did my bandaged head, and I hissed sharply. “Flea.” The blonde said simply after a moment had passed. His cheeks were slightly blushed red, probably because he was embarrassed, considering I had caught him talking about me.

Shizuo’s eyes did that thing, again. They trailed down my face and stopped at my black blouse. A darker pink hue, brushed against the blonde’s cheeks. I blushed hard. Harder than before. Yesterday, the blonde didn't see my blouse that well, because one, it was darkish and two, it was practically hidden under my coat. But now, it was fully on show.

“Shizu-chan.” I whispered out, my cheeks still blushed pink. The thought of yesterday crept into my mind, and my cheeks blushed a deeper shade of pink.

A moment passed, and Shizuo and I, still held each others eye contact, with blushed cheeks and shy gazes, at that. It was like he were having a staring contest, almost. I heard a cough and I blinked rapidly, my shoulders hitching.

“Why don't we all go into the living room?” Shinra suggested, and the blonde and I nodded. The underground doctor walked in, but me and the blonde stayed stood in our same positions, unmoving. Who is going to move first? Me or you, Shizu-chan?

Celty appeared in the doorway, looking between me and blonde. She raised an eyebrow at me with a smirk, then at Shizuo. We both gave her a confused expression. But I knew really what the look meant, and I'm pretty sure Shizu-chan did, as well. Especially considering the blush that was upon his cheeks. We both knew that Celty knew we liked one another. It was obvious, really.

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