Chapter 7

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Being Pretty

— Chapter 7

[Izaya's POV]

The next couple of days went so quick I could hardly keep up. A lot had changed in the past couple of days. All my bags and necessities had been removed from my hotel suite and was all currently at Shinra’s. I was still staying at Shinra’s and so was Shizuo because he wanted to spend time with me. I was still talking about mine and Shizuo's amazing date that I enjoyed so much.

Another thing that had happened was my parents. My mum had called me the day after mine and Shizuo's date. The call was short but it wasn't as vile as it might of been in the past. Me and my mum had come to an understanding. I promised I'd visit in the future and we'd work out all of our differences.

Mine and Shizuo's relationship was getting closer than ever and we had been on many adorable dates since. We'd been back to Aquarium Planetarium since, and we took even more time reading all the information written on the tanks. We had visited Grand Cinema Sunshine and watched many of the movies, rather in Japanese or English. And yesterday, we took a trip out to Shinjuku to visit many of the sites and buildings. Shizuo was curious of Harajuku, so I took him with me and we visited every single store. We bumped into Erika at one point at a cosplay store. She was buying colourful wigs for the summer festival. We ended the day at a cat café with Erika, and we sat a while drinking hot drinks and stroking and petting cats like crazy.

I had become more spontaneous with my clothing. I haven't tried wearing a dress or a skirt. I'm waiting for the summer festival, but I have tried many different makeup (lipstick, eyeshadow, and everything of the like), I'm becoming more confident on that front. My tee shirts and blouses were becoming more spontaneous as the days went by and I was loving it.

Today, however, Shizuo and I, weren't having a spontaneous day. We were having a relaxing day, sitting comfortably on Shinra’s sofa, watching movies with popcorn and hot drinks.

Even though I wanted to show off my style and become more comfortable with it. I just wanted a day of relaxing today with my boyfriend. Especially before the summer festival tomorrow. It would be hectic and I knew more people would be seeing me as I was now. Of course I didn't know most people and I knew they wouldn't care about my dress sense and would pay me no notice. But it was all my friends and the people close to me that mattered in this situation. I was worried what they'd think. I knew that they had been supporting me, but I was worried what they'd think when they see me as me now. Full in crossdressing. I was worried but excited.

I wasn't exactly sure what usually happens at a summer festival. I knew there would be food and music, but everything apart from that, I wasn't exactly sure. But I was excited nevertheless.

Shizuo's fingers roamed through the back of my hair and I hummed, and I leaned against the blonde's chest. We were currently watching A Silent Voice, but I couldn't focus. I was too focused on Shizuo and tomorrow. I had everything ready. I had bought my sailor school uniform outfit whilst at Harajuku, and whilst I was there, I told Erika the plan. She offered to dress the same for extra added support, and I felt very grateful for her just like everyone else. It made me feel supported. It made me feel less nervous. It also meant everyone's focus wouldn't be on me exactly if we all dressed the same.

Shizuo's hand moved to my knee and he squeezed softly. I flinched and blinked rapidly, "Sorry, I was distracted."

"Are you okay, Izaya?" Shizuo asked.

"I'm just thinking about tomorrow." I admitted softly.

Shizuo took my hand with his, "Are you nervous?"

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