Chapter 5

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Being Pretty

— Chapter 5

[Izaya's POV]

Could I consider this as a date? A voice in my head screamed at me, Why don't you ask the blonde sitting across from you instead of thinking of all this in your head! Idiot—

I felt soft fingers against my face and I blinked rapidly. The blonde’s fingers were on my forehead and I blushed. My cheeks were flushed a dark shade of red. “Why are you frowning, Iz?”

“It's nothing, Shizu-chan.” The blonde softly kicked me under the table. “Well, it's, just, I… couldIconsiderthisasadate?”

I spoke the last few words in such a rush that they tumbled over one another. I knew the blonde wouldn't have understood what I had said. I swallowed hard, then I restarted, “Could I consider this as… a date, Shizu-chan?”

The blonde nodded softly, “Of course, you can, Iz.” Shizuo leant across the table and pressed a kiss against my cheek and I blushed scarlet for the billionth time.

I sighed softly, “I should of put better clothes on.” I ran a hand down my blouse, trying to straighten the creases out of it. I continued doing this for a moment, before a hand found it's way over mine, stopping me in my tracks.

“Y-you look amazing, Izaya.” The blonde spoke softly, and my heart fluttered in my chest. “I can't believe we're on our first date. It's crazy to think how we were years ago, isn't it?”

“Thank you, Shizu-chan." I leant over the table and pressed a kiss against the man's cheek. “You look perfect, too.” I blushed at what I said and so did the blonde. “And nether can I. I would never expected in my wildest dreams, I would be on a date with you.” I took my hands with the blonde’s, “Thank you for liking me.”

I felt the blonde’s foot wrap around my ankle, and I blushed. “You don't need to thank me, you know?” Shizuo's thumb brushed against my fingers and I blushed further, “And anyway, it was kinda inevitable, so…”

I blushed. Again. I then, smiled and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. How did the blonde embarrass me so easily? How did he do it?

“W-would you stop?” I blushed. “You're embarrassing me! I—”

The blonde softly smiled, a blush forming on his cheeks, “It's not like you to be embarrassed, Izaya.” Shizuo chuckled and leant across the table and pressed another kiss against my cheek.

I pulled my blouse up against my face and hid my bright red cheeks, “I swear, I'm going to dump you.”

The blonde took a sip of his green tea, then practically choked on the drink as he heard what I had said. “Wait, wait, wait! You're going to break up with me flea, for being complimentary?” The blonde made a ‘tch’ sound at me, “We've only been together like what…” The blonde started counting on his fingers.

I grabbed a hold of the blonde’s hand and chuckled, “Oh, stop it, Shizu-chan!!” The blonde chuckled in response.

“I think we should order some food, Iz.” The blonde spoke, a smile upon his lips, “What do you want?” Wait! Was the blonde paying for my food? No, way. I wanted to pay for him. I opened my mouth to speak, but the blonde continued speaking, “I'm paying, flea, whether you like it or not. And anyway, it was my idea, so…”

I pouted at the man and he chuckled. “No way, Shizu-chan!! I'm paying for you.” I took my hand in his, and shook my head at him, “Let me pay for you”

Before the blonde could argue back, Simon appeared at our table. “Izaya! Shizuo! You're both here together, yes?” We nodded our heads at the sushi chef, and he continued, “You're not fighting anymore? You worked out your differences?”

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