Chapter 4

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Being Pretty

— Chapter 4

[Izaya's POV]

“Wait!” Shizuo was about to knock, when I grabbed a hold of the blonde’s sleeve. “I…I'm not sure about this… coming here so suddenly… after all this time. I don't know if I want to face this just yet.”

The blonde and I was stood outside Mikado’s front door. Yesterday at dinnertime, I had somehow convinced Shinra to let me visit Mikado Ryugamine the next day, to apologise to the former Raira student. It took a lot of persuasion, of course. The underground doctor declared that if I was well enough and my wrist and head had healed a bit, he would allow me to visit the former student. Well, long story short, my head had, more or less healed and I didn't need to wear bandages on it. My wrist was another story. Some of the bones in my wrist were still broken, and I would have to keep the cast on for a little while longer.

Despite knowing I needed to visit Mikado and his friends to apologise for years back, I was still reluctant. I had decided that considering we hadn't talked for nearly four years it would be awkward, especially with my past with the former three Raira students. Even stood on Mikado’s doorstep, I realised I wasn't ready. But there was no point turning back, no matter how reluctant I was.

I think the only reason really, that I haven't turned back yet is because Shizuo is beside me. I was so grateful he was here. I hadn't expected him to come with me, I thought maybe he was just agreeing with what everybody was talking about yesterday. But in reality, he was actually the first to volunteer to come with me.

“Thank you, Shizu-chan for coming with me.” I grabbed a hold of the blonde’s hand and squeezed it quickly in appreciation for the man. “It means a lot. I definitely wouldn't be here without you.”

“It's no problem, flea.” The blonde squeezed my hand back and softly smiled at me. I blushed, of course. “Everything's going to be perfectly fine. And even if Mikado is awkward at first, I know he'll understand. Like Celty said, just be honest.” The blonde scratched his head in embarrassment, then said, “And you look great, so it's all good.”

Celty was right, the blonde was the best person to take with me. He really was incredible. Damn, I love him so much.

I blushed and looked down on myself. I was wearing my usual coat, trousers and I was wearing longer boots with a slight heel, but today I was wearing a different top. I was wearing a grey oversized blouse, with short sleeves, and a jewelled necklace. I wanted to wear something more daring, more feminine. But I figured considering I haven't seen Mikado for years and he doesn't know how I dress now, I'll just wear something simple. If I wasn't so self-conscious I would of worn a skirt. That was what I had in mind what to wear today, with a pretty top, at that. Maybe, makeup, too. Slight mascara. Maybe eyeliner. Then again, I had never worn makeup before, I knew I'd probably be terrible at putting it on.

I had already planned out my next look in my head, when I had apologised to everybody and everybody had gotten used to my dress sense. Well, I hoped they would. I wanted to wear a pretty black top, a black leather jacket, black demin shorts, leather boots and fishnet tights. I didn't have a clue where I had got the look from, maybe I had seen it somewhere in a magazine or something, but that look had stuck in my head.

When I'm confident enough, that's the look I'm going to do. I mean, I could do it now, but, I don't have a clue how everybody will react to a man, aka me, in tights. I suppose in detest. Maybe? I wonder how Shizuo would react? He'd probably be a sweetheart about it. Well, I figured he would considering the last couple of days.

“Do you really think so?” I finally replied to the blonde, after a while of silence between us. I looked up at him, and the blonde flashed a soft, gentle smile in my direction.

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