Chapter 4 Dakota Nelson

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Dakota grabbed some apples from the pantry, hoping the hors- no, Pegasus, liked them. 

She walked back to the porch and approached the Pegasus carefully, she held out her hand with the apple in it hoping the Pegasus would not bite her. The Pegasus nickered and reached for the apple, I flinched as she grabbed the apple and started munching on it. 

She walked a little toward me trying to nudge me for more, "I don't have anymore sorry, what is your name, can I call you Pegs?" The Pegasus walked into the house and walked over to her fridge that had a bunch of bird pictures, she nudged one of the pictures but I did not catch on. "Don't eat that! It's paper, not food." 

The Pegasus rolled her eyes and tried to walk up the stairs but fell down on one of her cuts and let out a high pitched shrill. I ran over, "oh no! Your cuts, I forgot about that!" I cried. But all of a sudden she started to freak out, she reared and almost hit her head on the ceiling. 

Her eyes bugged out and she ran towards me and I backed up but then she grabbed ahold of my shirt and placed me on her back. She ran towards the back door and bucked it open, the glass door shattered and she ran into the sunlight. I could sense something was wrong, so I held on tight as my Pegasus ran toward the beach and opened her wings. 

They caught the wind and suddenly we were soaring above the open blue ocean. That when I heard something behind us, I wanted to look back but then a vision flashed in my mind, a vision of a massive black wolf, the size of the pegasus. As we lifted off the beach, the black wolf tried to follow us in the water, but it was a slow swimmer, I urged the Pegasus to go faster but she was already going as fast as she could. But then the Pegasus dove, down into the ocean.

I held my breath as we hit the surface of the crystal blue water. She was quite agile and fast underwater, but she knew I could not hold my breath for long, so she came back up after a few moments and the wolf was gone. So we started flying West across the ocean. 

I still could not believe I was on a flying horse and a freaking massive wolf was chasing me, but at that moment I knew I would probably never see my parents or house ever again.  

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