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you look at me
like i'm the most beautiful thing
you've ever seen
and i whisper a silent prayer to the Maker,
please don't let this be the last time
i ever feel this way.

he rolls me over on the ground
as our lips share a laugh,
and its then that i realize.
this is what i've been chasing my entire life.

i don't believe you
when you promise not to break me.
nothing against you, darling
it's simply my nature.
i am glass.
just wait until you see through me,
it will be impossible not to

he anticipates my needs
before i am even aware of them.
that, i believe,
is when i knew.

and maybe,
this whole idea of
the one
has been slightly glorified
but it all makes sense -
the tales are true -
in the tiniest of moments.
the way his lashes
breathe along with him,
how the colors in his eyes
d a n c e.
the way his heart
leads the way for mine.
he cradles my heart
like no one ever has.
      - so maybe there's something to this.

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