3.4.20 - 1 AM

13 3 0

i sacrificed you

like i believed i should

on the altar of open hands

no clenched fists

no eyes squeezed shut to block out anything that shouldn't be

i prayed it was best

i believed it was best

i thought it was best.

and now, 

what i thought God had gently folded my hands back over 

a warm smile on His face and pride in His eyes

seems stolen away from me. 

my hands are empty and i am crying out to anybody and everybody 

to fill them back up. 

if we are so sure,

who else has to be? 

i teased and asked if you were getting my telekinetic message

even though telekinetic wasn't quite the right word,

my hints echoed in the stairwell 

and the rain hit the sides of the building.

just like today hit the sides of my being.

i leaned over

as you took item after item

even though everything was and is and will always be yours,

just trying to understand and pick up on what i needed our last touch to be

our connection was severed, you said 

and i didn't believe that for a second

i leaned over and pressed my soul against yours

and in that moment,

everything i have ever held dear or has ever mattered to me

was transferred over to you.

for memories 

or for safe-keeping...

i'm not sure.

but i am left with nothing because i have given you my all. 


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