Wedding Day

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Lydia's POV

Today's the day. The day I marry the love of my life. The day Beetlejuice becomes my one and only. The day..... the day he makes me the happiest woman on the earth. "Lydia?" I turn around. 

"Barbra? Hi! What are you doing here?"

"You freed Beetlejuice. How could you?!"

I gape at her. "Barbra you don't understand! I love him! Today is our wedding day and-" "YOU'RE MARRYING HIM???!!!" I nod. "THAT. IS. THE. WORST. THING. YOU. COULD. DO." My eyes fill with tears. "Can you just be happy for me?"


I look in the mirror. Boy, I sure am ugly. But for some reason Lydia still wants me. And I want her. "Oh my god beej. Why are you marrying Lydia Deetz of all fucking people??" I turn around and see my old pal, Adam. "Hey, A-Dog! Do I look ok?" I ask him flatting my hair. "Yes, but, you don't have to marry her." I glare at him. "Adam, you're my pal. But I don't appreciate your words. I love Lydia and she loves me."

Adam groans and walks away.  I glare at his retreating back. 

Lydia's POV

Okay. Deep breaths. It's almost time to walk down the aisle. "Lydia! It's time!" whispers my maid of honor, Miss Argentina. "Ok. Here I go!" As I walk down the aisle I see Beetlejuice waiting for me. A huge smile on his face. My face goes bright red. Matching my poofy red dress. As I reach the alter the minister steps out of a creepy portal thingy. "Do you  to be your wife." My eyes fill with tears (again) and he says yes! "Ok then." the minister continues. "Do you Lydia take Beetlejuice to be your husband?" "I do!" "Do you have the rings?" Beetlejuice pulls out rings and the minister continues. "Then by the power invested in me, I proclaim you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride." Beetlejuice leans in and kisses me.

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