Ch. 1 The baby

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Ch. 1

Edwards POV

I was running through the woods hunting for mountain lion. I really didn't need to hunt right now, but I was mad and when a vampire is mad hunting is the best option. I didn't want to accidentally hurt my family. Even if it was my family I was mad at. I stopped dead in my tracks, I smelt something delicious. I took me a few minuets to figure out what the scent was. Human. I listened for the heart beat. It was dainty.

I followed the scent. I came upon a small patch of green grass, the rest of the grass was yellowish. In the patch sat a baby around two maybe three. I could tell the baby was a girl, she had brown curls that came down to her shoulders. The baby was playing with a dandelion. She was sitting on a baby blue blanket. The baby was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt, with a black jacket, and  running shoes. Next to her on the blanket was a note. I picked up the note.

Whoever finds my dear baby, Isabella (Bella for short). Please take care of her. I know it wasn't right for me to leave her in these woods, but I only have a while to live. I shall be killed in a few hours. I can't wait any longer, please take care of my little Bella. Shes two years old. That's all I think you need to know. Goodbye my dear Bella. (Her birthday is September 13)

 I stared at the note for a few moments. I wonder how long shes been here? When was the last time she had food? I had to take her back to my family. I'd have to get her home to Carlisle. I knew Rosaile would be exstanic, Esme would be happy, Alice would want to dress her up in some sort of designer outfits, Jasper and Emmett would be happy to have another sister, and Carlise would be happy that everyone else is happy. 

I don't think its safe for her to live with a family of vampires, but shes so cute and innocent. I looked into her mind. No answer. I can't read her mind? Amazing! Why though? Bella is a mystery. I scooped her up into my arms, I pulled the the blanket around her. I put the note in my pocket.

I started to run through the forest.  I can run faster then anything in the world. Bella kept her eyes open. She wouldn't be able to see anything. I stared at her as I ran. Bella was small for her age, she has beautiful chocolate brown eyes, her skin pale, her lips a perfect primrose color. Why isn't she bothered by my cold touch? Even through her clothes, the blanket, and my  jacket she still should be able to feel the coldness.

I reached my house. I slowed down when I reached my front door. I opened the door. Everyone was sitting in the living room talking. I knew they noticed me come in. I wonder why they didn't turn to look, I know they could smell the scent. 

"Carlisle." I said.

"Edward?" He asked, looking up. "What is that?"

"A baby." I said flatly. I pushed that note into his hand. 

Carlisle read the note aloud. I wasn't paying much attention. I was just staring at beautiful Bella sitting in my lap. She was looking at me with her wide chocolate eyes. Does she speak? Bella reaches up with her hands and wraps her tiny little hands around  my neck. Her smell is so wonderful, but I would never hurt her.

"Edward?" A voice called.

"Edward!" Someone yelled. I realized it was Rosalie yelling.

My head snapped up. "Yes?" 

"What do you want to do with Bella?" Carslie asked.

"He's going to keep her of course!" Alice exclamied sitting beside me.

"Edward?" Jasper asked.

"Yes." I said. 

Carslie checked Bella's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and looking for any head injuries.

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