Winter of 1923

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I was just nearing my nineteenth birthday. I've been staying with my friend from high school since the 'incident' with Alastor. His name is James. He's a cop so he doesn't spend a whole lot of time with me. Especially because of the recent serial murders happening.
Alastor and I have been close since 1918. He often comes over and makes dinner for me. He's an amazing cook, he's actually coming over soon to make jambalaya.

*knock knock*

I grab the door. It's Alastor, wearing his normal red suit with his black bowtie, his clear monocle and his poofy brown hair.

"Hello, my dear" He says with that large grin on his face "It's been far too long" He walks past me.

"Al, you literally came over yesterday" I roll my eyes, closing the door behind him.
"Which is Incredibly too long for me"
I go to the kitchen and get a large pot for dinner, then set it on the table. "Did you bring the rice?"

"Of course, my dear." He says I walk to the kitchen and grab the bag of rice. He walks behind me and rests his hands on my back.
That gave me shivers. He runs his hands up my back and then his arms rest on top of my shoulders, with his chin on top of my head.

"A-Al'... It's hard to u-unback the rice." I say. I wasn't even attempting to unpack the rice.
He only hugs me tighter. I go to say something else but he turns me around. I try to say something again. He puts his long finger on my mouth telling me to be quiet. He stares at me dead in my eyes, his hand moves from my shoulders to my waist.

"You're so beautiful"

My face goes red, probably redder than his suit. I immediately look down. His finger slides under my chin and makes me look at him. I feel so embarrassed. Him seeing my face red.

"Please look at me"

I make eye contact with him. He looks at me with the softest smile.

"y/n, Please be mine"

"W-wait. Really?" I have to admit that I've always seen Alastor as someone I love. He's always been there for me. And hoenstly, He's real fucking hansom.

"I'd want nothing more than for you to be mine, my dear."

I practically jump into his arms. "Yes! I'd love that"

He tenses. I know he doesn't like to be touched a whole lot, so I let go. I take a small step back but is stopped by his arms as they close around me.
...He hugged me?
I'm shocked for a moment, but quickly regain myself by hugging back, the biggest smile on my face as im being smothered in the chest of his suit.

And to ruin this moment was my stupid stomach.
It makes the loudest fucking noise ever. I'm about to die from embarrassment. And when I think it can't get any worse-

"Hungry?" Alastor laughs


And with that, we make the jambalaya.
We finish making it and have a bottle of Old Forester whiskey on the side. By the time we finished, I think we both had a bit too much to drink.

"How on earth are you so good at cooking?" I say extremely red faced, looking at Alastor, who is equally as red faced.

"My mother taught me many recipes" He said with his head being supported my his hand. Cute.

"I bet she was amazing" I say smiling

"That she was, my love"

Alastor gets up and heads to the main room, Stumbling slightly. James owns a maroon grand piano in there.  Alastor sits down in front of the piano.

"Sing with me?"

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