An unfortunate event

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//warning//It gets dark//

He looks at me and softly laughed "There's not a doubt in my mind, my love"

I sit there slightly uncomfortable. I mean I have no clue how to act around him. Does he expect me to help him? Does he expect me to treat him like this infamous killer? Does he want me to act like nothing h-

"I can hear your thoughts from here" He remarks. I cough. "My love, I don't want you to see me any differently. I also don't want you to be involved... It'll ruin your innocents.."

"Didn't you already do th-" I cover my mouth and smack my forehead

Alastor bites his lip to contain his laughter. I sit there with my hand still on my head, slightly shaking my head. Jesus, why do I always say shit without thinking? Al' looks at me. "You know, you don't always have to hold back your thoughts. Especially around me."

I look up at him. He smiles and nods. He puts the car in drive, and we drive to James's place. We haven't gotten a place together. Just because he has too much work going on... Oh wait.. Maybe it's actually cause of the killings..?

"Hey, Al'? Is it because of your work that we can't live together?" We pull up to James's house.

"... It wasn't the only reason"

I nod. Biting my lip. I get out of the car. Avoiding eye contact. I close the door. And Al' says, "I'm so sorry, Y/n" I press my lips together and nod.

He drives off. I head inside with my eyebrows furrowed. I'm welcomed to James, bottle in hand.

"You look like shit"

"Shove it up your ass, James" I bite back. He looks shocked. I walk up to him and take the bottle, and take a big gulp

"Good date I presume?" He sarcastically remarks

"Oh, the best" I say, taking another gulp

"This is the y/n I love" He slams his hand on the table, "The one who doesn't give two shits about anything"

"Yeah? Well "this y/n" is going to take a bath" I say taking the bottle with me

I hear James chuckling as I leave. Him and I went to high school together. He got held back a few times. He's five years older than me. He wanted to be an engineer but didn't have the brains for it. So he became a cop, like his father. Which I helped him become. I had to help him study and learn. So that's why he lets me stay with him (Minus the fact that he wants someone to make sure he doesn't choke while drunk).

I sigh as I turn on the faucet. "Jesus, I'm so damn tired" I say to myself, my arm resting on the bathtub, holding my head up. Once the bath is halfway filled, I slip in. I sit there. Letting the water absorb me. I sink until the water is just below my nose. I exhale through my mouth, making bubbles rise up. I doze off into a light sleep. Still aware of my surroundings. The bathtub wasn't that big, so it's not like I could slip in and drown.

I don't know how long I was out. But I was woken up to a loud crash. Like glass shattering. It made me jump, and made me slip enough to bang my elbow into the back of the bath.

"Damn" I wince in pain. I get up. Now noticing how cold the bath water was. "Jeez, I was out for a while" I Shiver

I get out of the bathtub and throw on a robe. Thinking that James threw a bottle at the wall. I rub my eyes as I walk down the stairs... Only, there's blood.. Lots of blood. I gasp. "M-maybe its wine?" I think, lying to myself. I peek my head past the wall and the room where the blood is. I see James. Big hole in his skull. Still oozing blood. His eyes are still open, still showing fear. I feel myself start to get sick. It's bringing flashbacks from that day in 1918. I rub my eyes, dashing for the front door. Only I'm met with a tall man, dressed in an all black suit, and a white undershirt. Revealing small drops of blood. I slip a bit, trying to turn around, But I do it. And I run as fast as I can to the back door. I hear someone yell behind me. I hear footsteps nearing me. I don't dare look back. Until a hand wraps around my neck. I dig my nails into his skin. He doesn't budge. It draws blood, and I feel a hand holding a cloth come to my mouth. I don't inhale.

"Breath, little girl" The man says to me. I hold my breath as long as I can but then, when my lungs felt like they were about to collapse, another man punches me in the stomach. Making me breath. I cough, Inhaling the cloth. And my vision becomes blurry...

-Time skip-

My eyes flutter, still dozed. I look around, I'm in a warehouse looking building. Remembering what happened. I immediately jerk awake. My arms and legs being bound by ropes to a steel chair. I start hyperventilating. Then I start crying. I'm going to die here... And poor James. I sob. Not caring who hears me. I need to let out the fact that I'm about to die out.
I hear a loud, heavy door open. Which makes me jump. Tears still staining my cheeks.

"You done?" A man with a mask on asks

I stare at him, breathing heavily.

"Now now, Where are your manners?" The man had a white mask covering his whole face, the nose indent, two pitch black marks for the eyes, and this sick satanic grin painted on it, black rubber gloves on that went to his elbows. "Tsk. Rude whore." he slaps me with the back of his hand. I taste blood. I cry a bit more.

"Still no answer?"

"I-I'm done..." My voice cracks

"Couldn't quite hear you miss"

"I'm done" I speak as clearly as I can, still looking at the ground.

He takes a hand full of my hair in his hand and cranks my head up. He examines me for a moment. "You'll do nicely" He dusts himself off and walks away. "Oh and... Start counting down from ten thousand by twos. I'll be sure to ask you what you got when I return"

My heart is beating like crazy. I can't think. I'm so confused. I shake my head and cry.

"10,000, 9,998, 9,996..." I say quietly to myself

Not too long after, he returns. "Now doll, he cracks his knuckles" What did you get to?"

"5,654..." I see one of my tears hit the floor

"That's my girl!" he yells, which echos around the room. Making me jump. "Now then, I'll introduce myself. My name is Boston... " Boston puts his hand to his chin "Not going to tell me your name? Oh well." I hear a cart roll up to me. I glance up. I start bawling. Seeing the cart full of bloody players and saws.

"I-I'm y/n!" I yell. Moving so much that I can feel the rope around my ankles and wrists begin to irritate my skin.

"AH! Pleasure to meet you y/n!" He says very loudly again. Making me jump.

"So, "he pulls a chair up and sits backwards on it. "You gotta' be wondering why you're in this little 'predicament'." He rests his chin on the back of the chair "right?"

I nod.

"Now now, doll" He stands up "Its rude not to use your words" He grabs something from the cart and it makes a loud banging noise. I jump.

"Y-Yes! I want to know" I sob

"Tsk tsk, now i have to teach you a lesson. That way you'll learn from your mistakes"

I scream and he grabs a handful of my hair and cranks my head up. "Don't worry doll, I'm not planning on killing you yet."

I scream at the top of my lungs and he laughs

"Here we go" He cackled.

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