Winter Of 1923 pt 2

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I slide on the bench next to Alastor. And we play.

It's absolutely magical. We're entirely synchronized, every key is perfect. While I play the higher part of the piano, and him playing the lower. I look over at him while still playing. His eyes are closed, and he has the happiest and warmest smile I've ever seen.

You are my fascination.
And the realization;
Stirs all kinds of sensations.

You are better than my imagination,
and I want to show my appreciation,
and my elation;
to have you in my life.

His singing gave me goosebumps. Jesus, how is he so damn perfect? And how on earth did he want someone like me?

You hold the key,
to my heart.
You held it,
from the very start.

All it took,
was just one look,
and I was hooked,
on you.

I play the piano and sang with all my heart. Just because of Alastor. We've sang together before, but this time feels different. It's almost as if we were singing to each other this time.
As we play the last few notes, I open my eyes and look at Alastor. Only,
He was already staring at me. With a bigger smile than before. We play the last note, still staring at each other, beaming.

"How do you do it?" He asks slowly shaking his head. Still with his smile

"Do what?"

"Make me feel this way?" His smile softens

"I honestly have no idea how to answer that" I laugh nervously

"Me either, my dear"

He leans in, as do I.
Our lips softly touch. We're now straddling the piano bench. The kiss gradually becomes more passionate. His hands start exploring my body. My hands rests on the back of his neck. His tongue exploring my mouth as his hands continued to feel me. His hands leads up my thighs, to my hips then my waist.
He cups my face as we break apart for air. We were both out of breath.

"So beautiful" He says to himself.

He gets up and extends his hand to me. I take it as he helps me off the bench. Once im off, he turns my hand over and kisses it.
We go back to the kitchen to finish cleaning up. I grab the practically empty whiskey bottle.

"For someone who drank this much, you weren't bad on the piano" I laugh gesturing to the bottle in my hand

" 'wasn't bad'?" he makes quotation marks as he lifts an eyebrow "my dear, I feel I did astounding"

I walk beside him to help dry the dishes "Yeah yeah" I mock.
Honestly he did do 'astounding' on the piano, but it's fun to see him get worked up.

"You're just hard to please" He says drying a cup with a cloth

I click my tongue

"Maybe I won't play for you anymore" He says trying to hold in a smile

"Noooo" I dramatically say while grabbing a cup in the soapy water.

"But you could find any other man who could do 'astounding' on the piano" He puts the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically "Guess I'd better head out" He moves to take a step..
I take the water filled cup and splash him. He looks at me and blinks a few times, suit soaking.

"Now you've done it"

He rushes beside me and fills his cup and drenches me. I flick my fingers at him which sprays small droplets on him. He crosses his arms in satisfaction.
I fill the cup again and spray him. Which he returns. We're running all around the kitchen, which is impossible because of how slippery it was. It goes on and on till there's only the jambalaya pot completely filled with soapy water. We look at each other, then dash for it. Both of us slipping multiple times in the process. Alastor gets in front of me, so I grab his pant leg, which makes him slip. I reach for the pot, and grab it. I lift it up "jesus its heavy" I think. I manage to lift it, and I'm standing overtop of Alastor on his knees.

"Any last words?" I ask with the pot over my head.

"Let me think-" He quickly stands up, grabbing me in the process. I accidentally let go of the pot, spilling on both of us in the process.
We're both on the ground now. I'm out of breath from laughing so much. I look to Alastor and he has the pot over his head. I laugh and take it off his head.
I get it about halfway off his head when his hands cup my face and he kisses me. I'm shocked at first but I quickly return it.

"I love you y/n"

authors note

I've been having some crappy times these past few days, but honestly seeing that I've gotten 200 reads literally makes it all worth it.
I see some of the comments you guys give me and it makes my day! I appreciate literally every single one of you

Thank you

- Gray

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