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//Very small recap//

Alastor rolls off me, onto his back and says;

"Marry me"


"Marry you?" I immediately sit up

"It would make me the happiest man alive, y/n" He sits up facing me

"A-Alastor... this is all so soon." I scratch the back of my neck. Alastor looks crushed.

"If not now, one day?" He leans into me, almost begging for an answer

"Alastor," I put one hand on his cheek "I will marry you one day, but not now."

He looks sad. But it clicks that I practically said yes. He hugs me, his head muffled into the crook of my neck. "I'll prove myself to you"

"You don't have to prove anything, you goof" I feel his shoulders move, indicating he's laughing. I smile.

I turn to the clock, 1:34. I yawn and Alastor lays me down with my back facing him. He snuggles up beside me, arm over my waist.

"Goodnight, Al" I say

"Goodnight, y/n


Summer 1926. Alastor and I have gotten much closer than before. I mean since were actually 'together' now. Al sometimes mentions me on his radio show. I find it embarrassing, but his listeners tell him it's romantic, and he listens. Much to my dismay. I'm waiting on the outside of his recording booth. His co-stars, making casual conversations.

"So, y/n," Jack, one of the producers said "Are you planning on ever settling down with Alastor?"

"Settling down?" I laugh "I'm only 22"

"Eh, gotta' start early, if you wanna' assure yourself a happy home"

"I appreciate it, jack. But I'm going to wait a few more years before settling down"

Jack shrugged while the other men in there chuckled. I rolled my eyes while laughing along.

"And that's all the time we have for today, keep your eyes out for any suspicious behaviour. The 'Happy Faced Murderer' is still out there. This is Alastor signing off." He looks over at the booth and signaled to shut it off. And jack flips a switch.

"Nice show, Al'." Jack gives him a thumbs up. Alastor bows. I smile and he looks at me beaming. He's always ecstatic while doing a show.

"You're as beautiful as ever, my love" He winks at me

"You're quite dashing yourself, sir" I laugh. He puts two fingers to his forehead and salutes me.

"So al, obviously you have to be biased on the murder cases. But what do you have to say on it?" One of his co workers ask

He puts his finger to his chin, still smiling slightly. "Hm... I'd have to say he's rather smart." He looks around "I mean he's been keeping his identity hidden all the way since 1918."

You thought about that number for a second. "1918... That's when Alastor and I..." You thought. You remembered how Alastor actually came to your home, looking to kill someone. You remember how you killed a man, protecting one who killed your father and saved you from a life of abuse and slavery.

"y/n? You feelin' alright?" Jack waves at me, snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm alright" I smile

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