A Fateful Decision

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//Authors notes//
I really don't want to write the Gruesome details about the story. Lots of the torture WILL be implied though. Thank you.

Days later. Feeling filthy. The crusty dried up blood all over myself. My voice is incredibly shaky. I have a lump in my throat, making it hard to breathe, slightly squeaking when inhaling. He's done so much... And he's never told me why... Is it because of Alastor? Oh no! Is Alastor alright? What if they got to him too? Oh Al' I'm so sorry...


I hear the door open. My heart drops. I know Boston is going to come in here with is sick twisted tools. He walks in, perky as ever.

"Hello, dollface" He pulled a chair up facing me "How are we feeling?" He sits

"N-not too great" I force myself to laugh. Maybe if I befriend him. He'll be more lenient to let me go.

"I appreciate your honesty" he laughs "I mean, that is the goal"

I press my lips together, still looking at him.

"So, would you like to know why you're here?"

I nod. He lifts an eyebrow. "Y-Yes! I would like to know" He sighs and smiles

"Thank you." He rests his chin on his head "Do you have any idea why?"

"No... Not really" I say as confidently as I can. But I'm actually having an internal panic attack. This man terrifies me.

"Well!" He slams his hand on the chair "you're here because of your lover, Alastor"

"W-what do you mean...?" I feel my eyes start to tear up

"Your boyfriend, Alastor killed someone important to us."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Revenge has to be mutual, dollface" He snickers. I can sense that damn smirk through his mask.

"And Alastor...?" I look down "Did you do anything to him?"

"Oh no no. We need him to obsess over the loss of the love of his life. Then we'll kill him"

I stare at the ground. Not breathing. Alastor... He's worried about me. He killed someone. And I'M paying the fucking price? That's bullshit.

"You ASSHOLE." I scream, my voice cracking "You have absolutely no right to-"

He puts a finger over my mouth "Quiet doll. Mustn't be rude now."

I bite as hard as I can on his finger. Earning a yell and a curse from him. He takes his other hand and swats me. Making me loosen my grip. But not without biting it till the bone.

"You BITCH" He swats me again. And again. And again. After I lost count, I got dizzy. Losing consciousness. The last thing I see is a needle stuck into my forearm...


I have no clue how long I was out. I open my eyes and see a slight light coming out of the boarded-up windows. "Guess it's morning," I think to myself. I shake my head, in attempts to wake up. Only to notice a sharp pain in my left hand. I cant see my hands because they're behind the chair. I feel like something's off. I move my hand only too feel more pain. I wince. I clenched my fist. Noticing something... Oh no. my finger... My ring finger is gone...
My heart drops. While I was asleep... He... Cut off my finger.

My eyes tear up, I see tears fall down to the ground. And I start bawling. Ugly sobbing.

"I'm Done! I'm fucking finished. Kill me." I scream "You hear me Boston?!" I scream so loud, my body arches. It hurts my throat, but I don't care.

I hear the door open. I'm terrified. But I don't care. I want him to end it.

"You called, Doll?" He yawns as he rolls the cart into the room "how's the finger?"

I click my tongue "I could ask you the same thing?" I hear him exhale loudly

"It's healing." he removes his glove, to show a bloody bandaged around his finger.

I look away.

"Now doll, I feel like we have an unhealthy relationship" He fiddles with something on the cart.

"No shit" I scoff

"Don't be rude, doll." He raises his voice, which makes me jump. I need to make him mad. He needs to end this

"Fuck off" I manage to spit out

He scoffs "You asked for it"...


Alastor's POV

I head to y/n's home. Wearing a dark maroon vest with a white undershirt, and a red fedora, with a tie around it matching my vest. Bringing her flowers. I feel she left with some tension. I need to make her understand what I did, has nothing to do with her. And how she won't be brought into this life or harmed.

I ring the doorbell and look up. Expecting to see y/n stick her head out of the window like always. I grab my pocket watch. "11:04... maybe I came too late?" I put my hand to my chin. "No, she never sleeps this early." I knock again. Still no answer. I start to get worried.

"Dear?" I call


I know she keeps a key under the mat by the back door.

"Maybe she'll think I'm insane if I go in...?" I start walking to the back door "No! She'll be delighted to see me"

I grab the key under the mat and open the door. I open the door, announcing my presence to the house.

I walk down the hall. Dead silent. "Something's definitely off..."

And then I notice the smell.

Blood. I know the smell like the back of my hand. I quickly dash to the main room. The smell of blood getting stronger. "Dear?" I frantically call "y/n?!" I start to get more paranoid.

I reach the main room and see blood scattered across the room. I see James sitting there with a big hoke in his skull. I rush to y/n's room. I slam the door open. Everything seems normal. I look at her bed and see a note.
"Now we're even" It read. I crumpled the paper up and put it in my pocket. I have absolutely no idea where y/n is. I killed one of their men... But where is she? Why wouldn't they just kill her?

Whatever the reason is, I'm going to rip those guys' vocal cords out

//Authors note// 

I love you all so much. I'm getting these amazing comments that make me so happy. And over 800 reads... Jeez, guys... thank you so much. 

Please be sure to leave more positive comments and votes if you're enjoying the story.


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