Chapter 8

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It's been 2 weeks, Jake a d I have been inseparable, Cameron is still trying to win me over but, I haven't given him the light of day. He keeps texting and calling me and I can see it's starting to annoy Jake.
Its after school and we are all heading to Jake's for a party, we get there and start pre drinking. People start to show up and to my surprise Cameron and his friends showed up. Jake hasn't seen them but, I did and Jose is with them. I fucking hate that guy so much!
I stand next to Jake and whisper in his ear,
"Cameron and his friends are here."
His jaw clenches and he walks up to them.
"What are you doing here?"
I stand next to Jake as he gets in Cameron's face.
"I came here to get my girl back."
He says,
"Yeah he's totally in move with the bitch."
Cameron slaps Jose upside his head, I roll my eyes.
"You want this bitch to knock you out again like the little pussy you are?!"
I say getting Jose face, he chuckles and puts his hands up in surrender.
"She doesn't want you Cameron, get over it!"
"She wants me, she will always want me. She loves me."
I say correcting him quickly.
"You should leave."
"I should but I'm not. Just wait till she gets drunk and her real truth will come out and she will leave with me."
I scoff at Cameron,
"I'm already a little drunk and I have no desire to be anywhere near you. You can leave now. And take your dogs with you, all of them except that guy."
I point to the guy that told Cameron how fucking stupid and fucked up he was for doing what he did.
He asks confused, I nod and grab Matt's hand to join us on the good side.
"He isn't an asshole like yall, I don't even know how he's yall's friend honestly."
Matt smiles looking at me and Jake, Cameron grabs me pulling me into him roughly.
"Your mine."
I push him away and slap him,
"As if!"
I take a huge swig of my drink, "I'm with my friend, the people that love me, really love me. You should go, its getting pathetic, you think Because your this hot shot that I'll fall to my knees like the rest of these begging hoes but you got me fucked up. I don't beg and I don't want you, any girl here would die for the chance to be with you and your two minute wonder dick."
His jaw clenches as I bring up his not so lasting stamina in bed.
"I still fucked though."
He said, I giggle.
"Yeah and it was embarrassing."
I say causing us to laugh.
"Your a fucking bitch you know that?! I made one mistake and this is how you treat me?!"
"One mistake? I believe it was 3, one you bet on me two you believed this lying shit over me."
I say pointing to Jose,
"And three... you let this lying prick talk horribly to me and about me the whole time. You fucked up bad, and now all feelings I have for you are dead. Your exactly the person everyone told me you were weather you had a good reason for doing what you did you still DID it. And that is how you lost me completely, I don't trust you, and you are loyal to the wrong people. I don't need that in my life okay? Okay. Bubye."
I turn to walk away,
"Whatever brother fucker!"
He didn't! Everyone looks at me and I turn to him.
"How dare you speak on him like that! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I fucking hate you Cameron! Get the fuck out!"
A tear falls down my cheek and his smirk vanishes,
"Yeah you hurt me again see. Feel good? Does it feel good? Huh?!"
He stays quiet and looks at the floor.
"Pick your fucking head up! Your a little bitch and your just mad because I don't want you. Hurting me does nothing for you or me, we could have stayed friends but all you know how to do is hurt the people that actually care, cared about you. You think this prick is your friend?! He isn't. Get a fucking clue and get the fuck out of this house and out of my god damn life!"
I walk away and go upstairs to Jake's room and cry my eyes out, Seth walks in and holds me singing the song that makes me calm down.
"I love how you still stick up for me."
"I always will, I love you. I'll always have your back."
He chuckles,
"And I the same."
Jake walks in and Seth leaves the room,
"You okay Bree?"
He asks sitting next to me, I nod.
"Yeah, just still a sensitive subject."
He nods,
"Wipe them tears, come dance and have fun."
I smile as he pulls me off the bed and down stairs, the guys hug me tightly.
"You are so brave."
Levi says hugging me tightly.
"Um thanks."
I say taking a shot with him.
"This party needs to liven up a bit."
Casin says, he takes off his shirt and the girls go crazy! I giggle as he pulls me to the Livingroom forcing me to dance with him.
He sits me in a chair and starts to do a little dance on me as of he were a stripper.
I cover my eyes feeling embarrassed as people start to throw money at him,
"Oh my god!"
He picks me up and bends me over fake humping me from behind making the girls swoon.
I cant stop laughing as he sits me back down and rolls his body in my face, the song ends and he stops and goes into the crowd dancing with a bunch of girls.
I shake my head and Jake laughs at me.
"Oh my god that was to fucking funny, you should have seen your face!"
I punch his chest,
"Shut up! Oh god that was embarrassing!"
We all laugh watching Casin doing the same to some girl that looked sad sitting down alone.
He face lights up and she looks so happy and shy at the same time.
"That boy is something else."
I say to the guys.
"He is in such a great mood!"
Gauge says joining him, he take off his shirt too and I look at Levi and Jake and the shrug taking off their shirt too. I cover my eyes,
"Yall are horrible!"
They chuckle, Jake pulls me to the dance floor with him and wraps my arms around his neck.
We slow dance to move for me by kaskade, I rest my face on his bare chest hearing his heart racing. Butterflies are going crazy in my stomach.
"You look very beautiful tonight."
He says making me blush, I look up at him.
"You look very handsome."
He smirks down at me,
"So how's everything going?"
He asks, I smirk.
"Everything is going great. I um I've been thinking a lot and I know I love being with you these past two weeks. I feel like complete."
"I complete you?"
He says making fun of me, I roll my eyes and start to walk away but he pulls me back to him.
"Don't make fun of me Jake, this is serious."
"I'm sorry."
His hand on my cheek looking down at me. The song ends and Guage grabs my hand pulling me away,
"Where are we going?!"
"I got snoops new blend!"
Oh fuck yes! I run with him to the sliding door where the fire pit is and we might it up.
I take a puff and instantly I feel high,
"Holy shit!"
Guage chuckles,
"Is it good?"
He asks about to puff on it,
"Its atomic!"
He takes a puff and his eyes widen.
"Holy fuck!"
We bust out laughing,
"Oh my god dude your brother is on another level tonight."
"I know, he got some good news, a coach from the NFL is thinking about pulling up in after graduation."
"Oh my god! Are you serious?!"
He nods,
"No one know but me and you. He doesn't want to jinx it."
I nod smiling feeling free and light,
I love this feeling.
"So you and Jake... how's that going?"
I look at Guage,
"Its good.... we are just spending time together. Its nice."
"I see the way he looks at you... and the way you look at him. Yall like each other."
"Does that bother you?"
"What? No. Not at all. I just want you to be happy. I think yall would be great together... just don't hurt him, he's sensitive now because of you and he's never been hurt to I worry if you hurt him it'll scare him for life."
I nod and look at the stars,
"I'm doing my best, it's my biggest worry honestly."
"You'll be great. Don't be so hard on yourself."
He pulls ne into his arms hugging me, we stay there smoking like that for a little bit.
"Yall all nice and cozy huh?"
We separate a little and see Jake with his arms crossed leaning against the door frame.
"Honestly we just spaced out, high off this weed."
Guage and I bust out laughing, Jake rolls his eyes chuckling. Was Jake about to get jealous? Over me and Guage just chilling? But Casin gave me a full ass lap dance and not even a flicker of rage?
"I'll see you later."
I say getting up walking with Jake inside, for the first time ever he grabs my hand lacing our fingers together.
My heart kicks over speed and the butterflies go crazy, my legs are wobbly.
I never thought I'd feel this way for him, I look at him as he walks with so much confidence.
A smile on his face confetti explodes around us he stops and looks down at me.
He picks me up and sets me on the counter, he get between my legs and turns his back to me.
I wrap my arms around his neck and And kiss his cheek, god I feel horny as fuck right now. Fuck my life, why am i like this?!
He looks up at me and he sees the look I have in my eyes, I cant help it, my body is screaming to be touched in any way possible. I haven't kissed or had sex with anyone in almost 3 weeks now.
And no it isn't clouding my judgment, I really like Jake.... I want him... he turns around and scoots my body closer to his.
"Are you sure? I'm who you want?"
"I'm more than sure."
He smiles and pulls me off the counter,
"I'm going to go upstairs real quick."
I run up shower real quick and put on the dress I bought for Jake to take off. Will he take it off though? He said slow, fuck, fuck! Ugh I take it off just incase and come back down.
"You went to shower?"
I nod feeling embarrassed.
"Um Jake we need to talk."
I pull him into the study,
"I'm not going to beat around the Bush, do you want to have sex with me like tonight? Or are we taking this slow, slow?"
I say quickly, he smiles.
"You haven't even kissed me yet and your thinking about sex?"
He says making me feel ashamed, he lifts my chin.
"I'll do anything you want to do."
He whispers, my body heats up, he backs me up against the wall and picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist.
"I want you."
He says huskily, I whimper as his lips get close to mine but never touch.
"Bree! Where's Bree!!!"
Jake and I look at each other confused and run out.
"Levi what wrong?"
"Yo-your car!"
My-my car?! My car?!
"My car what?!"
I run outside people follow behind me and I fall to my knees, tears fall down quickly.
How could anyone do this?!
I crawl to my car in the mud and look at the damage. Broken window shield, broken tail lights, dents, and on the hood.... craved in...
"Homie hopper whore."
"Who did this?!"
Guage comes out raging.
"Its was either Cameron or his friend Jose..."
I say as depression fills me, i sit in my car and cry on the steering wheel, Jake and the boys get in their cars and drive off.
I know what they are going to do and I hope they don't get hurt.
"Come on."
Matt pulls me out of the car and into his viper,
"Where are we going?"
"To Jose house, they did this to your car, I know it."
We drive and end up catching up to the guys quickly, my poor car.....
We all pull up to Jose house where they are in the front drinking.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Really my car?!"
Jose looks at us looking confused.
"I don't know what your talking about.... what happened?"
"Don't lie you messed up Bree's car! I'm going to fucking murder you!"
Guage goes at him but I stop him, he looks down at me.
"Seth, assistants please."
"What's your problem with Bree?"
Seth asks, Jose looks at us and starts to speak.
"I liked her first and Cameron had to come up and snatch her so I got angry. I resented her for being so beautiful and the fact that she fell for Cameron made me hate her."
Mind fucking blown!
"Did you fuck up her car?"
"No, I wouldn't never go that far."
"Did any of your friends or Cameron do it?"
"My friends have been here the whole time and Cameron barely left. I don't know who did it. Might want to look at your own group."
I look at the guys and feel my heart crush, could it have been one of the guys.... the only one I could think of is Levi.
Seth obviously is thinking the same thing, he walks up to Levi.
"Did you do it?"
Levi looks around avoiding eye contact with Seth.
"No, I didn't."
My heart crushes, Seth grabs his face forcing him to look in his eyes.
"Did you do it?!"
"Yes. I did it."
Seth let's go and gasps fill the air, we all are looking at Levi, I walk up to him.
"Why? Why did you do that? If you were mad at me you could have talked me to Levi!"
"What's the point? Your never going to give me a chance and by the time you did its because you have tried with every guy ready."
"Wow, so I had to give you a chance for you to be a good friend to me?! Your my friend, I love you! How could you hurt me so bad!"
"You hurt me every damn day Bree! Every time you look or kiss or fuck another guy, you kill me a little inside!"
I shake my head.
"You have fucked every guy in our group!"
He says.
"I have not! I've slept with Guage! Just him!"
I don't mention Seth because he's not the Seth they think he is so he doesn't really count.
"I find that hard to believe, you flirt with all of us and drive us crazy!"
"Only your going crazy dude."
Casin says, tears falling down my cheeks,
"I cant believe you Levi. I should have never been friends with you the first time you hurt me. Consider our friendship over, don't ever talk to me again!"
"I'm sorry Bree. I have issues I know."
"Don't Levi, its not going to work. Just leave me alone!"
I walk away and get in the car with Matt because I definitely don't want to be anywhere near any of the guys right now.
"Can you take me home please?"
He nods and puts my address in his phone and we take off.
My phone vibrates and I answer.
"Hey Jake, I'm sorry. I just need to be alone. I'm having Matt drop me off. I'll message you when I get home safe."
I hang up the phone quickly and loo out the window as rain falls down against it.
World Ender by Lord Huron plays in the background, I close my eyes so the tears cant escape anymore.
He pulls up to my house and I look at him.
"Thank you for taking me home. I'll see you around."
He nods and I run inside crying, my car.... my friendship with Levi and my relationship with Cameron is over. Everything just seems to be falling apart little by little, my eyes close but it doesn't mean I escape the events that have just happened.
My dreams haunt me, I keep getting flashes of Levi being so fucking mad at every move and decision I made but, I never noticed because I was either happy or sad. I never noticed how hurt he was and I know that doesn't excuse him from his actions but I can see how much he bottled up.
I wake up to the first day of Thanksgiving vacation, the sun is out and the birds are chirping loudly. I groan as I get out of bed, I'm hungry, I think I'm going to go to the diner.
The diner is 10 miles away, I throw a slight fit around my room, fuck my life! I guess I'll have to uber eats, I do and eat slowly then get super bored and walk to the library down the street.
I love the smell of books, I miss reading so much, I go to the fantasy section and pull out, 'Settling My Debts' by Heather E Hill.
I read the first two chapters and immediately get caught up in the book, I continue to read and read and read none stop.
*thunder crashes*
I look out of the window and see rain pouring down then at the clock.
"The library will close in 3 minutes."
I sigh and check the book out and as for a zip lock bag so the book doesn't get wet.
I stand under the covered part of the library outside debating to call one of the guys.
I shouldn't and I'm not going to, I need to be alone, i put my headphones in and put on
I feel like I'm drowning by Two feet.
This song hits me like a freight train, I shake my head as I continue to walk. My head so filled with my thoughts and the music I didn't even notice Cameron's car as I bump into him.
I look up and he pulls my headphones out, thunder rolling around us.
"Get in the car!"
He yells over the thunder,
"No! I-I'm o-okay!"
I was so caught up in my mind I didn't even feel the cold, the temperature had dropped to 40 and I'm in shorts and a tank top.
"Your going to get sick! Get in the car Angel!"
"W-why do you care?! I was just the way for you to get money, how much was it? 6 grand?!"
He rolls his eyes and picks me up putting me in the car, before I can sit right up to open the door he locks it and drives off quickly.
"Ugh! I fucking hate you!"
He chuckles making me more mad.
"Let me out!"
"I will once we reach your house."
I don't live far only 6 blocks, I sigh and wait, he pulls up and I unlock the door but he locks it again.
"Can you stop! I'm trying to get inside so I can read this book!"
"Angel please give me another chance."
"No Hinojosa, let me out."
"Not till you give me another chance."
"Hinojosa! Let me out of the fucking car!"
Tears stream down my face, I'm so frustrated and tired of guys in general.
"Please just met me out!"
I say sobbing, I close my eyes and feel him pull me into his arms and holds me tightly.
"Everyone would be better off if I were dead! I hurt everyone around me. I deserve to be alone."
I say sobbing on his chest.
"Don't say that please. You cant leave me, you cant leave us. We need you."
"I hurt everything I touch... I'm a curse, a fucking succubus!"
"No, your a beautiful, gently, caring, loving angel. Your amazing and breathtaking. You are the light."
His words make me cry even harder, I pull away from him and unlock the door and run inside.
I lay in my bed not knowing that at this moment Cameron is calling the guys to come over. I blast music,
I stand up and go to my bathroom and open the medicine cabinet, I look at the pills of Xanax I have but have never taken.
If I take the whole bottle I should die right? If I die.... everyone would be happy right? Its like I never existed in the first place right?
No... it wouldn't, it would hurt my dad.... Seth.... Guage... Jake and even Levi.... it'd hurt Cameron too.... I'd just pass on my hurt to them and that's not fair but I just cant take this anymore. I feel the depression clouding over me again!
I look at myself in the mirror and see Hake behind me, he wraps his arms around me gently.
Tears sliding down his cheeks as we look at each other in the mirror.
"Please don't leave us."
Is all he says, I turn to him.
"I wont."
I crash my lips to his, when the end comes by Andrew Belle comes on and a fire set inside my body. A light fills me and all my sadness and depression vanishes completely. I smile against his lips and feel my back meet the bed like magic.
Tears falling down my cheeks not because I'm sad, I'm happy, purely happy. Our lips never wanting to part, my fingers tangled in his hair. Who knew Jake would be my light? Is this the feeling I give everyone around me?
I giggle as he pulls away slowly, his thumbs wipe away my tears, he looks at me smiling.
"You made everything bad go away."
I whisper through tears,
"You always give me that feeling."
He says, a tear falling down his cheek, he pulls me on top of him and sits up hugging me tightly.
My door busts open, I turn and see all the guys.
"What's going on?!"
Guage bust out worried as hell.
"She was going to kill herself till she kissed me and yall know I'm like a pile of fucking sunshine."
I roll my eyes and get off of Jake.
"I'm okay guys.... I promise, just a little of depression to keep the party interesting."
They sigh a d Cameron comes in behind them.
"Everything okay?"
I stand up and walk up to him, I pull his face to mine and kiss his forehead.
"Thank you."
I whisper out to him, he smirks and nods.
"Yall can leave, I'll be fine I promise, Jake is going to be here a while."
I look at Jake and he does his goofy smile making me want to kiss him again.
"If you need us just call.... we are here for you, always."
I notice Levi isn't here,
"Yall should check on Levi, make sure he's okay. I'm fine."
They nod and leave, I lay on my back next to Jake and we lace our fingers together.
We lay like that for a good while then end up cuddling watching movies, it ended up being a good day.
Its night time now and I'm reading to Jake, this books is so sad and so intense.
Jake is hanging off every word I read, till he grabs the book from me Mark's the page and puts it on my nights stand.
He pulls me on his lap,
"Well what is our status?"
He asks, I smirk.
He says, he chuckles.
"I just don't want to get caught in my feelings you know..."
He says being honest.
"Well what do you want?"
I ask nervously,
"I want you to be mine and only mine but, I don't want to be a laps in judgement."
"Well let's just do this for a few more days. Then we will review."
He nods.
"But you do like me right?"
I pull his face to mine and kiss him passionately. I pull away slowly.
He chuckles and we get into the covers cuddling up.
"Thank you for not going crazy like Levi."
He chuckles,
"Your welcome. I mean I kinda did when you were talking to Cameron but, not that crazy."
I giggle and snuggle my face into the crook of his neck, his grasp around me becomes a little tighter.
I melt into him and my body relaxes, my phone vibrates.
"Coming home tomorrow, I have great news."
My dad texted me, I send him a happy face and a thumbs up.
"Who's that?"
"My secret lover."
I say sarcastically.
"It was my dad. He's coming home tomorrow."
"Oh, that's cool. Will he be here for Thanksgiving?"
"I honestly don't know and I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't."
"Well you are always welcome at our Thanksgiving. We usually all skip the family trip and have a friends giving instead."
"You think Levi will be okay by then?"
He nods,
"Levi doesn't dwell, once he's finally let that bomb explode that's it for a good while. He is really sorry though."
"I know he is. Maybe I should talk to him. Let him know all is forgiven."
"Yeah, you should. He might be super depressed right now. The guys checked on him and Guage is staying there to keep an eye on him but a visit from you might do wonders."
I nod and put my shoes on.
"Let's go."
Jake drives me to Levi's house, we walk in and Jake shows me to Levi's room. I find him sitting in a chair looking out of the window like Bella from twilight after Edward leaves her.
He's super depressed, Jake and Guage leave the room and I walk up behind him.
I go and stand in front of him and he looks shocked to see me, he stands up.
I wrap my arms around his waist and he hugs me back.
"I'm so sorry Bree."
He whispers out, I nod.
"Me too. I didn't realize how much I was hurting you."
"I should have said something though."
I nod,
"Let's just forget about it okay?"
I look up at him and he nods and smiles.
I ask, he smiles.
He hugs me again.
"Now stop being depressed okay?"
He chuckles and I pull him down stairs,
"call the guys. We are having a party just us alright?"
Guage nods and smiles,
"We haven't had a party like that in a while."
Jake says getting excited, he wraps his arms around me, Levi looks at us.
"So are yall a couple now?"
He asks.
"No but, we are talking I guess....."
Jake says, I look up at him and smirk, oh he's definitely mine.
My phone vibrates and I see the text,
"I'm home and I have something to show you."
It's my dad!
"Jake take me home!"
"My dads home, we can come back after I see him. He said he has something to show me."
Jake sighs and whines a bit making me giggle, I grab his hand and pull him out of the house.
I put his arms around my waist and puke his face to mine kissing him deeply. I pull away and his eyes are wide open like he just got the best present. I giggle,
"Are you always going to look like that when I kiss you?"
He nods and smiles, I roll my eyes and we head back to my house, we pull up and I run inside.
"Dad I'm home!"
I look for him and fine him in the kitchen, he hugs me tightly.
"Where's your car?"
I look at Jake not wanting to tell my dad.
"Its in a shop, um I'm having some mods being out in to make it faster."
Jake blurts out,
"Oh okay. Well I have something to tell you."
"You said show me...."
I hate when he says that, the last time he said that I got a new brother even though it ended up great but still.
"I've been seeing someone."
My heart drops....
"Seeing someone? What about mom?"
He sighs,
"Mom is gone honey.... I need to move on it's been a while now."
I know that's true he deserves to be happy and move on, it's not my place to say otherwise.
"Okay, and?"
"Well I've been seeing her for a year now and I want you to meet her... she has a son, a year older than you."
"Where did you meet her?"
"Work. She's very nice and sweet, he is beautiful and funny. I think you'll like her."
"She sounds great, when do I meet her?"
"She's in the dining room actually."
I look at Jake and he half heartily smirks.
"Oh, okay..."
We walk to the dining room and I see her, she is beautiful.
"Hi, I'm Dayna, it's so nice to meet you! Your dad talks about you all the time!"
I don't know if yall noticed but I'm a hugger so I hugged her and felt her warmth. She has a kind heart, thank god!
"Hi I'm Bree, it's so nice to meet you too."
"Um honey there is one more thing..."
"Yeah dad?"
I say lurking away from her,
"We don't all fit here.... we can either move in with her, or..... get a new house closer to your friends?"
"We cant afford that can we?"
I ask, he chuckles.
"I did it honey, I made the deal happen, we will never have to worry about money ever again."
I smile hug him tightly,
"I'm so proud of you dad, you've been working so hard for this, now you can be home more often."
He chuckles,
"Yes, I'll be home more often, so what do you want to do?"
"You don't mind moving?"
I ask Dayna, she smiles.
"No, honestly it's a constant reminder of my ex husband. I wouldn't mind at all. Oh and my son know you from school."
Please don't say Jose please don't say Jose!
"His name is Jose."
Jake grabs my hand as I search for his, I tighten my grasp on his hand so I don't have a panic attack.
"Oh, that's great...."
I say lying horribly.
"Y-you don't seem very enthusiastic about him...."
She says looking a bit sad,
"Oh no please don't be sad, we just have some minor confrontations here and there. No biggie."
I don't want to hurt her, I can already see she really is the nicest person in the world. She smiles,
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
She says, and I don't want my dad to be unhappy...
"I'm sure, no worries."
I lie better and she hugs me again, I welcome her embrace hugging her tightly.
She is a good mom but, her seed is bad,
"Um I got to go, we are going to a party... I'll see yall later."
They nod and we leave, I wait till we are in the car and down the street to yell out,
Jake chuckles,
"What am I going to do?! That guy hates me!"
"He doesn't hate you he likes you dummy."
I sigh and rest my head on the dash as we pull up to Levi's house with the party on full effect.
"I thought I said just us?"
"I guess Levi wanted a big one."
Jake says shrugging, I walk in and I see Cameron and his friends.
"What are yall doing here?!"
I say walking up to them,
"Come on now sis, we are going to be family soon. Come here and give me some love."
Jose come sup and tries to hug me but, I push him off of me and Jake gets between us and Cameron smirks at me.
"What the fuck are you smiling about?!"
I ask annoyed already.
"Nothing, just know you and Jose are going to have loads of fun."
"Ew! As if!"
"I'll make sure our rooms are right next door."
Jose says, I vomit a little in my mouth at the thought.
"Please don't."
I say and walk away, Jake follows me and we go to look for Levi and find him getting a strip dance from some girl.
"Levi, what the hell?! I said just us!"
"Yeah, I know but, I needed to get laid. Cameron said he'd bring his other bitches that were DTF and he delivered."
"I bet he is delivering STD's too."
I say walking away ready upset, fuck tonight!
I see the pool house light is on, I grab Jake's hand and we run over there and find Guage, Casin and Matt there.
"Why are yall over here?"
I ask confused,
"We don't want to be around those assholes."
Guage says, I sigh.
"Well looks like I'm going to be living with one, my dad is dating Jose's mom."
they says freaking out, they look at Jake for confrontation, I nod
"Yup and I dint want to hurt my dad or his mom, guys his mom is so sweet and beautiful like I don't know how he came out the way he did honestly! Like oh my god I loved her right away."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to keep my distance and make sure our rooms are far away from each other."
"I don't know if it's a good idea to love there, I don't trust him."
Casin says.
"Me either, that's why I'll have Jake come spend the night or one of yall."
"Even Matt?"
Jake says defensively, I giggle.
"Um Matt is here with us instead of with them, i trust him."
Jake raises his eyebrows and sighs.
"Okay. When is this all happening?"
Guage asks clearly upset.
"I don't know yet, I hope later rather than sooner. I'm not ready. Good news is my dad said we could move closer by yall so I could feel safer or secure or whatever."
"Well that's good, of you ever need us then we will all be closer."
Gauge says pulling me into a hug.
"Hey get your beefy fingers off my girl!"
Jake says playfully pulling me away, they all chuckle, we jump as we hear the front door slammed shut.
We wait to see who comes in and by no surprise its Cameron.
"Can I get a moment alone with Bree?"
I sigh knowing if I don't just let him have his part he will never leave me alone.
"Its fine guys."
Jake kisses my cheek then looks at Cameron.
"Don't try anything."
"I cant make any promises."
Jake gets in his face and I pull him away.
"Everything will be okay."
I say his hands in my face, he smirks and I kiss him lightly on the lips.
He smirks and walks away giving Cameron one last ugly look.
He waits for the door to close and he grabs my hand, I snatch it away looking at him.
"What do you want? Haven't you hurt me enough?"
"I didn't want to hurt you, I really did fall for you."
"Yeah, I've heard the broken record. I don't know what you want from me Hinojosa, I've given you all of me and you literally threw it all away. I can never trust you or love you ever again."
"I just want to be your friend at least."
"After everything you said to me or called me you think it's that easy?"
"Your friend ha e hurt you and you forgive them."
"Yeah, that's because their my friends, at the end of the day we have each others backs! You and I were never friends."
He grabs my face and kisses me expecting me to kiss him back, I push him away slap him.
"Don't fucking touch me."
Is all I say, I walk out and bump I to Jake who was coming in.
"Whoa, you okay?"
I nod and smile,
"Yeah, just the same old shit, I love you, I'm sorry, blah blah."
He chuckles, his hand grabs mine and laces our fingers together and I look at him my heart racing.
"Come on let's get out if here."
"I'm so happy you said that, I really don't want to be here."
He smiles and pulls me behind him as we run out of the house and into his car.
We drive neither to my house nor his and i start to wonder where we are going.
"Uh, where are we going?"
"Its a surprise."
He smirks and places his hand on my thigh making me get a rush of tingles all over my body.
I try not to look nervous as I look out of the window, the rain has stopped but the ground is covered with a slick sheet of water.
We pull up to what looks like a garage What in the world.... no he didn't. did he?!
I look at him and he pulls out a remote from his middle console.
"Press the button."
He wears that beautiful smile that makes me gooey, I do as he says and press the button.
The garage door opens and I see her, I see my car, all fixed as it was before, completely together and completely perfect.
"J-Jake. is-is that my car?"
"That's...  my car Jake....."
I look at him and he smiles.
"Happy early Christmas."
Tears fall down my face, I get out of the his car and run to mine. Sobs breaking out of my chest as I see something modified.
You see I talked about my mom for the first time in a long time to anyone... I told him that her and my dad loved car when they were our age and she had one almost like the one I have now. I told him that she loved Blue Bonnets because she was from Texas...
I look at the 'trunk' of the car and see a beautiful Blue bonnet painted on it and where there was Red there Is now Blue.....
I fall to my knees looking at how beautiful it is and see under the Blue Bonnet it says.
"I love you to much."
I read it out loud.
"It's what your mom used to say to you."
Jake says helping me back up.
"I hope you like it, I hope I didn't ruin your car... I thought you'd like it."
I shake my head,
"I'm not sad crying I'm happy crying, Jake this is so phenomenal... I love it it so much!"
I wrap my around around his neck trying to stop crying,
"Why are you so amazing."
I say, my heart filled with joy and pure bliss, he chuckles.
"I'm not, I just want you to be happy, I mean I want to make you happy."
I look at him, is he asking me to be his?
"You do make me happy, even though you were a jerk at first."
"I'm sorry, I hope I've changed."
He says with bus puppy dog face.
"You have, and I'm really happy."
I rest my forehead on his trying to control myself, my heart racing so fast.
"What do you want to do now?"
He asks, I clench my eyes.
"I want to..."
I stop myself as he pulls my body closer to his.
"I want to.... I want to."
He kisses my lips gently one time and my body sets on fire! My core tingles, he pulls away.
"I want you."
He says making my legs weak.
"Exactly how do you mean?"
I say with a shaky voice grabbing on to his shirt for strength.
"I want you to be mine."
I look at him pulling away.
"Are you ready to be mine?"
He asks me,
My chest rising and falling a tear slides down my cheek because I'm not and I don't want to lose him.
"I-I'm not ready..."
He clenches his eyes and nods.
"I-I'm sorry."
I say as he pulls away.
"Don't be."
He laces our fingers,
"When your ready I'm here."
He kisses me deeply, I want him sexually and yes I do want to be with him but I'm just not ready.
"Do you want to come over to my place?"
"I think I should go home and talk to my dad about this whole moving situation."
He nods looking disappointed.
"You can come sleep over though..."
I say smiling, he chuckles.
"Okay. I'll follow you."
I nod and he hands me my keys, I sit in my car and smile so big when I start her up.
I drive with a huge smile on my face the whole way over, when we pull up I see Dana's car.
I get out Jake following me and walk in, I see her my dad and Jose?
"What's going on?"
I hear tires screeching into the drive way and the door bust open.
"Guage? Casin? Matt?.... what going on?!"
Jake asks freaking out.
"Levi..... he's.... he's dead."
Casin says, my whole world is crashing all around me and I fall to the floor.
Seth bust in and holds me tightly my heart is racing and I cant breath, I hold onto Seth for dear life.
He starts to sing the song, he sings it over and over till I can breath again but the tears won't stop.
"W-what h-happened?!"
I yell out crying, Seth grabs my face.
"It wasn't your fault. It was NOT your fault."
"What happened?!"
Jose kneels down tears In his eyes,
"He killed himself. Shot himself with his dads 9."
Seth starts to sing again and picks me up taking me upstairs to my room, my dad follows us and Seth holds me in his arms in the bed.
"How did you know.... that song calms her down..."
"I just do..."
Seth says, I look at my dad and he starts to really look at Seth, he grabs Seth's face.
Seth's tears start to fall down,
"Its me dad."
Is all Seth could say, my dad starts to cry, he knew it somehow that it was completely true.
He hugs us tightly for a good few minutes and we cry together.
"Son... I've missed you so much! I love you so much!"
"I know dad, I've missed you too!"
Seth says crying.
"I wanted to tell you but, I just didn't know how dad, I'm sorry."
I say breaking down even more!
"Don't be sad honey, I have both my kids back."
That makes us smile, Dad grabs Seth's hand and pulls him up.
"Come talk to me, the guys can come console Bree."
I nod and they walk out, I hear scuffling downstairs and run seeing Jake grabbing Jose by the collar.
"Leave her alone! She doesn't fucking like you Jose! You think she wants to be near you after everything you've done?!"
Jake let's go when he sees me and rushes over to me.
"Babygirl, are you okay?"
I nod and wrap my arms around his waist, Dana pulls me away gently and hugs me tightly.
"I'm so sorry about your loss sweetie."
Her voice so warm and calming helps me calm, I cling on to her, she hugs me even tighter.
I pull away gently.
"It was my fault.... I didn't want him like he wanted me... he loved me more than I knew..."
"It isn't your fault Angel... its mine."
I look at the doorway and see Hinojosa.
"How was it your fault?!"
He looks down tears streaming down his face.
"We were all sitting and drinking and he started talking about you and I started telling him yall were never going to happen and then I started talking about how you were...."
He looks around then clenches his eyes closed.
"I told him how you and I you know.... and then he went upstairs and 3 minutes later we heard it go off...."
"Why would you do that?! Why?! You know how sensitive he is! Was! You fucking asshole!"
Jake yells out, Cameron cries hard as Jake shakes him then pushes him.
"You fucking killed him!"
Guage yells out crying,
"Get out of my fucking house and kit of my fucking life Hinojosa!"
I yell out, he nods and walks out, Jose looks at me shaking his head.
"What Jose?!"
I yell out making his mom jump.
"You want him to kill himself too?! I know he hurt you but can you imagine how he's feeling?!"
He's right, I cant have him hurt himself, he was just being him egging someone on to fight.... it wasn't right but how could he know Levi was on the edge that bad?
I run out and swing Cameron's door open and pull him out of the car and hug him tightly.
"I'm sorry Cameron, I'm sorry...."
He sobs and falls to his knees, his forehead resting on my stomach, his arms around my legs.
"I killed him...."
He says, tears falling down my face, I kneel down with him and hug him tightly.
I feel warmth as all the guys come and we all hug together crying, sobbing, breaking down into a million pieces all together.

We stayed like that for a good while, we ended up in my room, everyone but Jose because his moms said they should let them be alone and she got it that we didn't like him, except for Cameron that's his best friend.
Slowly the next day everyone started to leave, the viewing was the next day, the day before Thanksgiving.
I look in the mirror all in black, I'm trying to hold back the tears as I get in my car. I rest my forehead on the steering wheel,
"God please give me strength."
I take a deep breath and drive off, when I pull up to the mortuary it seems as off the whole town is here.
I get out and the guys come up to me and we walk together, Jake is holding my hand tightly.
All of us are crying as we walk down the aisle, we surround his closed coffin.
We stay there for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry Levi...."
Is all I could say, we get up take our seats and try to keep our shit together as the preacher starts to talk.
His mom is sobbing uncontrollably and so is his dad, it's all my fault, I know Cameron is thinking it too.
The sermon ends and the guys get up grabbing the casket that envelopes Levi.
They carry him to the hearse and we all take off to the cemetery, he had his own little mausoleum all to himself.
"I'd like for his friends to place Levi down and leave a thumb print on his casket. In remembrance that he will always have you in the after life, for we all leave a print in someone's heart."
We do as the preacher says and he prays over us as we break down doing the print.
I watch as he gets put in and enclosed, he is at rest now. We stay there till everyone leaves.
"We love you Levi."
Casin says, We all separate going our own ways, we all just want to be alone and Thanksgiving is just going to be canceled.
I stay alone in my room, I wont come out of the room and I don't want to eat or move. I just want to be alone.
I've been alone for 3 days, I didn't come down for Thanksgiving with my dad and his girlfriend and Jose.
I hear a knock on my door and sigh with tears falling down my cheeks.
"Go away!"
The door opened and I see Jose, literally the LAST person I want to see!
"What the fuck?!"
He sighs and sits down next to me in my bed.
"I think you need someone that your not close to, too be here for you."
I roll my eyes and tears fall down my cheeks, I don't have any fight in me left.
He pulls me into his arms and I cry, I cry like I cried when I lost Seth.
Jose says nothing, just holds me tightly.
I fall asleep after being held by him and wake up a few hours later, my eyes flutter open and I see Jake looking at us.
"I cant believe you."
"Jake its not what you think! Please don't!"
"Then what is it?!"
"He just held me while I cried I swear!"
Jose wakes up and puts his hands up in surrender.
"Nothing happened I swear."
Jose gets up and leaves the room, Jake clenches his jaw. He doesn't believe me?
"I believe you, I just... I don't like seeing you with him or anyone else."
"I don't want him or anyone else, Jake."
I get on my knees sitting up and wrap my arms around his neck,
"I only want you."
He wont hold me back and it makes me hurt.
"Jake, please..."
He climbs on top of me slowly, his lips crash on mine making my body set fire. He pulls away looking down at me.
"Be with me, please."
He smiles that smile that brings life back into me, it's like a glowing light fills my body.
"I'm going to make you so happy babygirl. Your never gonna wanna leave me."
"I believe you."
He chuckles as I try to take his shirt off,
"Come one Jake...."
He shake his head, not now, we are still very depressed okay. Not a good idea."
I sigh and nod.
"Your right."
He kisses me all over my face making me giggle.
"Come on, let's sleep the rest of the night."
"Sounds like a perfect depression night."
"Oh and we can put on the twilight saga on repeat."
I make a shocked face,
"Hell yes!" I say making us laugh, my door opens and my dad sees us.
"I heard laughter."
He says smiling.
"What are two love birds doing?"
He asks sitting on the bed.
"We just made it official."
Jake says smiling at me.
"Oh, well that's cool. Speaking of such things, your implant expires  in a week so we should just get that taken care of tomorrow."
I say smiling.
Jake asks confused.
"Its a birth control, it goes in her arm and lasts three years, she got her when she became a women basically so yeah. Its time to replace it."
My dad says, Jake looks at us and chuckles.
"Yeah, no babies for me. I'm going pro."
"Pro huh? Bree you going to be a trophy wife?"
"Hell no! I don't ever want to be married."
Jake looks at me,
"Babygirl, your gonna be my wife someday, just wait and see."
My dad laughs and gets up.
"Remember after the transplant is put in no sex for two weeks."
I nod, he leaves the room.
"So like we should have sex right now so we don't have to wait."
I say jokingly, Jake shakes his head.
"Your just horny as hell huh?"
"You have no idea."
We lay down and let sleep take us away 30 minutes into twilight.
It was peaceful.


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