Chapter 1

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"My name is Bree, I'm new here obviously. Yall should know that I don't take crap from anyone so trying to bully me will cause you to receive a broken nose.... ummm I like fast cars, football, music, and I love to party. Well yeah that's me."
I smirk sitting in my desk as people whisper all around.
"You forgot to mention your fucking hot!"
Some jock says causing me to roll my eyes,
"That's detention Mr. Ericson."
The teacher dictates, the bell rings and I head to find my locker, I see a loner kid and walk up to him.
He turns around looking at the ground,
"Can you look at me? I'd like to see who I'm talking to."
He slowly looks up at me and I'm breathless, hazel eyes, plump lips, strong jaw, he is so beautiful!
"Can you help me? I'm new and I cant find my locker."
He nods and takes the paper looking at it,
"I-its up the stairs, two lefts a right, down stairs and then another-"
"Okay, okay.... wait. How about you show me."
I say biting my lip,
"I-I cant...." He says stuttering, meaning he is nervous
He clenches his eyes as a popular guy comes up to us.
"Is he bothering you?"
He asks, I look at him.
"Uh no, i was asking him to help me find my locker."
He takes the paper from the cute nerd and looks at it.
"Come on I'll take you."
He says smirking.
"My names Jake."
"No thank you Jake, I was hoping he would take me."
He looks at me, then the cutie,
"You don't want to take her, right buddy."
He says putting his arm around the cutie.
"No, I don't want too."
I sigh and grab the paper,
"Fine let's go Jake."
I walk off Jake catching up, he keeps looking at me.
I ask Annoyed.
"Nothing your just really beautiful."
gross, he is probably used to girls falling all over for him,
"And I'm really nauseous."
I say, annoyed
"Oh you sick or something?"
Jake asks worried
"Yeah sick of you, and guys like you."
"What do you mean?"
He asks a little taken back.
"Popular people picking on the weak, making cliques so others feel down about themselves."
He says nothing as we reach my locker,
"Thanks Jake."
I say annoyed, he walks away as I open my locker putting stuff up, I sigh as the bell rings for lunch.
"Great, lunch wave A."
I say to myself, I go and get in line for lunch looking around for where I can sit. I see a few tables with people I went to class with. Maybe I'll just sit with one of them.
"Hey beautiful, it's me from class."
I look up at the dumb Jock,
"I'm sorry who are you?"
He looks at me confused,
"I-I'm Levi, Levi Erickson."
I nod as we grab our trays, he bumps my shoulder,
"Wanna come sit with the cool kids?"
I look around and spot the cutie, I bite my lip and look up at him.
I walk over to the cutie and pull out a chair and sit next to him, he looks at me nervously.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Eating duh. Why?"
He looks around then back at me,
"Is this a joke?"
I lean in close,
"Is what a joke?"
"You here, being nice to me."
I look at him confused,
"No? Does it look like a joke?"
I say hinting to the table of popular kids looking at me like they want to kill me.
"Why are you sitting here?
"Because you seem cool."
"Me? Cool?"
"Yeah, you want to hangout after school?"
"I-I don't....."
He trails off as a Jock comes and stands him up,
"Your paper got me a 75!"
"I-I have to sl-slowly make you smarter. If n-not the teacher will notice."
"Oh... Okay... See you at home buddy."
"At home?"
I ask annoyed, the jock turns around.
"What's it too you?"
"He's your brother and you let people treat him like trash?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Tears streaming down my face,
"What's your deal?"
"My deal? My deal is that he deserves a brother better than you. A brother is supposed to back each other up and protect each other. You are an embarrassment."
"How about you mind your own damn business!"
"How about you make me."
I step up to him waiting for him to do something,
"Not used to someone weaker looking standing up for themselves huh?! You stupid Neanderthal! Go sit with your boring cliché friends."
I push him and he walks backwards, I clean off my face and wait for him to sit down.
"Um so I'll see you after school In front of the fountain."
I walk away before he can say anything and clean my face, stupid tears, stupid, stupid!
I end up staying in the restroom the rest of the day, I couldn't get control of these tears and I didn't want anyone to see me looking weak because I'm not.
I head to the fountain and see him waiting there, I feel happy to see him.
"I'm so happy to see you. I'm sorry about lunch. I kinda lost it."
He nods staying quiet.
"You can talk you know? I'm not going to hurt you."
"I don't know h-how to talk to girls...."
"But you just did." I say bumping his shoulder, I see him smirk,
"I see a smile creeping!"
He looks away,
"Take me to your house." I say smiling, he looks at me and my heart just drops with those hazel eyes!
"M-my house? No... my brother brings his friends around."
"They will be assholes to me, like they always are."
"Not if I'm there."
He looks conflicted for a few seconds then nods, I follow him to his car.
"Wow, this is beautiful! This is yours?!"
"Yeah... you like cars?"
I get in quickly and he starts her up, 1967 Shelby GT500.
"This is the one from gone in 60 seconds."
He states looking at the road, my heart races,
I'm siting in the most beautiful car known to man! He drives off and I have to ask,
"You like super rich or something?"
He nods, what the fuck..... we pull up to huge gates and they open to a huge beautiful beach house. My eyes wide looking at it, he pulls into the garage and we get out.
He leads the way with his head still down.
"Hey sugar bear, how wa-"
She stops talking as she sees me,
"Sugar bear, who is this?"
She asks starring at me,
"I'm Bree. It's nice to meet you."
She shakes my hand,
"I'm Lidia, nice to meet you."
"Come on."
He says, I follow him to the last door on the last floor, it's so beautiful. He grabs a bottle of whiskey and pours himself a drink opening the doors to the balcony, I go to the balcony and look at the beautiful view,
"This place is beautiful...."
He nods and pours me a glass.
"Oh, thank you."
I look out watching the waves, I could be here forever and never get tried if that sound.
"So what's your name?"
I ask watching him as he sits on his bed,
Well that's a very sexy name, I jump as I hear his door bust open and his brother and two guys walk in.
"Hey don't get caught up in your feelings about that girl, she just felt sorry for you. Guage, come here we want to have a little discussion on what your gonna tell that little bitch so she comes to us and we can have her-"
They obviously don't even realize that I'm right here, I walk in and clear my throat.
"Have me what?"
They jump and turn around, I smirk and turn around seeing his mom drive off from the balcony.
"Why the hell do you care about him? You don't even know him."
"Neither do you and that's sad. Your his brother. Just get the fuck out."
"Your in my house don't tell me what to do!"
"Oh lord your one of those guys. Okay you know what, your existence right now is not wanted. Please just go away so I can be alone with someone who actually has a brain."
"When your ready for some dick. Come my way."
"Okay I'll let you know when I'm in the mood for shrimp."
I slam the door in his face and sigh,
"So cutie, I mean Guage, show me what your into..... games, comics, music.... I want to know all about my new friend."
Really that's all he's gonna take from that?! I smile and pull him to his feet,
"Loosen up! Your in a room alone with a girl....."
"Yeah, I'm terrified."
I giggle shaking my head,
"Do you want to watch a movie? Walk on the beach? Play a video game? Come on let's do something!"
"Umm my brother is having a party tonight.... I'm not allowed to come down..."
"Your brother can eat a bowl of dicks okay. Stop being scared of him."
"Easy for you to say."
I sigh and grab his hand, tingles rush all over my body,
"Let's get you in some cooler clothes nothing to flashy."
I go into his closet and see he actually has other clothes than sweats and hoodies. I grab some jeans and a Nike T-shirt some black Jordan's.
"Put this on."
"Because, your brother and his friends need to see your just like them but better."
"How am I better again?"
He says taking of his shirt, he has muscle? Here is a hot guy hiding under all that.
"Your smart, kind, cute, honest."
He says pulling his shirt on looking at me,
"Yes cute! Your cute! Your brother casts this shadow over you that makes people see you as he sees you. I'm new here so I see you as the real you."
I watch as he finishes getting dressed and smirk,
"You look hot."
He smirks a little and looks in the mirror, he nods. Music starts to play and I hear people starting to pile in.
"You ready to go in?"
I lace our fingers and we walk hand in hand, I pull him down the stairs and the sea of people look at us whispering.
"I don't know if I can do this...."
I pull him down where people are dancing and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Everything is okay, just look at me."
He nods and does as I say, I feel a hand on my shoulder turning me around.
"Dance with me." His brother says towering over me, I smile,
"Sorry I'm already dancing with someone."
He looks around me and sees Gauge,
"So you cleaned him up and what? Now you think he can be with us, the cool crowd?"
"No but, he's with me and that's way better."
I put my back against Guage's chest and wrap his arms my waist as I dance to the music.
"What's your brothers name?"
I ask Turning around,
"Its Casin. Are you doing this to get to him? Like playing hard to get?"
I look into his beautiful eyes,
"No, Gauge."
I kiss his cheek and he smiles, even blushing a bit, I feel the whole world tilt.
Ohhhh, I like him like him...
I haven't liked anyone since Seth... I rest my head on his chest listening to his heart race like crazy.
"Why are you nervous?"
He looks down at me,
"I have a beautiful girl in my arms..... and I think she might actually like me."
He smirks and looks away, I bite my lip and close my eyes, the song ends and I pull him to the drinks.
"I think it's time for you to go your room."
Casin looks at Gauge,
"I-I don't want to. I'm o-okay here."
"I didn't ask Gauge. Go upstairs with your bitch."
My fists clench, Gauge picks up his head,
"Don't call her that."
"What now you got balls because some pussy came into your life?"
"No because now I have reason to fight back."
Casin chuckles as he walks away,
"That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."
I nod biting my lip, we make some more drinks and decide to ditch the party and walk down to the beach.
"So beautiful....."
I say looking at the ocean
I turn and see him looking down at me, I blush a little biting my lip.
"I feel like you want to kiss me."
I say nervously, he nods smirking.
"I do but, how about we wait a little. Just so I know this isn't a dream or something."
I nod, we head back to the house and walk through the party,
"Its getting late, can you take me home?"
He laces our our fingers as he drives, I feel weightless and free with him, I see just a tad of confidence in him.
We pull up to my house, he gets out opening my door,
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
I ask nervously.
"Do you really want too?"
I nod, God I want to kiss him so badly!
His lips kiss my cheek, my body burning for more as he drives off. Ugh why?!
Guage POV
My stomach in knots as I pull back up to my house, my brother waiting, I get out and he nods for me to come up to him.
"What the fuck was that?"
"What?" I ask confused.
"You and her? I saw her first. Why the hell does she even like you?! Your a fucking loser!"
"I don't know why Casin but, I like her and I think she actually likes me..... Please can this be one thing you don't mess up for me Casin. I've never asked for anything and I've let you treat me like shit. I know you don't love or care about me, I know you hate me but, please..."
I see something in Casin eyes change.
"I don't hate you Gauge. I never did."
Is all he says, he goes Inside I follow him and pull him back.
"You d-don't hate me?"
"No Guage I don't. All this time I've been trying go toughen you up. Looks like you didn't need me you needed pussy."
"So you let people bully me to try and toughen me up?! What the hell kind of twisted shit is that?! She's right you are a shit brother. For now on tell your friends to leave me the fuck alone."
I push him harshly and his body cracks the wall from my push. I'm done being the loser he created, I'm not a loser and I never was!
I rip off my shirt and head to the gym room and start my regular work out, tears falling down my face.
My heart full of anger as I take to the beach for a run, I return the party still going. I walk in without my shirt ignoring the stares as I go up to my room.
I wish Bree were here. I wish i would have kissed her. What if she changes her mind and doesn't like me anymore? Fuck, fuck!
I smack my forehead, why am I a loser?! I mean I'm not but fuck! I mean people think I am after all these years. I let Casin push me around, not anymore....
I shower and turn off the lights, my phone vibrates and my heart kick starts. Its her...
"Hey, it Bree."
"How did you?"
"I put my number in your phone then called it. Lol."
I cant stop smiling, I shake my head,
"Well what do you want? Texting me at 2am."
"Is the party still going?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"No reason, I got into a fight with my dad, and I wanted to talk to someone who'd make me smile."
"And who's that?"
I ask playing around,
"This guy, he is sweet and tall, hazel eyes, I think you know him."
"Oh my brother!"
"Ew God no!"
"Lol, I'm just kidding."
"Lol, you make me smile Gauge. I like that. I haven't smiled in a while honestly."
"Not something I want to talk about yet.... I should have just stayed there longer."
"I wish you would have."
"What would you do if I were there?"
"I'd pull you in close to me gently pick you up a little and kiss you."
"Just like that?"
I smirk,
"Prove it."
"I'm downstairs."
"If your downstairs I'm going to take you to my room and slide you under me."
I watch as the bubbles come and go, was that to much?
"What are you waiting for?"
I get up quickly and rundown the stairs, I see her looking more innocent than me.
Shes in tight pj shorts and tank top, I reach her and pick her up and our lips connect. I feel her legs wrapped around me as she whimpers out, my hand on her ass grasping it roughly.
"What got into you?"
He asks breathlessly.
She smiles and kisses me passionately.
"Take me to your room."
I do as she says and lay her down, I jump as I hear bangs on my door, I open my eyes.
Fuckkkk I was having such a good dream!
"Get ready for school asshole!"
Casin says, I roll my eyes getting ready quickly. I get to school and everyone is looking at me in my real clothes.
I see Bree talking to Jock head Jake, my happy feeling disappears, she sees me and runs up to me hugging me. Never mind I'm still happy...
"You look amazing Guage! What made you dress like the real you?!"
"You did remember."
She giggles, her hands grabbing my shirt in a fist, I look around seeing my brothers group looking at us.
"My brother wants you."
She says smiling up at me, I bite my lip looking down at her, short shorts and a ripped up Ozzy shirt.
"You look gorgeous."
She blushes a little, I feel my shoulder bump and see Casin.
"Damn you look delicious today Bree."
He says to her, she keeps looking me in the eyes,
"Thanks cas."
She tippy toes up to me and kisses my cheek,
"Come, walk me to class lover boy."
Her voice like velvet, we walk side by side, Casin looks at me like he's seen a ghost.
We walk slowly not wanting to part,
"So do you want to meet up after school again?"
I nod trying not to smile to big, she kisses my cheek and walks into her classroom.
I walk to my class, my body gets pushed into a locker and I see Jake, I pick up my head.
You are stronger than him Gauge! You are smarter! Be confident! I step up to him and get in his face and push him.
"What the fuck is your problem?!"
"You are, your taking the one intensely hot girl in this school. She isn't supposed be with a loser like you."
"Well she likes me get over it and I'm not going to tell you this again, leave me the fuck alone or I'll beat the fuck out of you."
"Whatever pussy."
I punch him in the face and he knocks out, I keep my distance from everyone as people that saw me knock out Jake go and tell the whole school.
It's lunch time and I sit at my regular table and eat alone, my heart racing to see Bree. My heart drops as I see her laughing with one of the popular guys. Well that was fun while it lasted right? I shake my head and look around, my head snaps back to her position hearing a slap so loud the whole cafeteria heard it.
"You jocks are all perverts you know that?!"
She walks away shaking her head, I stand up walking to her as he grabs her arm roughly.
I push him,
"Don't touch her!"
He gets in my face.
"Or what you gonna knock my ass out too?!"
"If it comes to that I will."
"Damn all you needed was some pussy to become a man huh? Tell me is she a freak in the sheets? A fucking dirty begging whore?"
He looks at her smiling till i punch him in the face, he charges at me but i knee him in the stomach. I love being tall, I push him down to the floor and see everyone is looking at me.
I hear clapping and see my brother applauding me? People all around start to follow his lead, Bree laces her fingers with mine and pulls me to walk with her as the bell rings.
"I'll see you after school."
Her lips so close to mine but she kisses my cheek, doesn't she like me?
I sigh feeling my phone vibrate,
Another party? I sigh reading.
"Party tonight at me and my brothers house, celebrating the new and improved Gauge. My baby brother."
I roll my eyes as people from lunch pat my back and act like my friends as I walk to my class. This is so stupid.
I bet she doesn't even like me, she would have kissed me already right?! Or am I just rushing this..... we did only meet yesterday. Ugh!
I wait at the fountain for her and she walks up to me smiling,
"You are amazing you know that?"
I'm confused,
"You stood up for me twice and gained your brother's respect."
I smirk realizing that's what the party really is for. I have respect from my brother now? I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.
"Take me to my house to get clothes cutie."
She says wrapping my arms around her waist walking to my car, I smile and open the door for her. Fuck, she's a tease!
I take her to her house and she begs me to get off, I go inside and her dad just stares at me for a second.
"Your freaking tall."
He says making me chuckle, I nod.
"My names Gauge."
"I know, Bree over here couldn't stop talking about you."
"Shut up dad." She says pulling me upstairs with her to her room, she goes In to her restroom getting dressed. She comes out in tight short shorts and a crop top, a bit of anger fills me knowing guys will be looking at her. I guess she sees that I'm bothered because she asks,
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing....."
"Friends don't keep secrets from friends sir."
She says walking up to me.
"Its just really revealing..."
"That bothers you?"
I shrug and nod,
"You want me to change?"
"No, no... I have no right to ask you of that. Come on let's go."
I grab her bag for her to sleep over and rush downstairs, her dad shakes my hand before I exit the house.
Bree gets in and I speed off to my house, music blasting in the stereo.
We pull up to my house and go straight in, I grab a shot glass and pour me some shots. Bree has guys gawking at her like crazy, I close my eyes trying to calm down.
"Hey, you left me behind."
She says looking up at me with sad eyes, I smirk and pull her into a hug and I feel her melt Into me.

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