Chapter 7

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Its morning and Cameron's mom cooked a whole big spread, I eat quickly then head out.
Something just doesn't feel the same now with me and Cameron, I want to be with him and everything but, his betrayal just cut to deep for me.
"Why are you leaving so fast?"
He asks as I start up my car.
"I don't know Cameron, something just feels off now....."
"Do you need like time? I don't want you to not be with me but if that's what it takes for us to get back to us I'll do it for you."
"No, no I just need some space. Get my head right."
He nods,
"Well you know where to find me."
He kisses my forehead, I drive off quickly and head home, I text the guys to come over.
I need my friends, they all are coming thank god, they pull up and come inside.
We head to my room and I sigh,
"I don't know what to do guys. I still feel depressed about the whole thing, making up didn't do shit."
"Maybe that's it for yall then, he made a mistake that cant be fixed."
Casin says quietly.
"I think you just need to be single, your young, we all are and to have such deep feelings about someone this young just isn't healthy."
Jake says, he makes sense for once, I nod.
"He said he wouldn't mind waiting for me to be ready, for us to get back to us but, I just don't know..."
Seth pulls me in his arms,
"I think you might love him and that's why it hurts so much."
The word love makes my body feel weird, is it true?
How can I love him, I hardly know him. It would make sense as to why it hurt so much though.
I look at Seth and he nods telling me that I do.... Seth knows so much more about me than I do now and it's scary but, comforting.
"What do I do Seth?"
"You know what you need to do....."
Seth says.
"You need to tell him."
Levi says looking at me, I look at the guys like they are crazy.
"I cant be the first one to tell him, what if he doesn't feel the same? What if it makes him run off?"
"If a guy is willing to waiting for you to be with him till your ready that means he loves you."
Guage says, I clench my eyes shut as a tear falls down my cheek, they all stand up and look at me.
"You need to go tell him, we are here of anything goes south."
Seth says, they head out and I decide to sleep on it, when I wake I text Cameron to come over.
I shower and wait for him to walk in, he does and stands there looking at me as tears fall down my face.
"Angel what's wrong?"
I look at him,
"I'm scared."
He comes over and sits in the bed grabbing my hands,
"What are you scared of?"
I smirk,
"I have something to tell you, and it might mess all this up, might make you want to run away.... I don't know."
"Whatever it is, I'm here, I don't care what it is. You could be pregnant I don't care if it isn't mine I'm still going to be here."
I giggle as tears fall down.
"Is that it? A-game you?"
"No, not that."
I giggle wiping my tears away.
"Then what is it Angel?"
I look at him in the eyes and take a deep breath,
"I think the reason what happened hurt me so badly is because I, um... Cameron, I, I love you...."
He smiles,
He asks, I nod.
"I love you too."
My heart drops then lights up, he loves me? The depression washes away quickly, i cant believe i love him...
I smile and he pulls me into his arms, he holds me tightly.
"I'd do anything for you."
He whispers in my ear, he makes me feel good, safe, wanted....
"I cant believe you love me."
I say he kisses me deeply making me weak, he pulls away and smiles,
"You are my Angel."
He pulls me to the bed and into his arms, he holds me tightly  but never makes a move on me.
I wonder why he wont do anything with me, I want him too, my body burning for him as we lay together.
He makes me happy though and all the doubt and hurt has completely vanished.
I fall into a blissful sleep and wake up in his arms, he smirks as i stir around, he clings to me as I drape my leg over his waist.
I bite my lip and he groans,
"Don't don't do that"
He smirks shaking his head, I continue to do it and he crashes his lips to mine.
My hands ide into his shirt feeling his soft skin, ugh I love the way his boys feels.
I pull off his shirt and he pins my hands above my head with one hand, his lips on my neck, his other hand sliding inside my shorts.
My back arches as his fingers slip inside me, his lips on my chest, I want him so bad, my fingers unlacing the strings to his sweatpants.
He stops me making me feel disappointed,
"Not yet."
"Why not? You love me t
Don't you?"
He nods,
"Yes I love you so much that, I want to wait for the perfect time. I want it to be special. I want you to remember it, in a good way."
"Right now seems like a good time to me."
He sighs,
"Just wait, please?"
He lays on his back clenching his jaw, I've made him mad, I get up and grab my keys.
"Where are you going?"
He asks,
"I've made you mad already, I don't want to fight or be frustrated so I'd rather just give you space."
He pulls me back to the bed,
"I don't want space, I want you here with me."
He says then kisses my face all over making me giggle, I bite my lip looking at him and he groans.
"You make it so hard to be good."
He says rolling on his back,
"I don't want you to be good."
I whisper, he looks at me shaking his head, I get on top of him and take my shirt off.
He says smiling, i unhook my bra and let it fall on his chest, he sits up clashes his lips to mine.
Our make out starts to turn into his body allover mine, I can feel him hard already.
I slide my hands inside his boxers and grab his dick, he groans as I start to stroke it.
His fingers slide off my shorts as he trades me places, my back on the bed, his hands rip apart my panties.
I want him so bad my body is burning!
I feel him at my entrance and grab his dick and slide it inside me, he looks down at me.
"Fuck Angel, you got some hidden horns don't you?"
I giggle and pull his face to mine and he slides himself all the way inside me, it hurts the first few thrust then pleasure fills my body.
His hand covering my mouth as my moans rip away from my core, I'm so wet that the sheets are soaked already.
He groans as I move my hips with his and he goes faster with the same rhythm as i.
"God, you feel so good!"
He love his hand away from my mouth and thrust again and I feel him cum.
A disappointment fills me because for the first time I didn't cum.... he didn't make me cum and Guage did his first time.
It felt amazing but it ended so abruptly, he lays on his back and chuckles.
"That was amazing."
I lie, I should have lied but I did! I didn't want to hurt his feelings or his ego.
"Are you in the pill?"
"I have the implant in my arm, don't worry."
He kisses my cheek and raps his arms around me as I lay on my back trying not to think about how much this sucked.
"Did you cum?"
Don't lie don't lie, you don't lie remember?!"
I clench my eyes shut,
He sits up and looks down at me.
"Are you serious?"
I nod and cover my face,
"How in the hell could Guage make you cum but I couldn't?!"
Yup, he's mad, I sigh and pull the covers up.
"Did it not feel good?"
He asks looking down at me.
"No, no it did it felt amazing.... it was just..... you came to quickly I guess."
"Huh? How long did Guage last before?"
I close my eyes and shake my head.
"Tell me."
He says sternly, I take a deep breath,
"A good hour or so."
"And how many time would you cum?"
"Ugh, at least...4..."
He grabs his remote and throws it at a wall, why is he so mad about this?
"What's the big deal?"
I ask sitting up, he looks at me.
"I've never not made a girl cum and I'd never had to last an hour. I'm the king of making girls cum."
I giggle,
"Do you really think those girls told the truth? Your like a god to them Cameron. They would do anything to make your ego feel fed."
"Or maybe they were just tighter."
He says jokingly, I punch his chest and he curls up laughing, I giggle shaking my head,
"Asshole. You know very well those girls lost their virginity in the 6th grade."
We both laugh and he pulls me into his arms.
"Well I guess I have some work to do then huh?"
"You can always go to Guage for pointers."
"Oh, you think your funny huh?!"
He tickles me like crazy till he stops and looks at me.
I ask smiling.
"I love you Angel. I really do."
"I love you too Cameron. I'm scared but, it feels good to say it."
"Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you."
We leave it at that, the next day I wake up and he's gone, he had to help the coach with plays for next game.
I group text the guys asking what they were up to on this cold rainy day, Casin text back first,
"We are watching movies eating junk food before captain douche bag gets us on the strict diet."
I giggle knowing he talking about Cameron.
I text back,
"I thought yall were going to quit?"
I watch the bubbles,
"If the kicked us off then they kicked us off but Cameron had to be the hero and tell coach it was his fault even though it was so he got a lecture about being a good captain and blah blah. So yeah, we are still in varsity, they need us since we are going to the championships."
"Oh, okay, well that's cool."
"Yup. What are you and Cameron doing today?" Jake texts,
"Nothing, he's busy today."
"Busy with what?"
Jake asks,
"Writing out plays with the coach."
I see all their bubbles start to go crazy, and giggle, what are they gonna say now? They all stop at the same time.
"Guys what?"
I ask trying to get it out of them smiling.
"He's at a party, his friends always throw day parties when it's raining, almost always..... And coach and his friend from college write out the plays."
Seth types, a sinking in my chest rises and I feel ugly,
"Why would he lie?"
"Get ready, we are rolling up."
Jake says, I do as he says and get ready, I put on a tank top tight jacket and leggings. I lace up my converse as I hear Jake's lifted Cadillac pull up, thank god for two row seats because everyone came.
I sit between Casin and Guage, They grab each of my hands and squeeze them reassuringly.
I clench my eyes as we pull up to the party.
"Okay we are incognito, don't let anyone that knows you see your face, we might catch him doing something he's not supposed to be doing. It's not what I'm hoping for but if he is Bree needs to know."
Jake says, we get out and separate, I keep my face hidden with a solo cup and hiding in the shadows, theirs little skimpy hoes running around in bikinis. Its 30 fucking degrees for fuck sakes!
I look around and finally see him, I watch from a dark corner and each if the guys see me seeing him.
My heart drops as he smacks one of the girls ass, what a asshole!
"So how did it go last night?"
Jose asks making me cringe.
"Good, she let me fuck her and she told me she loved me."
"It took a little longer than we agreed upon but you made it happen."
All the guys cheer and laugh.
"If it weren't for that spy mic I out on her I would have been fucked that day she came to the party. I was high as a kite and I had just gotten head, she kinda killed the mood."
"Yeah but at least we got her ex drunk, and you sir get 6K."
Jose hands him the money and Cameron flips the money with his thumb watching it fan out.
My heart breaks, it shatters and a single tear falls down my cheek, it was all a lie, a bet.... a façade.
"Did you like her at all?"
One of the guys asks feeling a bit sad for me I guess.
"Well yeah, she's cool and funny but, yall know me I'm not the relationship type. I need a variety."
"Yall are sick yall know that?"
His friend says looking annoyed.
"Why are you being a little bitch?"
Cameron asks,
"Because I have a mom and a sister, and of anyone did to them what you did to Bree I'd fucking kill them. You cant just fuck with people's feelings and bodies like that. That's just wrong. She had feelings you know. How the hell are you going to break it off huh?"
They al stay quiet, especially Cameron,
"Your mom loved her too you jackass. I hope your mom slaps the hell out of you."
The guy says getting up,
I look at the guys and Jake step out of the shadows. The guys look at him then Cameron turns and sees Jake, he stands up.
"You better keep your fucking mouth shut if you know what good for you."
"Or what?"
Jake asks pushing him.
"I'll kill you."
I step out of the shadows and the guys see me and say,
"Ohhhh shit...."
Cameron turns around and sees me, his face changes and he steps up to me but I step back.
"Don't come any closer, Hinojosa."
He clenches his eyes and shakes his head.
"I should have know better. I should have fucking KNOWN BETTER!!!!"
I yell out, my fists balled up at my sides. A tear falls down my cheek, I step up to him, I push him roughly.
He puts his hands up,
"Let me explain please."
"There is nothing to explain, I heard EVERYTHING! YOU ARE EXACTLY WHAT THEY TOLD ME YOU WERE!"
I push him again and start to walk away but he grabs my hand, I look up at him and he kisses me deeply.
"Please just let me explain."
Tears falling down my face,
"I hate you."
"I really do love you Angel."
"Don't play with her feelings anymore."
Casin says pulling me away,
"Don't talk to her ever again."
Guage says, we walk out and the rain is pouring down and we sit in Jake's Cadillac in silence.
No one talks as we drive, we end up at Jake's house and we head in, no one talks, we just sit and watch movies.
I feel numb, I don't feel depressed, I feel stupid and embarrassed, I feel used and violated.
I'm just happy I'm not depressed, I hate being depressed, I knew he was going to hurt me.
I get up and sit on Seth's lap and cuddle Into him, he wraps his arms around me holding me tight.
My body relaxes and I feel home again, my eyes close.
When i wake I'm in a bed with Jake and the guys are sleeping on the floor, i cuddle up in Jake's arms and smile.
"They all feel like home."
I whisper to myself, I don't need anyone, all I need is these guys, that's all. I'll just have them all I guess, i sound like a hoe big time. I giggle to myself, I'm a single young girl, I don't need to settle for anyone, I can do what and who I want and hopefully no one gets hurt.
Jake returns my cuddles for a second then shoots up, he looks at me and breaths a sigh of relief.
"Oh good, I thought I broke my promise to myself."
He says, I look at him confused sitting up,
"What promise?"
I ask,
Levi sits up,
"He promised himself that he wouldn't have sex with anyone unless it was you."
I look at Jake and he looks away pretending he didn't say that, I shake my head smiling.
Levi sits on the bed pulling me I to his strong arms,
"How are you feeling?"
I wrap my arms around him,
"I feel embarrassed and stupid but not depressed thank god. I knew he was going to hurt me so I guess my body was prepared for it."
"Did you really love him?"
Jake asks, I look at him,
"I did...."
Jake gets up,
"Well I'm single so like if you want, maybe we can like go on a date."
He says making me giggle, I sigh
"Okay, Jake, one date."
All the guys shoot up looking at Jake, Jake runs out of the room yelling making us all laugh, he is such a dork.
I look at the guys and they shake their heads smiling.
"You'd think he just wont a billion dollars right now."
Casin says shaking his head making us laugh.
"You made him so happy."
Guage says getting up chuckling, I get up and goes down stairs finding Jake making breakfast.
"So are we skipping school or what?"
Levi asks.
"No, I wont hide. Take me home Seth, please."
He nods and he drives me home.
"Come inside and love me."
"You don't gotta tell me twice."
We go up and he makes love to me, sweet, loving, sex. I love the way he make me feel, after I shower and get dressed.
Black ripped up Jean's, tank top and converse, I grab my tight black jacket and we head downstairs to the car and head to school.
I walk with the guys to the cafeteria and see Cameron waiting for me with. Bouquet of roses.
I roll my eyes as we reach the table and Cameron, I'll call him Hinojosa now.
"What do you want Hinojosa?"
I ask crossing my arms.
"I came to explain. Yes I did do a bet yes I did like you even before the bet started. I needed the money for my family, so I did the bet."
"This sounds like bullshit honestly Hinojosa. If you actually cared why did you act like it wasn't a big deal. Why not actually tell your friends you love me instead of acting like you don't."
"Because I'm the big shot, I cant let them see me like that."
"You are stupid. I'm done. I don't ever want to talk to you again. Just leave me alone."
"Angel, I love you please!"
Everyone looks at us as he grabs me, I push away a little.
"And i LOVED you too. But it's over now."
A tear falls down his cheek but he wipes it quickly and drops the Rose's on the floor.
"Well that was intense."
Levi says as we
Sit down, we talk amongst ourselves but stop as Jose comes up to the table, Jake and Guage stand up quickly.
"You really want to get knocked the fuck out huh?"
Casin says as Guage balls his hands up in a fist.
"So now that you and Cameron are over, maybe now you'll let me fuck?"
I smile sweetly and up getting close to his face.
I bite my lip seductively,
"Yeah, I'll let you FUCKING DIE!"
I punch him in his face, I charge at him but Levi pulls me away as Guage starts to fight him.
Jose gets one punch in and gets on top of Guage, I get away from Levi's grasp and pull Jose off of Guage.
Jose looks at me and I swing at him again, as hard as i possibly can and he falls to the ground.
I taste blood in my mouth and feel my lip and see blood, I didn't even realize I got hit pulling Jose off.
I spit on his face,
"You just got knocked the fuck out by a girl, slept tight mothafucka!"
Me and the guys laugh as he groans and people on the cafe start laughing and cheering.
The bell rings and everyone walks around Jose knocked on the ground, we walk to my locker.
"That was so hot!"
Jake says behind me, he is so cute in the dumbest ways I swear, I shake my head getting my stuff out of my locker.
"Well see you at lunch Bree."
The guys walk off except Jake,
"So our date.... I was thinking tonight?"
I close my locker and look at him,
"You really excited for this date huh?"
I ask pulling the collar of his shirt, he nods eagerly.
"I-I um, I've kind of been wanting to do this for a while."
He is nervous? I put my hand on his chest and feel his heart thumbing wildly.
"Tonight sounds perfect."
I kiss his cheek and he smiles that big goofy smile of his, I walk off to class and sit smiling to myself.
Man, I really do t ha e a type do i?"
I say to my self, ugh 6 bring classes I had to sit through just to get to lunch with the boys.
I walk my way to the cafeteria only to be pulled into a classroom, Hinojosa?
I call out I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind. Its him....
My body relaxes instantly, his lips kiss my neck slowly making my core burn up.
I push away and he sets me down, I turn on the light looking at him and slap him.
"I told you! Don't fucking touch me or talk to me! I hate you."
"You love me and i love you! I made a mistake! Please just, let's figure this out!"
"There is nothing to figure out okay."
I walk out slamming the door shut and run to the lunch table.
My body horny as hell, I clench my eyes as I see all the guys, and god they are all hot. Fuck this teen age body!
I bite my lip covering my eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
Levi asks, I look at him and at all the guys.
"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind."
"Oh don't be nervous about our date, I have everything planned out."
We all look at Jake and he looks up as we stare at him.
We bust out laughing he is such a dork, I walk around the table and pull his chair out a little and sit on his lap.
His hand hesitate to do anything, i grab his arm and out it around my waist. His hand clenches my hip a little not roughly or anything it feels
"So you just jump on the next guy you can think of huh? Has she fucked all of yall?"
I look up and see Hinojosa, oh god he's in one of those, let's try to hurt her instead since she wont take me back rampages.
"I have fucked all of them, more than once. And they cant get enough and neither can i, I want to fuck and suck as much as possible."
"I knew you were a fucking slut."
I stand up,
"And I only fucked you once, and I bet you cant stop thinking about it, cant stop wanting it."
He stays quiet for a few seconds,
"Fuck I love you."
He loves how sarcastic I am and he loves how I'm not afraid to stand up for myself. I try not to smile but I fail.
He pulls me into him but I push him away.
"Leave me alone."
He smiles and walks away backwards, stupid asshole. Jake stands up and walks away, I run after him quickly.
"Jake stop!"
He turns around and pushes me against the wall, his face close to mine. My body heats up.
"Don't make me look stupid and don't mess with my feelings."
His hand around my throat not squeezing, I whimper a bit as his other hand grips my hip.
"Jake, I'm sorry."
"Just please don't mess with my feelings."
I nod and he let's me go, my core Is just blazing right now, its insane! He walks away but I grab his hand, he looks at me coming back.
"Jake, what are we doing on this date? It's cold and rainy."
"Im going to cook you and amazing dinner then, We are going to cuddle up and watch horror movies with hot tea."
That actually sounds perfect, peaceful, relaxing, I smirk looking up at him.
"What time are you picking me up?"
I ask clenching the bottom of his shirt in my hands. Trying to calm my hormones down I clench even harder, there is no point, Jake is gonna get it tonight. He's been waiting so long and I just need him in me, i cant hold out i know i wont be able to, not even a cold shower will do.
"20 min after school."
The bell rings and people start to crowd the halls, I nod and walk away, fuck my life.
Its after school and I race home and shower and get ready quickly, I hear knocks on my door and run down to answer it.
"Hinojosa, what the hell?!"
I push him away but he over powers me and pushes me inside.
"Get out Hinojosa!"
He shakes his head backing me up against the wall, his hands start to strip me but I push him away.
"No, I don't want to! Stop!"
"Yes you do, you want it, you want me."
I don't really, I don't want him.
I want to leave this house and be with anyone but him.
"No I really don't Cameron. Please just leave!"
"Shut up."
He crashes his lips on mine but I feel nothing, I feel absolutely nothing. What we had he killed.
I put my hands on his chest and gently push him away and he stops.
"Cameron, there is nothing here for you. I don't feel what we had is alive, you killed it. I love you but, that's all. I don't desire your touch or kiss..... it's been killed. Please leave."
He looks down at me and I look at the door seeing Jake, his jaw clenched.
"Jake it's not what it looks like please!"
I say pushing Cameron away, he ignores me and keeps walking to his car.
"Jake! Please believe me!"
I cant Lose him definitely not as a friend, he's the number one who has never hurt me ever.
"Get the fuck away from my car!"
He yells out and speeds off, I run inside and grab my keys, Cameron grabs my arm.
"What so your into him now?"
"He's one of my best friends, I'm not going to lose him over you."
Is all I say I drive off and follow Jake to his house, thank god for this car, I get out and run after him.
"Jake! Nothing happened! I was telling him to leave! He wouldn't stop! He wouldn't stop till I told him what we had was dead!"
Thunder rolls over the sky making me jump, Jake turns around.
"I told him there was nothing here for him. Please I was trying to get him to leave!"
"This isn't going to work Bree, you just keep hopping around and hurt everyone you go to. I cant handle that heart break Bree, I like you to much."
"Jake I cant promise we are going to be together and I cant promise that if we do get together that it's going to be easy. Can we just be friends for now, like we can hangout alone and stuff just me and you till we are both ready...... I don't want to rush this. I cant lose you as my friend either..... I cant. Your the only one that hasn't hurt me and has been my number one fan."
Rain starts to fall and sobs break out of my chest,
"Jake.... please."
I cant lose him, I love him as my friend and I'm sure we could grow into something more eventually. I've been putting off the way he makes me feel because of the way he acted when we first met. But he's really the sweetest guy deep down, and he cares about me so much.
He walks up to me and grabs my hand and pulls me gently inside, rain starts to shower the house.
He wraps his arms around me hugging,
"I just don't want to get hurt. I've never been chased for anyone and I've never wanted to be with anyone till you came along. You don't know who or what you and and that's fine just please don't break me."
He says as if he is an eggshell and I'm the hammer, I look at him.
"I wont hurt you, and I'll do my best to figure out what I want but, for now I just need us to be us."
He nods and kisses my forehead, he smirks.
"Come, I've put our food in the oven to keep warm. I hope you like it."
I follow him to the kitchen and he pulls out steak and potatoes and asparagus.
It looks beautiful after he sets up the plates.
"Presentation is everything."
He says fixing the plate perfectly, he looks at me as I take a picture of the plate and then I drag him next to me and take a pic of us. I upload it to Facebook.
"Bestfriend made us dinner, then movies and cuddles."
I tag him and he smiles,
"Let's eat."
The potatoes taste amazing, soft and savory, the asparagus was slightly crunchy but soft and it taste so might and yummy.
I try the steam, medium just the way I like it, its garlicky and I taste the rosemary.
"Jake, where did you learn to cook?"
He chuckles,
"I took up a cooking class in camp and I loved it. It might be the only other thing I'm good at besides football."
"I beg to differ, your a really good friend too, and your loyal. Sweet as well, you make me smile a lot."
I say smiling, he hands me a glass of wine and we sip it, we finish our food and he pours me another glass.
"So what are watching?"
I settle into the couch with my glass of wine, he sits next to me.
"We are having a Harry potter marathon."
"I love harry potter!"
He opens his arms for me to cuddle into him so I do, I feel warm and cozy, I could do this every night I swear!
The movie starts and I feel excited for it, I love these movies so much!
He runs my arm up and down getting me warm, the room is drafty because of how huge it is. The Livingroom pretty much made of glass I can see the rain. I finish my glass and put it on the coffee table.
"Ready for warm tea?"
He asks, I nod smiling, he gets up and I instantly become cold without his presence.
"Are you cold?"
"Yeah, really cold."
I say honestly, he goes to the wall and looks at the thermostat.
"Its 58 degrees in here that's why."
He puts on the heater to 70 and instantly the heater kicks in, he comes back with the teas and I sip the warmth then set it down.
I cuddle into his arms and rest my head on his chest, his fingers running through my hair makes me relax.
Thunder rolls around the sky making me jump, Jake chuckles.
"I'm right here."
He says, I smirk feeling butterflies in my stomach. He's giving me butterflies? I've never had these before, we both laugh as Hagrid gives Harry's cousin a pig tale for eating Harry's cake.
I look up at him so into the movie he is, he is so cute, and hot, his string jawline and his beautiful curly hair. Ugh makes my heart throb, he looks down at me then back at the tv smiling.
He asks.
"Your really gorgeous."
He shakes his head,
"I've never been called Gorgeous before."
He says looking at the tv, his lips are to die for! I've been sleeping on this guy, he has changed so much and I absolutely love it!
I lay on my back, my head on the pillow on his lap, he looks at me and smirks.
"You are so beautiful."
He says shaking his head.
He feel my cheeks flush.
I smirk and sit up, he looks at me for a few seconds, I clench my eyes as thunder shakes the room.
I open them and he is looking at me, waiting for me to say something. I bite my lip, I want him to kiss me, why wont he kiss me?! He wont make a move!
"I really like you."
"You do? I kind of thought you hated me."
He says chuckling,
"I didn't like you at first, you were kind of arrogant in the beginning."
"I was an asshole."
He says nodding, he turns to me.
"You have changed a lot and I like it."
"You seem to bring out the best in people, it's like your gift. Casin used to be horrible to Guage and Levi was, well Levi has always been a mush except when he would get turned down but, other than that he is the sweet guy of the group. I was a huge player and a arrogant asshole, you have seemed to bring out the good in everyone."
"I just tell it like it is and if they want to change deep down they will see what needs to be fixed."
He smirks,
"Well you need to let your walls down and make up your mind, I see the way you look at Seth and I know you have a thing for Casin and I know you still have love for Guage and Levi.... Levi is madly in love but, since you turned him down the first time he wont try anymore. You need to find someone worth getting hurt from time to time, relationships aren't always sunshine and daisy's. There will be rough times but, it when you look at someone and see more good than bad."
Wow, some deepness coming down on me, he's right, I have to decide and figure out who and what I want.
You'd think after everything Seth and I went through that him and I would be together lock and key but it just doesn't feel right, right now. Like have to live before we can be together, or maybe we were never supposed to be together, either way it doesn't feel right, right now. Casin is hot as fuck and has turned out to be sweet and gentle, he makes me feel like I can do no wrong. Levi is hot too cute but way to quiet for me, I cant do that quiet stuff. Guage, I love him I just don't see him like that anymore. It's more of a brother thing now, maybe it'll change later, I don't know. The only logical one is Jake, he supports me in my decisions even if he hates it, he pays attention to stuff I like, we have a lot in common surprisingly and he is so fucking sweet like ugh! Jake makes me feel like I'm the best thing in the world and he's been so patient. He makes me laugh like crazy and he always has my back. He is so beautiful like a fucking angel I'm not even lying, it's like god made him from scratch!
"What are you thinking about?"
He asks, I smirk.
"Just about all of yall.... I love yall so much."
He chuckles,
"We love you too. Some more than others."
I shake my head smiling,
"Why do you like me though?"
"You make me happy. You are sweet and honest very honest, you are blunt, charismatic, you have an amazing personality and you make me want to do better in every aspect of my life. Not to mention you are hot."
I giggle shaking my head,
"God, you are such a dork!"
We both laugh and he pulls me on to his lap,
"Well this dork would do anything for you."
I nod and snuggle my face into his neck, he smells soo good! My hand on his neck I look at him, I lean in for a kiss but it doesn't get returned. I open my eyes,
"You don't want to kiss me?"
I ask nervously,
"I want to so bad but..."
He looks away,
"But what?"
"I just don't want it to be the heat of the moment, and I think it'll mean something different for me than it will for you."
I smirk, he wants me to kiss him when I've made up my decision!? Fuck my life! I smirk and nod.
"Okay, I understand...."
I kiss his cheek and cuddle into him, we watch the first 3 movies but, during the fourth we both start to get sleepy and end up crashing out on the couch together.
I woke in the middle of the night, walking him up as I sat up rubbing my eyes.
"I should get you home."
He says popping his neck,
"I can sleep over.... if you want..."
He looks nervous, he nods quickly,
"Yeah, yeah I think that's good."
I giggle, he takes my hand and we head upstairs to his room, I get into the covers and he comes behind me holding me.
He whispers in my ear,

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