Chapter 5

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I wake up its Thursday I get dressed feeling happy, like really happy. I cant get this smile off my face, all I can think about it Cameron and his lips and his hand holding mine and being in his car next to him.
Just cant wait to be around him honestly, I start my walk to school hoping he'd drive by and pick me up but, that didn't happen. I kept looking back but he never came, I show up at school and everyone is looking at me. What's going on?
"Are you dating Cameron Hinojosa?"
Some girl asks coming up to me, I look at her confused,
"Um no why?"
She rolls her eyes and walks away, what the fuck is going on?! I continue to walk my way to the cafeteria, everyone keeps looking at me ugly.
I see my group and they all smile, why are they the only ones smiling?
"What's up guys?"
Jake says smiling,
"How are you doing Casin."
"I'm fine, thank you for coming to see me."
"No problem, so what's up why is everyone giving me the stink eye?"
"Someone saw yall at the amusement park and took pictures and well now everyone knows yall went on a date."
Levi says a little bit annoyed, I nod,
"Well I don't think he's anyone to worry about now. He hasn't texted me and didn't drove by my normal walk to school to pick me up."
"Oh I don't think it's what your thinking."
Guage says looking at me smiling,
"What do you mean?"
I ask getting kind of nervous.
Seth grabs my shoulder and turns me around, my heart goes from 40 to 120 as I see Cameron standing in front of me.
My legs are weak as hell, he smirks that sexy smirk in his hands a little black box and rose.... I look at him confused.
"What's this?"
He smiles,
"Open it."
I do as he says and open the box its ring?
"Look inside the ring."
He says, I smile curiously and read it out loud.
"Winter formal, Angel?"
"What winter formal?"
I ask giggling,
"Its like a pre prom.... it's kind of a big deal.... And I'd love it if you went with me Angel."
I shake my head smiling,
"You could have just texted me."
I say making him and I laugh,
"So it that a yes?"
I slide the ring on my finger that fits perfectly on my ring finger, I look up at him blushing.
He picks me up and hugs me and the guys start clapping which makes the haters clap too.
I melt into his hug, I could hug him for ever. He sets me down and kisses my cheek, I want him. My core is burning for him so bad, i don't know how much longer i can take this.
"Can I walk you to class?"
I grab his hand lacing our fingers, we wall before the bell is even close to ringing.
I pull him and he looks at the guys confused, I pull him through the doors and look for an empty room.
I pull him in and look up at him,
"What are we doing in here."
"I want you to kiss me stupid."
"Oh." He picks me up quickly slamming me against a wall, our lips locked on each others, whimpers escape my lips and I'm am his.
"Slow down Angel, please."
"I don't want this to crash and burn.... I just I want to take this as slow as possible."
"But I want you."
I say resting my forehead on his, he smirks,
"I don't want your first time to be in a class room."
I pull away looking at him,
"I-I'm not a virgin Cameron."
He looks at me confused.
"Are you sure? You look like one."
I look at him confused as well.
"What does that even mean, and is this why your doing all of this in the first place? You just wanted to pop my cherry?"
"W-what no! Angel I promise I just thought my sweet little tough Angel was a virgin. I'm sorry."
He kisses my neck gently making me whimper out again.
"So who did you lose it too?"
I look at him,
"How was it?"
"Its pretty freaking amazing."
He chuckles
"Really really?"
I bite my lip nodding,
"Does he make you cum?"
"Every time."
"That's impossible."
"Um, no it's very possible."
"I still want to wait."
I sigh and push down to get on my feet but he doesn't let me go, he chuckles.
"Don't give me that attitude."
He says lifting my chin up for me to look at him, I roll my eyes not looking at him.
"Your so cute when you don't get your way."
I look at him biting my lip,
"Is this because we aren't official?"
I shake my head, he lets me down to my feet,
"Fine. Have it your way."
I walk out of the class mad and frustrated, I feel him wrap his arms around me and pick me up.
"When are you gonna stop running/walking away from me huh?"
"What you don't like the chase anymore?"
He chuckles and the bell rings, he keeps holding me not letting my feet touch the ground.
He takes me to my locker and he finally let's me down, he blocks me in between the lockers looking down at me as I tease him by running my finger along my waist line.
I'm wearing tight black ripped Jean's converse and a Greenday crop top.
"Stop being a tease."
He says smirking,
"Then take me under you."
I whisper in his ear, he shakes his head clenching his jaw.
He says gripping my hip, I whimper from his touch.
"I'll see you later Angel."
"I thought you were going to walk me to class."
He chuckles,
"I will if you behave."
I cross my arms and start to walk, he chuckles shaking his head,
"Not gonna hold my hand?"
I roll my eyes and lace our fingers together,
"Angel if you really want to we can. I just didn't want to rush you."
I nod and walk into class ignoring him completely, I smile as he walks into the class room grabbing my face and kisses me gently.
"By Angel."

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