Chapter 12

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I was wrong, so wrong! I tried to be his friend I tried so much but, he just kept pushing me away and then when I'd leave he'd get mad!
I was sick and tired of it and now, I'm at prom with Cameron.
He is sweet and he is dead sexy but, I just can't let my love for Matt go.
I fell for him hard and I wish I never got with him because then we would still be best friends.
I miss the old us so much and I just can't let go of the fact that I fucked it all up or rather we both did. We let our hormones fuck up our friendship completely.
"Hey, you okay?"
I nod and smirk,
"I'm good."
Cameron pulled me to the dance floor and every rose has its thorn by poison came on, I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.
My head in his chest,
"I'm sorry."
I said with tears in my eyes.
"Because I'm not fully here and you deserve that."
He chuckles,
"Your here, I'm happy."
I smirk and nod, he makes me feel okay for feeling the way I do because the way I feel for Matt is the way he feels for me.
All the other guys think I'm being a pussy for still hurting and caring except for Cameron, even Seth has been acting strange.
The prom ended and we left it with a simple peck, when I walked into my house I found Seth sitting on my couch.
"What's going on?"
I ask standing in front of him.
"I'm leaving."
He said,
"This body, I'm leaving this body and I don't know if I'll ever see you again. The real Seth is trying to surface and I can't hold him back from coming out anymore."
Tears flood my eyes and I pull him to his feet and hug him tightly.
"How much longer do you have?"
"Maybe 3 days."
As if my heart couldn't hurt anymore I get this news and I don't even want to be here anymore, my eyes hurt from crying!
"I want to go with you, I can't handle this anymore, I'm so broken."
"No, no. You have to live, don't do anything stupid please!"
"I don't know if I can Seth, I have to look at you and it not be you! It's not fair! At least we go this time together "
"I know it's not but, Please live. I'll be watching over you."
"I can't Seth, please!"
"I love you Bree, please just live for me."
He wipes my tears and holds me in bed for two days and when the third day rolled around we said goodbye because the next day it wouldn't be him, he could feel it and now I'm awake in my bed. It's morning and I have to go to school and look at Seth and it not be my Seth.
I drive to school and I pull up and see the guys outside, Seth is there and I can see by the way he stands it's not my Seth.
I walk up to the guys and they hug me except, Seth and the guys don't even know what's going on.
I don't even know if he knows who I am or what, I'm scared to say anything.
"Hey, Bree."
He said, I look at him and feel uneasy.
He smirks and grabs my arm,
"Can I talk to you?"
I nod and walk away with him and he looks at me,
"This is going to sound really weird but, I feel like I've known you for a long time but, I don't..... can you explain that?"
"I-I can. Um but, it's a long crazy story....."
"Well maybe you can come over to my place and tell me."
He bites his lip and I shake my head,
"I don't think that's a good idea, how about we talk about it at Jakes party tonight."
"Okay. I'll see you around. Oh and you look beautiful."
I smirk and walk away to my locker, Jake walks over to me and pulls me into him.
"Jake, what are you doing?"
I look into his eyes,
"I'm just holding my best friend."
He says, I rest my head on his chest and hug him tightly, he rubs my back and kisses the top of my head.
"I was going to ask if um, if you would be my date tonight?"
"Date? Jake we already tired this..... we didn't feel a connect, remember?"
He smirks,
"How is it possible for us to have so much in common and us not have a connection?"
"I don't know, and we can't do this because, I was best friends with Matt and look what happened."
He shakes his head,
"Let's give this one more try."
We turn and see it was Matt that said it, Jake clenches his jaw and pulls Matt back,
"What the fuck did you say?!"
Matt chuckles,
"I called you a fucking, pussy!"
"Why because I'm making my move on Bree? Because I know I can make her happy unlike you?! Because I know if it doesn't work out what happens to y'all won't happen to us! Your the pussy!"
Jake pushes him and Cason comes between them pushing them apart, I grab Jakes hand pulling him away.
"She will never love you like she loved me!"
Matt chuckles,
"She will NEVER love ANY of y'all the way she LOVES ME!"
He yells out for everyone to hear, I've had it with Matt! I'm so fucking done with him! I stop Jake and look at Matt as he looks at me.
"You, me, tonight's a date."
I kiss Jakes cheek and lace our fingers, Jake smiles and winks at Matt then we walk away.
I don't know what I'm doing but, it feels good and I don't feel like Jake and I are right for each other and I can't even really think about it because Seth keeps starring at me and it's not my Seth!
It's literally killing me and I miss my Seth so much!
"Hey, Bree?"
I look up and see Seth, oh god just leave me alone!
"I um, okay so last night, I um had a dream about you...... before I even met you."
"Seth, I told you I can't talk about it here."
He sighs and nods, tears pricking my eyes, I walk past him but, my arm gets grabbed by Matt.
"Not today Matt!"
I push him and walk away quickly,
He yells out after me but, I just keep moving to my the parking lot, I jump as Jake knocked at my window.
"Hey, you okay?"
He's always checking on me,
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll see you tonight."
I drive off and go home, laying in my bed listing to music soothes the soul.
I listen to Crazy by The Kidney thieves, I scream out the lyrics as I start to get ready. I put on my black Ozzy ripped up shirt my shirt back shorts and my converse, I apply some eyeliner and mascara and light eyeshadow.
I look in the mirror and let down my dark wavy long hair and nod.
"I think this it."
I head downstairs and grab a glass of water, I head knocks on my door and open it, a smile slides across my face when I find Jake standing there.
He has a black shirt sleeve button up, black pants and black converse, we match and we didn't even try.
He smirks nervously and hands me a bouquet of flowers, he is really trying! Does he really think this is going to work? I mean last time we tried and we kissed there was a spark for me...... but not for him. He said it felt like kissing his sister so yeah. I don't know how that changed but, I guess I should be willing to try. I grab the flowers and smell them,
I ask, Jake chuckles and shrugs,
"I just want to do everything right."
I walk in and put the flowers in a vase,
"Um, so has the party started?"
"Yeah, we are going to make a grand entrance."
He says smirking,
"Well, how do I look?"
"You look like the girl I met 6. Months ago, just stronger and more beautiful."
He grabs my hands and wraps them around his waist, he hugs me making me feel mushy inside.
I look up at him,
"I think we should just kiss right now because, if it feels like your kissing your sister when you kiss me then there is no point to all of this."
He smirks and shakes his head,
"Nope, we will wait till the right time. I know I'm hot and all but you are gonna have to try and control yourself."
I roll my eyes giggling and walk out of the house and lock the door behind us, Jake opens the door for me and I sit and try not to be awkward.
He smirks and peels off racing to the party, we walk in hand in hand, Jake kisses my cheek.
I nod, he opens the doors and all of the guys look at us and all of the girls give me the evil eye, we walk in and I cling to Jakes arm as guys start to cat call me. Usually I'd love it but, it's been a while since I've been around people like this.
I've been depressed, I know pathetic.
Jake wraps his arm around my waist making me feel safe.
"Dang girl!"
Seth says.... not my Seth.... I smirk a little and hop in the counter, Jake gets between my legs like he always does, his back to me. I smirk as he actually touches me, before this he would be between my legs and just stand there and we would take shots and just chill.
Now he has his warm strong hands on my calves massaging them, I wrap my arms around his neck and breath his scent.
He always smells like Armani, ugh he smells so damn good, and his neck has always looked delicious to me. I have to fight back the temptation to bite it.
I bite my lip as lust fills my body, oh god why am I like this?! It's like now that Jake is trying my body knows and I have permission to try too and it wants to jump Jakes bones!
"Hey pretty girl, wanna dance?"
I look to my right and see Seth, I look down at Jake and I saw he slightly is listening but trying not to be obvious. He is so cute, I smirk and look down at Jakes curly hair,
"I'm good."
"Come on don't be lame!"
He says, I look at Seth,
"Maybe later."
He nods,
Jake turns around and places his hands on my hips pulling me closer into him, his hands on my thighs now grasping them. I close my eyes and bite my lip, hiding my face in his neck,
"Come dance with me."
He whispers in my eyes making me shiver, he picks me up off the counter and sets me on my feet, we dance like we usually dance until Jake wraps his arm around my stomach, my back to him and now pulled into him tightly. My core heats up god why is my body like this?!
I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling that's come over me with Jake and smile but that all stopped as I feel my body get jerked away from him.
I open my eyes and See Matt, he leans in to kiss me, me still confused I push him away,
"What are you doing?!"
"Why are you mad? I know you still love me and want me, come here."
He pulls me back into him and kisses my neck, my body always turned on by Matt, melts, I shake my head. I can't do this! He is just going to hurt me again! Snap out of it!
"No Matt, you've broken me enough."
I walk back to Jake and he smiles,
"I didn't think you were going to come back to me."
He says, I smirk.
"He doesn't deserve me."
I say shaking my head, Jake smiles and bites his lip.
"Damn right he doesn't."
He says making me giggle, his lips kiss my cheek gently, my cheek stays warm from his lips the whole night.
"So I had fun tonight."
He says,
"Don't we always have fun?"
We both chuckle and go to my door,
"Do you wanna stay for a bit?"
"Ehhh I'd rather not, our hormones would probably have us naked in bed together and I think we should take this nice and slow."
He says chuckling,
"Like you could get me into bed anyways."
I say jokingly,
He fakes hurt and holds on to this chest making me laugh,
"Okay well then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow for date number two?"
He asks,
I nod and smile,
"Date number two confirmed."
He kisses my cheek and walks away and when I get inside I slide down to the floor and smile so fucking big!
Is this happiness I feel? I absolutely love this feeling!
I didn't remember how it felt but not that I feel it again I never want it to fade away.
I jump up and down happily and turn the music up dancing,
I grab a glass of wine and drop it as someone bangs on my door,
I go to the door and look through the peek hole and see Matt, oh my god seriously?!
I refuse to open the door,
"What do you want Matt?!"
"I need you! I need to talk to you!"
"What the fuck for Matt?!"
"Bree did you even notice I left the party early!?"
Oh my god did his mom.....
"No, why?"
"M-my mom she almost died tonight.... please...."
I clench my eyes shut and open the door, Matt has tears falling down his cheek and he rushes in hugging me tightly.
"I don't know what I'm going to do when it really happens. I feel so broken already."
My door still open Jake come back around and stops as he sees us,
"Wow, already?"
Matt turns around and smirks,
"I told you, she will only love me."
I look at Matt confused and push him away,
"You lied?!"
Jake walks away and I run after him but, Matt stops me pulling me back,
"Let go of me Matt! Your a fucking lying horrible person! What the fuck happened to the Matt I once knew!"
I slap him and run after Jake, not Jake I can't lose Jake, tears falling down my cheeks I stand in front of his car.
"Move Bree!"
I shake my head,
I drop to my knees, I can't lose anymore of my heart, his car turns off and I hear him get out, he helps me up and grabs my face.
"He said his mom almost died and needed me, I thought he was telling the truth. Please believe me."
He smirks and nods,
"I believe you only because you are a bad liar."
He says chuckling making me smirk, he wipes my tears away,
"Matt left early to get laid by a college chick that came down to see him. He's going to college where she does come after summer."
Matt came up to us and I walk straight up to him and punched him in the face,
"I hate you! Stay away from me!"
I don't know who this person is anymore, Matt was always sweet and nice, honest...
"You'll never feel the love with anyone the way you love me."
"You know what Matt, that may be true but, I'm sure someone will love me the way I loved you and I will be okay with that."
"Well yeah because you'll open your legs to anyone that moves."
"I've only been with people I'm in a relationship with."
"Oh really? You fucked me before we were a couple remember?"
He smiles wickedly,
"Yeah because you wanted me to take your virginity."
"And Seth?"
I turn around confused, how does he know about Seth?
"What are you talking about?"
"I came by a few nights ago and saw yall fucking, looked really passionate, you were crying and he was crying. It was intense and how did you bend like that? You never bend like that for me."
I'm lost for words for a second and smirk,
"You really think that's going to work? We can ask Seth tomorrow about it then. Better yet, how about we call him now."
I call Seth and count my blessings,
"Hey, Seth it's me Bree. I have something to ask you."
"When was the last time we had sex?"
"What? We haven't? Have we?"
"See, we have never had sex, Matt is here trying to tell Jake that you and I hooked up because he's a little bitch trying to ruin my life."
"Well tell that little bitch to go home."
"I saw yall!"
"I don't know what you are talking about Matt. Have fun at college."
I hang up and walk over to Matt,
"I'm being dead serious. I'm done with you, I don't want anything to do with you. I hope your mom lives and is healthy and I hope she doesn't get to witness the shit person you're becoming. Now leave."
Jake grabs my hand and laces our finger together,
"Come on, let's get you back inside."
Jake says, I look at him and smile, Jake walked me to my door again and waited for a while in his car to make sure I was okay. When he left I felt scared and alone, I wasn't scared of Seth I've just been paranoid lately.
I wonder what tomorrow brings.

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