Chapter 4

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I wake up in the morning to all the guys sitting on the bed looking at me and Me and Casin cuddled up.
Guage looks at me,
"Sooo what's going on here?"
He asks,
"I didn't wanna be alone and it started raining so I knew you would have came and well yeah..."
Casin wakes up still sleepy and sees everyone, he looks at Guage,
"How you feeling bro?"
He asks groggy,
"I'm better."
"Must be because you would have killed me seeing us like this."
Casin says getting up, I look at Seth and he looks annoyed.
"Um I gotta get home and spend some time with my dad."
I say getting up too,
"Seth can you take me home?"
We get in his car and we drive in silence, we pull up and he looks around.
"Where is da-d your dad?"
"He's still on business."
I get out walking backwards, he smirks and get out running behind me picking me up.
He takes me upstairs, my legs wrapped around his waist as he pins me to the wall. Our kiss turns into making out quickly and God I want him, I want all of him.
"I want you."
I whimper out, he pulls away looking at me nervously,
"You mean?"
I nod, he pulls off my shirt quickly, he pulls off all of my clothes and God his body is beautiful.
"I love you Seth."
He smirks,
"I love you too."
He slides himself inside me and it's like an explosion inside my body, moans escape me and I cant even be quiet even if I wanted too.
"Fuck Seth!"
He groans out,
"Fuck baby you feel so good."
His hands gripping my thighs, thunder rolls across the sky as I climax. He looks down at me biting his lip.
"That's was phenomenal."
I close my eyes, we have been waiting for this for so long and I fear I wont be able to stop.
"Don't stop "
Was all I could say, and we stayed in bed all day, having the best sex in the world.
Nighttime rolled around and we are face to face,
"Does this mean we are like going to be a couple?"
"I want too.... but... I still don't feel like it's our time yet."
"Will it ever be our time?"
He says getting up getting dressed,
"Yes Seth, I just... I need more time and you still haven't told me how you got Guage to spill his guts."
"I dont know how or why I can get people to tell their most Inner thoughts, I just can okay. And is it that your still ashamed about us even though we aren't brother and sister and never were or are you in love with Guage?!"
"No Seth it's not because I'm in love its because I'm falling in love and it's also because you just showed up, they think I barely know you. I cant just jump into a relationship with you it has to develop okay. I'm sorry I wish you could have shown up right when we moved her and I'd be with you in a heart beat. I fucking love you Seth I always will and I promise when the time is right we will be together and we will be so happy. Okay.
Just please let this candle with me and Guage burn out."
He was over to me holding my face,
"I die every time I see you with Guage and move for you becomes less and less. I need you now or never."
"Now or never?"
He nods tears streaming down his face, I cant lose him a second time.
"I'm yours."
Those words fell out if my mouth and I suddenly feel my heart ache for Guage. What will happen when he finds out?
"On one condition."
"We keep it a secret for two weeks so I can slowly start showing interest in you.... so it wont hurt Guage as much."
Seth sighs and nods.
"Fine. Two week."
He picks me up making us both laugh as he trips and we fall in the bed,
"I love you Bree."
"I love you too Seth."
"I can't wait till we can be together... in front of people. You are my everything Bree."
"I cant lose you again Seth, I'd do anything for you."
Tears start streaming down my face,
"I'm not going anywhere I promise."
I look at him believing him completely.
I cant stop crying now because I'm happy and scared and sad....
Happy because I have him scared to lose him and sad because I have to hurt Guage.
I wish I didn't have to choose but, Seth is my first love and we need to see if this would have ever worked.... now is our time.
Seth had to leave to his new family, it's weird but it's how it is now. I wake up in the morning get ready and start my walk, I didn't ask anyone to pick me up i need to be alone.
I put in my head phones and ignore everything around me, a car pulls up next to me. Some guy tattooed up with a muscle shirt and and Jean's pulls up in a older Cadillac. He looks a little older than me, maybe a senior or in his 20s. I take out a headphone,
"You want a lift?"
"Do you know where I'm going?"
I ask,
"Yeah to school, we go to school together. You don't know who I am?"
I look at him and stop walking, he stops driving.
"No, sorry."
He reaches in the back seat and puts on his Letterman and poses, I giggle.
"Still nothing?"
He asks, I shake my head,
"No, sorry."
I put my headphone back in and continue to walk to school but he keeps following me. I shake my head as I finally reach school with him still following me.
He parks and gets out quickly running up to me.
"Are you avoiding me now?"
He asks after I take off my headphone.
"No, just walking to my friends..."
"What grade you in?"
"I'm a sophomore...."
"Oh no wonder, your probably friends with Levi and the guys."
"Um yeah? How did you know?"
"Because they are the cool kids in their grade and.... I've seen you around school. I cant believe you don't know who I am though."
"Should I know?"
"Well I'm the captain of the football team."
"I don't watch my friends play, we usually just party a lot."
"Oh okay. Well I'm kind of a big deal, see how everyone is looking at us talk?"
I look around and it's true,
"Why are they starring?"
"I'm at the top of the food chain, all guys wanna be me and all girls wanna do me."
I scoffed at him,
"What you don't?"
I look at him laughing,
"No." I continue to laugh and walk up to my group, I give each of them a hug and the guy keeps starring at me
"So you've caught the eyes of Cameron Hinojosa huh?"
Casin says as Cameron keeps looking at me,
"Yeah I guess so, what's his deal?"
I ask annoyed,
"He gets what he wants, and he wants you. He will do anything to get you to be his. Trust me he may seem charming at a point but he just wants to get inside you."
Levi says, I look at Seth and he winks while biting his lip, I feel tingles all over my body and shake my head as flashes if him and I in bed flood my mind.
"How did you catch his attention?"
Guage asks throwing me back in the present.
"I don't know, i was just walking to school and he pulled up next to me and followed me all the way to school. He seemed kind of annoyed that I didn't know who he was. It made me laugh because he thinks he so desirable."
They all laugh with me,
"My name is Cameron and I think I'm so cool because I fuck bitches and my ego is probably bigger than my dick."
The guys laugh so hard but instantly become quiet,
"Awe come on guys that was funny! There is no way he doesn't use steroids, its probably the size of my lipstick."
They look above me and behind me, I turn around seeing Cameron,
"Ohhh hi."
He chuckles,
"Will you go on a date with me?"
"I-I no, I'm good. Thank you."
I turn around looking at the guys for help, Guage gets up grabbing my hand.
"Let's get to class guys."
"What there is still 10 minutes till class though?"
Jake says, I pinch his nipple,
"Ouch! Take me to dinner first jeez!"
He says and I clench my eyes shaking my head,
"So your avoiding me now huh?"
I take a deep breath and turn around,
"I'm just not interested."
"You got a boyfriend or what?"
"Umm no."
"Then let me take you on a date then. Just one date."
"Sorry Cameron, I just don't have any desire for you. Try it on some other bitch."
I walk away alone to the hall way, I hear him talking to the guys and Seth runs after me.
"So how are supposed to slowly make this out in the open?"
The bell rings and I know the guys are coming so I smirk and lace our fingers together.
"Don't worry I got this babe."
I whisper in his ear knowing the guys are most likely starring us down, I giggle and kiss his cheek.
I walk away from him and the guys and quickly run into my class not wanting any heat from the guys.
I bite my lip thinking about Seth, I want him so bad.
I text him to meet me in the janitors closet in the 3rd floor and he send a blushing face.
"Sir can I go to the ladies?"
He nods, I take my stuff and walk out quickly and head upstairs, I run and look behind me because I hear the clacking of an administrator heals coming behind me.
I bump into a wall and fall hard hitting my head on the ground, my vision is blurry. I try to stand but I stumble around and feel my feet leave the ground.
"Bree? You okay? Can you hear me"
I cant form a sentence, I black out,
My eyes flutter open and I'm being carried. I see lights passing as I try to get my eyes work. I see a string jaw, beautiful lips and Oh my god, he smells amazing!
I ask squinting,
"You fell pretty hard and stumbled to get up, I'm taking you to the nurse."
"W-what no, I have to be somewhere."
"You aren't going anywhere but to the nurse."
"And who do you think you are telling me what to do?"
"I'm your soon to be boyfriend."
I scoff and fight to get down but, he wont met me, he just grips my outer thigh tighter.
I whimper out from the pain and pleasure of his hands, his fingers so close to grasping my breast because his hands are so big.
"Am I turning you on?"
I cross my arms and roll my eyes,
"You wish, you just hurt my thigh."
"Oh sorry Angel."
"My name is-"
He cuts me off,
"Bree, yeah I know."
He says and looks down at me smirking, I feel my phone vibrate like crazy.
"What the hell I've been waiting."
"I-I'm sorry I fell and I hit my head really hard, I'm being taken to the nurse."
"What do you mean your being taken?"
My phone is loud I know he can hear what he saying, I sigh.
"C-Cameron is carrying me because he said i was stumbling."
"Cameron.... how convenient."
Cameron chuckles and I smack the back of his head and he smiles causing me to smile.
"I'll meet you at the nurse."
Seth says, I hang up the phone and we enter the nurses room and she rushes over to me.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?"
"I bumped into a wall and fell."
"No, she bumped into me, I failed to catch her and she hit her head pretty hard on the ground.  She was stumbling once she got up and couldn't talk."
"I-I bumped into you? You jolly green giant!"
I yell out annoyed, the nurse giggles and he smiles that million dollar smile.
"Well you might have a concussion, we will have to take you to the hospital."
"What? No, no please. I don't want to go."
"Why not? Scared of hospitals miss badass?"
I clench my eyes,
"Its Queen Badass and no, they make me think about my mom."
"Oh... I-I'm sorry."
He says grabbing my hand, tingles travel to my core, good god the hormones!
"I think you should leave now. I got this."
Seth says, I smile and he comes up to hug me tightly,
"You okay?"
I nod but all of a sudden feel light headed and tip over a little but Seth catches me.
"Hey, hey, you cant sleep you need to go to the hospital."
Seth says,
"I cant Seth... my mom.... I hate hospitals."
His face saddens,
"Nurse what can we do?"
He asks shutting out Cameron completely.
"Well one of her friend will have to miss 2 periods to make sure she doesn't fall asleep then we can do some standard test to make sure she's okay."
"I cant, I have practice right now."
Seth says annoyed as fuck, Cameron smiles,
"Go ahead I got this."
Cameron mocks Seth, I shake my head and kiss Seth's cheek,
"I'll see you later, and rain check for sure at my house."
He whistles and I do it back.
Cameron sits next to me and bumps my shoulder.
"So Angel, what's your favorite color?"
"Its Bree, and Yellow."
"Whale, humpback whales."
"Halloween. Do you do this with all the bitches?"
I ask mocking him from earlier, he chuckles,
"No only for my Angel."
I roll my eyes,
"My? Ooookay."
I scoff shaking my head,
"Favorite food?"
"To find this stuff out you have to take me on a date."
"I thought you said you were interested?"
I giggle and look at him,
"I'm not."
I bust out laughing and shake my head, he shakes his head smiling,
"Playing hard to get, that's cool."
"I'm not playing anything Hinojosa, I'm just being me."
"Why do you call me by my last name?"
I shrug.
"So you and those guys, your friends with them all?"
I nod,
"Are you dating one of them?"
"Me and Guage broke u-"
"W-wait GUAGE?! No way he got you and I cant!"
He says laughing, I look at him plainly, he slows down his laughing.
"He's a heart guy, sweet, funny,
Down to earth and he loves me. He makes me feel special."
I say smiling about it.
"Then why did yall break up?"
"Just stuff."
"Mmmhmmm. And Seth?"
"What about Seth?"
I ask nervously?"
"Yall like hooking up behind the guy's back or what?"
"Umm no..."
"Your a bad liar."
He says chuckling, I roll my eyes,
"Whatever, don't tell anyone okay."
"I wont tell if you go on a date with me."
"Blackmail? How romantic."
I hop off the table and stumble for a second,
"Whoa whoa... sit back down."
"I don't particularly like you very much so I'd rather risk passing out then being around you."
"Wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry I didn't mean it please Angel."
I smile, I like that he calls me Angel, i turn around, his hand on my hips he picks me up setting me on the bed.
His body between my legs,
"Stay here Angel, I'm going to get some snacks."
I nod and he kisses my cheek, my cheek is hot from his lips, fuck man.
I put on my head phones and sing the music lightly, the nurse walk out and I have the room to myself so I sing my lungs out closing my eyes feeling the music.
"Thunder only happens when it's raining, player only play when they are playing, women they will come and they will go. When the rain washed you clean you'll know, you will know."
I smirk and open my eyes and find Cameron starring at me, I take out my headphone.
"Your voice is so beautiful."
"Thanks, I get it from my mom."
He smirks and hands me a bag of starbursts,
"To chewy I already have a headache."
He hands me cookies.
"Mmm cookies."
I open them, and take a huge bite, they are soft, mmm.
"God, you are so cute."
I look at him and roll my eyes, he smirks rubbing the back of his head.
"How you feeling?"
"Good, better. I actually feel 100%. Let's leave."
I hop off the table and walk out quickly before the nurse comes back, I walk ahead of Cameron trying to lose him but he wont let me.
"Are you following me?"
"Well yeah, need to make sure you don't faint or something."
"I'm fine Hinojosa."
We walk through the double doors to outside and the temperature has dropped to 50. I don't prepare for a cold front, I'm wearing shirts and a t shirt for fuck sakes.
"Here your gonna catch your death out here."
He puts his Letterman on me and smiles.
"Damn you look perfect with my letterman on."
I continue to walk to the bleachers and sit down on the cold metal,
"So this is where you play huh?"
"Yeah me and your friends, except Gauge."
"They are on the varsity team?"
He nods,
"Mmm that's hot."
"But me being on the team isn't?"
I giggle,
"Not really. Sorry."
He is starting to get annoyed by me,
"Did I hurt your feelings?"
"No, I don't have any. I'm an emotionless dumb jock with no personality."
He says trying to make a point,
"I thought so."
I say laughing he tries not to smile but, failed, I bump his shoulder.
"Must be weird to hang with a girl you cant have huh?"
He smirks,
"I could have you."
I raise my eyebrow,
"How so?"
"I could seduce you, very easily."
"Pshh okay sure. Try."
He looks at me biting his lip he turn to me and puts his legs on each side of the bleacher seats.
His hands pull me so I'm between his legs my back to his chest, he moves my hair away from my neck.
His hot breath breathing on it, his hands on my hips gripping them.
I hold in a whimper, his lips kiss the back of my neck gently sending chills down my spine.
His hand slides inside my shirt holding my hip, I close my eyes, as his hand travels down to my inner thigh and grasps them.
His warm hands on my thighs make me wet for him, he could seduce me without even kissing me but, I'm not letting him think that. I stand up throwing his Letterman at him,
"Its not working."
I giggle out, I get up and head down the bleachers, he grabs my hand and pulls me under them and closes me in under them.
I'm trapped like a mouse, his arm wraps around my waist and he pulls me into him.
"You know you want me."
My chest rising and falling so fast, I smile.
"Nope. I don't."
I hear the team coming out to run laps and push him away as I see Seth spot us. I run to him and I cant hold back anymore I have to do it now I cant ease into it.
Before he can say anything, I clash my lips on his and he catches me, he kisses me deeply and passionately, God I want him.
"What the fuck Bree?"
I pull away hearing Guage, and look up on the bleachers and see him, fuck my life.
He comes down with tears in his eyes,
"Guage I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry."
"I knew you weren't really going to give me another try. Its okay...  I don't deserve you."
He walks off, Seth grabs my hand and I look at him.
"Are you sure you want this?"
I look up at him,
"I don't know what I want Seth but i do know I love you...."
He smirks tucking hair behind my ears,
"I love you enough to let you go. If you need me or want me in ANYWAY I'm here babycakes."
I smirk
"You are so amazing."
A tear falls down my cheek and I kiss him lightly, i run after Guage and catch him in the parking lot. I made a mistake, I'm not done with Guage and I'm falling for him still, I want him.
"Guage! Wait please!"
He turns to me and wrap my arms around his neck and he catches me, tears running down my face. My breathing so quick,
"Gauge, I thought I wanted Seth but, it's you. I want you."
I crash my lips on his and my body engulfs in flames, his hands garb my ass roughly.
He pulls away slowly,
"I thought I lost you."
He says holding me so tightly,
"I'm sorry."
I say, he smirks,
"I love you."
"How much?"
I ask nervously,
"So much I'd do anything for you."
"Okay, well we aren't back together yet. I think we still need time to heal but, I promise I will not kiss anyone in front of you and I will not flirt with any of the guys in our circle okay?"
He nods,
"But me and you can you know do stuff?"
I smirk biting my lips,
"Well let's get do to doing said stuff."
I giggle and see drive off to his house, our close melt off our bodies and fall somewhere on the floor.
Giggles and laughter fill the air as we have sex, our lips locked on each others, I love kissing this guy.
I get on top and tie his hands up on his bed post, he smiles.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking control."
I whisper in his ear, I slap his face and he bites his lip. He likes it, I giggle and move my hips with him inside me, he groans out fighting to get lose.
"Untie me."
He groans out, I giggle and do as he says, his hands grasp my hips taking control of my body and how it moves.
Nice and slow but deep and delicious, our bodies climax and I fall on the bed and we laugh.
"Oh god that was incredible, I can definitely keep doing this."
He says making my heart happy, why is he so understanding when he's the real him that he's supposed to be?
I'm scared of what could happen if he ever got off his pills, he hit me, what else is he capable of?
I shake the thoughts away and get dressed,
"Where are you going?"
"Uh, back to school. I cant miss last period."
He chuckles and gets dressed quickly, he races to school and the bell just rang for next class, I run to the hall way losing him, not on purpose our classes are on opposites sides of the school.
I run to my locker but almost bump into guess who?
"Fuck Hinojosa, this needs to stop already."
I say giggling, his jaw clenched he looks down at me looking mad.
"What? Why so serious."
I say like Joker, he keeps looking at me for a few seconds.
"You embarrassed me in front of my team."
"Oh.... I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean too."
My words get stuck as he blocks me in between his arms and the lockers behind me.
"Are you sure you didn't mean it?"
I nod, looking at him, he is intimidating and I like it. I've never been intimidated before, my chest rising and falling.
"Go on a date with me."
"W-why do you want to g-go on a date w-with me so badly?"
He smirks,
"Because you don't want me. I've never chased a girl before, plus you sing beautifully, your gorgeous, you make me laugh. Other girls don't make me laugh, your special."
"Its called a personality."
I say being a smart ass,
"Is there a problem?"
I don't even have to look I know the voice, Cameron looks at Levi and I stay looking at Cameron.
"No, we are talking. Get the fuck out of here before I make you do suicides before the game on Friday."
I look at Levi for help, if I stay here any longer I'll be compelled to his power.
"Bree, do you want me to walk you to class?"
Levi asks sweetly, I smile, he is so sweet!
"Yeah, I'd like that."
Cameron moves away and I turn to him before we walk away,
"Um, I'll see you around."
Levi and I walk together, I look up at him, he is so tall...
"Thank you Levi."
He smirks and nods, we reach my class, Levi kisses my cheek and walks off.
Why do all these girls have to be bitches, I could really use a female friend like they are all guys. Ugh this is annoying, literally all these girls are cunts even the nerdy ones!
I lush my thought away so I can learn something today.
Did you know that hugging the right person releases dopamine in your body. A chemical in your brain that makes you feel happy and high naturally? That's how I feel when I hug Seth, it just feels so amazing and breathtaking.
"Mr. Johnson, I need Bree in the office please."
I look at the door and see Cameron, my heart starts to race, am I nervous?! No, no, no I cant be, I'm a badass, bad asses don't get nervous!
The teacher says, my legs feel like noodles and my arms feel weak, I walk last him as he holds the door open for me.
I look at him and take off running, I cant be near him, I cant I will lose all control of myself!
I hear him running after me and not soon after arms wrap around my waist, I'm taken into an empty astrology room.
His arms still wrapped around my waist, my feet not touching the floor, I'm covering my eyes.
"Why did you run from me?"
He asks,
"I thought you liked the chase."
I say sarcastically making us both giggle, why are you flirting you stupid ass!
My hair gone from my neck he kisses gently, I close my eyes and bite my lip, god his lips feel good on my skin.
I whimper out, he chuckles and puts me down on my feet still not letting go of me.
"You gonna let go?"
"No this feels good."
What? I turn around to him dare I hug him? Dare I do...
I wrap my arms around my neck and he picks me up hugging me and it's an instant boom! This feels like when I hug Seth, my body feel warm and I feel lightheaded. My body and mind relax quickly, my eyes closed,
"I could hug you forever."
He says, I smile and a tear slides down my cheek. He puts me down, I wipe my tear away.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
He asks nervously.
"I haven't felt a hug like that since Seth."
"The guy you were kissing? Seth Seth?"
"No, um my brother, well turns out he want my brother.... he had the best hugs in the world."
I say shaking my head realizing that Seth's hugs don't feel the same as they did before....
"Well I mean I'm here for free hugs whenever you need them."
I smirk and wipe another tear away,
"You okay?"
I nod,
"Yeah I'm sorry just a lot of feelings running through my body."
He nods,
"Is there anything I can do?"
I shake my head and smirk, he wipes a tear away,
"Let me take you on a date Angel. I promise you wont regret it."
I look up at him,
"Fine, Hinojosa."
"Finally I thought I was going to have to just kidnap you."
"Not creepy at all."
"Hey most girls would love that."
I roll my eyes,
"Yeah let's get one thing clear Hinojosa, I'm not like most girls. I don't find movies and a dinner or a boat ride romantic, i like fun dates okay. Just make sure to use your imagination."
He nods,
"Fair enough, I'll make sure to make it a fun date."
I nod and walk away from him but he grabs my wrist gently.
"Do you think I can get a kiss?"
I look at him, and nod, he leans down and I kiss his cheek.
"There a kiss."
He chuckles and I giggle leaving the room.
"Wait. I need your number."
"Find me on Facebook, I don't text. As one of the guys for it."
I go back to class and all the girls are looking at me like I just stole their reason for living.
5 minutes till school ends, it feels like forever, my phone vibrates and I check it. A friend request from Hinojosa already? I smile and get up as the bell rings.
"So you take a lot of selfies."
"And you didn't bother to like any of them hmmm worried your hoes might see?"
"Hoes? Their bitches remember 😎"
"Your so dumb lol, so you didn't answer my question."
"Don't worry before you know it we will be a Facebook status, Cameron and Bree are in a relationship."
"Lol you wish💁‍♀️😂 ttyl."
I put my phone away and start my walk home, I sigh and turn seeing his car coming up the road.
"Hinojosa, stalking is illegal in all 51 states."
"Get in Angel."
I do as he says and we take off, he drives listing to Really Really by Kevin Gates.
I watch as he takes off his Letterman puts on some chains and his rings, he looks at me raising an eyebrow.
"Tattooed prep gangster wanna be by day and real Gangster by night huh?"
He shrugs,
"No ones see me like this except you."
He says smirking, oh lord help me.
"I'll pick you up at 7."
I day pointing to my house, my dad in the front yard watering the grass,
"See you later."
"Who's that?"
"I'm his latest conquest. Gonna make him die a little till I gave in."
My dad shakes his head smiling,
"Well be careful honey."
"Always am."
I run upstairs and shower, my phone dings,
"Wear something comfy, Nike's, shorts etc."
I send a thumbs up and get dressed,
"I don't wear Nikes, I put on my converse and I hear him pull up, I hear knocks at the door follow.
My dad opened the door and he smiles seeing me coming down the stairs.
"Hi, I'm Cameron. Your daughter calls me Hinojosa."
"Why Is that?"
My dad asks smirking.
"Its my last name."
"Uhu sure that's why."
My dad says, I elbow him in the ribs and we head out,
"Sorry my dads weird."
Cameron says nothing and we start our way, he looks at me as he drives.
"Your beautiful."
I smirk and we continue to drive listening to music,
"Where are we going?"
"Not gonna say."
I look at him and my body just heats up, he is fucking hot fuck my life! My phone vibrates and I see it's a group call with all the guys. Fuck!
"Hey! Where you at?! I'm having a party!"
Jake says, I smile.
"I cant I have to do a project due tomorrow. I'm sorry guys. I'll see yall later though."
I hang up quickly,
"Look who's embarrassed of who?"
He says making me feel bad, we pull up to a huge amusement park.
He nods, he opens the door for me and we run in,
"What should we get on first?"
"Ummm The Phantom?"
He smirks,
"I love that ride."
I love roller coasters, we enjoy a few rides and decide that I'm fucking starving.
"I want a Turkey leg."
He looks at me surprised,
I ask as he hands it to me, he gets his own.
I look at him suspiciously,
We sit and I take a bite of it and clean my face after. He chuckles,
I ask frustrated,
"Girls don't eat in front of guys...."
"Umm I do?"
I roll my eyes and he chuckles, his arm wraps around my waist pulling me to sit closer to him.
His grip on my hip makes me squirm inside, I get up throwing my bone in the trash.
"Funnel cake?" I ask he nods smiling as I walk to the stand to get one.
"One Funnel cake."
"Hi, are you alone here?"
I look to my right seeing a random guy.
"Um no I'm on a date."
"Oh, well maybe I can get your number."
I look at him like he's crazy,
"What? I'm sorry I'm not interested."
The guy grabs my wrist and I see him fall to the ground.
"She said she's not interested."
The guy gets up running off, I look up at Cameron.
"Thank you."
He nods and grabs the funnel cake, "come on Angel."
We walk side by side eating the funnel cake, we do one last ride and get in the car.
"Where to now?"
I ask nervously not wanting this to be over, he smiles.
"I take you home."
I ask and he smiles.
"Didn't think you'd have fun with me huh?"
I smirk rolling my eyes.
"We can go back to my place."
He says,
"Why so you can seduce me and leave me alone for the rest of the year? Or tell everyone that you got in my pants?"
He smirks,
"Actually it's my cousins birthday and they are celebrating there. I was going to see if you wanted to be my date but, if that's how you see me being then it's fine I'll just take you home."
"Well how else do you expect me to think when all you have been trying to do is seduce me?"
He nods to himself gripping the steering wheel tighter,
"Your right but, you also have no trust."
I say nothing and he pulls up to my house, I look at him but he refuses to look at me.
"I'm sorry Hinojosa."
He says nothing for a few seconds so I open my door to get out, he grabs the door handle and closes it.
"Fuck, Angel... you really know how to piss a guy off you know that?"
"What? What did I do?"
"You like to point out their gawks and shit."
"I'm sorry I'm not an obedient little girl. I say what's real."
He smirks looking out the window,
"That's something I like and hate."
He says, i smirk.
"I'm just gonna go now."
I open the door and get out quickly, I hear his door open and his arms wrap around my waist from behind and he picks me up.
His lips on my cheek make me smile, he opens the door and sets me down.
"Shouldn't I change? I'm not dressed for a party."
He smirks,
"Hurry Angel."
I do ask he says and run in to my room only to find all of the guys in my room.
"Whoa. What the fuck..."
I say confused and startled,
"Didn't we warn you about him?"
Jake says, I roll my eyes.
"Jake don't act like a saint. You have been trying to get lucky with me this whole time."
He stands up and gets in my face,
"Yeah, but the difference is, that I actually really like you. I'd stop being a man hoe and I'd be in a serious relationship with you. I'd give you the world. You just see me as a horny guy that wants to fuck and you wouldn't give me the time of day when that's actually how Cameron is. THATS THE DIFFERENCE!"
tears prick my eyes and he wipes them away and walks out of my room. All the guys follow him out,
"What so now yall are all mad at me?! Seriously?!"
Casin was the last one to pass by me,
"You know, we have changed because you gave us a wake up call it's your turn for yours. Do what makes you happy if it bites you in the ass learn from your lessons. We will be here for you."
Sobs break in my chest when I hear the door close behind me, fuck them.
I sit there for a good while and my door opens, I look up seeing Cameron.
He sits next to me,
"Did they lecture you about me?"
I nod,
"How did you know?"
"Because I'm a piece of shit. I've done what they probably told you, I've hit a quitted girls, I've ghosted them I've bragged about them. I've done the typical popular high school jock shit. They are right about me but, there is something different when it comes to you Angel. And it's going to sound like bullshit to them and to you but, all I can do is prove it that its not the same shit I've done."
"I'm sorry Hinojosa but, I just cant do this right now... I need to be alone."
He nods and kisses the top of my head.
"Call me or whatever when you want Angel."
He leaves the room, I cry my eyes out till I pass out. I wake up to Seth picking me up and stripping me down he puts me in a hot bath and strips down sitting behind me.
His fingers massage my shoulder trying to get me too relax like he used too.
He holds me tightly I lay my head back relaxing which is much needed.
"You okay?"
He whispers, I nod taking a deep breath in.
"I'm making a mess here Seth, I'm hurting everyone."
"Its okay.... I'll be here no matter what you decide. I kind of think I'm supposed to be like your guardian angel... if you want I can sit down with Cameron and see what his intentions really are...."
"You'd do that for me? I thought you said you wouldn't wait for me any longer?"
He chuckles,
"I died for you Bree, you really think seeing you with temporary guys is going to drive me away or stop wanting to be in your life?"
"I don't know why you love me."
I say sadly,
"Because I know everything that is good about you and there is more good than bad and I know that you love me. Why else would I have been able to come back to a person's body and life that would end up being exactly where you are?"
He kisses my cheek,
"I'm here for you and only you baby. Forever."
"I love you Seth."
"I know baby."
My guardian angel.... I get up and wrap a towel around me, he does the same.
"Did I help?"
He asks getting dressed, I hug him tightly and breath him in closing me eyes. He hugs me tightly, it doesn't feel as good as it used to but, it feels good enough.
"Do you know where Seth lives?"
I ask,
"Yeah, I remember everything Seth did remember."
I nod and get dressed, a white sundress and sandals with diamond on them.
"You look beautiful."
He says taking my hand,
"Come on let's go."
He drives a little bit not to far 30 minutes away and pulls up to his house.
"Good luck."
I smirk, he drives off and I call Cameron, he answers but it's to loud for him to hear me so he tells me to hold on. I see him walk out to the front yard on the porch, he's looking down at the floor and smiles.
"I was hoping you'd call."
He says making me smile,
"I'm feeling better now."
He keeps smiling,
"Well good, does that mean I can go pick you up?"
He wont stop smiling, he might really actually like me, I bite my lip.
"Do you want me to be there?"
He chuckles,
"Uh duh!"
He rubs the back of his neck,
"How bad do you want me there?"
"Fuck this I'm heading over there right now."
He hangs up and he goes inside, I wait there and he comes out looking at his pockets for his keys. I lean against his car and he looks up, a smile so big spears across his face and he runs up to me.
"Your sneaky!"
He says picking me up hugging me tightly, I melt into his body, this feels so good....
"You give the best hugs."
He says letting me down,
"You look even more like and Angel than you did before."
I smile tucking my hair behind my ear, his hand on my cheek.
"You look very handsome."
He's in a shirt sleeved white button up and Jean's and some black Nike high tops.
"Thank you Angel. Come on."
I walk with him through the empty house and to the back yard where his whole family is. They all look at me and smile, my heart is racing!
Cameron takes me around the whole party introducing me to EVERYONE, a Mexican tradition, you have to say hi to everyone, yes everyone or you are consider rude. His mom is last, she smiles,
"Who is this lovely Chiquita?"
She asks,
"Hi its nice to meet you, I'm Bree, Cameronz friend."
"Mmmhmm friend, don't act like yall haven't been smooching already."
I giggle shaking my head,
"We haven't. At all." I say and she smirks.
"Why is that? You too good for my boy?"
I shake my head smiling,
"No, its not that he makes me nervous."
She smiles big and laughs,
"That's too cute. She's a honest one I like that."
She tells Cameron,
"Bring her around more often, you hungry?"
She asks me.
"We are a little wh-"
I elbow him,
Second rule, always eat the food even if your not hungry.
"Oh she eats?"
She serves me a plate of tamales, oh my god I love tamales! I unwrap them and eat all four of them.
"These are so good!"
"I made them that's why."
His mom says smiling,
"Can intake some home? I haven't had any since my mom died."
She gets quiet for a second.
"O-of course mija... I'll pack you some."
I smile and hug her,
"Thank you."
She smiles and walks away, Cameron's hand slides down my arm and his fingers lace with mine.
"My mom likes you.... I knew you were an Angel."
I roll my eyes and smirk, his hand fit perfect with mine, I look up at him his lips kiss my cheek.
He takes me to sit down with him at a table, his hand around my waist.
"So your um mom.... how did she..."
"Die? She had pancreatic cancer. She fought for a good year. She was a great mom."
I look around, his hand grabs my face and looks into my eyes that are tearing up.
"You okay?"
I nod,
"I haven't talked about her to anyone."
He nods,
"I'm here if you ever want to talk about her or anything."
"Thank you Hinojosa."
He smirks,
"Why do you call me by my last name?"
I smile,
"I call guys by their last name when the guys see me as a conquest, so I won't get attached and remember who they are. I shouldn't be calling you that anymore, I'm sorry."
"Is that why your dad was being strange?"
I nod smiling, he chuckles.
"You are something else."
He let's go of my face and grabs my hand,
"Let's dance."
It's a country song, your man by Josh Turner, I cant help but smile big as he starts to two step with me.
A gangster, country, jock, popular guy.
He is so much more that what I thought, he sings the song as we dance making me giggle.
He is so sexy u swear to god! I bite my lip as I see his while family looking at us smiling and taking pictures.
He spins me around and pulls me back in swaying us to the music still singing, he can sing too ugh god help me!
His hand on my waist grips as the song almost ends, I rest my head on his chest feeling so happy my heart could burst.
The song ends and everyone claps, I look around laughing as he picks me up from behind taking me to go sit back down.
"You dance and sing very well."
I ask blushing, he smirks that sexy smirk,
"Well thank you darling."
He says with a country accent making me laugh a little, I shake my head.
He asks nervously,
"You are so much more than I pictured you to be."
"I hope that a good thing."
I nod,
"It definitely is."
He bites his lip, the sky is dark now and it's a bit chilly, he gets up and goes inside real quick and puts on one if he jackets on me. I smell the scent of him, smells so good.
"I'd give you my Letterman but your not my girl yet."
"Yet huh?"
I say laughing with him.
"Yeah yet."
"So much confidence."
He just smiles.
He stands me up,
"Ready to go home?"
I shrug.
"I guess, you trying to get rid of me?"
"No, I just don't want you to get tired of me."
I shake my head,
"I don't think that's a possibility."
He laces our fingers walking me to his car, he gets in and turns the heater on for me.
His fingers lace mine as he drives, he parks the car in a field and I look at him confused.
"What are we doing here?"
"This is my spot, where I come to think, the stars are so bright here. Come on."
I get out and he picks me up sitting me on his hood, and sits next to me then lays down pulling me into his arms.
I look up at the stars, it is so beautiful out here, the stars are truly bright out here without the light pollution.
I've taken the stars for granted,
"Thank you for giving me a chance to take you on a date."
"You didn't make it easy to refuse you."
He chuckles, we lay there for a bit,
"Okay, it's getting late. I should get you home before your dad gets home."
"My dads rarely home. I doubt he is."
"Well let's go chill there, I promise to be good."
I nod, we go to my place I turn on the tv in my room and go change into my pjs.
He's slightly sitting up against the backboard, I crawl into bed and rest my head on his stomach. His fingers running through my hair as we watch Atypical. I love this show so much, his fingers in my hair make me relax but my heart is still racing and I'm nervous as hell!
I lay on my back looking at him as he watches the tv, he likes this show, he is smiling and laughing.
His smile is so beautiful, he looks down at me.
He asks smiling,
"Your beautiful..... like god created you face from scratch."
He shakes his head,
"I'm not beautiful."
I sit up looking at him,
"Strong jawline, beautiful plump lips, perfect skin tone, beautiful light brown eyes, a million dollar smile."
I nod,
"Yeah, your beautiful."
He smirks and grabs my face,
"Your the beautiful one."
I smirk, his thumbs trace over my lips, my heart beating so fast, I jump as my door busts open.
Guage walks in grabbing my arm in a hurry.
"Come on hurry let's go!"
"What's going on?"
"Casin was in a car accident last go!"
I get up grabbing my phone, Cameron right behind us.
"I'll take here what hospital?"
"No offence but, my car is faster and we need to go now."
I get in Guage's car and he peels off quickly, I see Cameron trying to keep up but Guage is a really good driver.
We pull up and we run to the hospital room and find Casin hooked up to wires.
I rush to his side and tears start falling down my face,
"What happened to him?!"
"He was going to check on you to see if you were okay because you weren't answering you phone and he got hit by a drunk driver."
Jake says crying,
"This is all my fault."
"No it isn't, it's the drunk drives fault."
Casin says waking up, I hug him tightly and he chuckles.
"Hey, I'm fine okay. Just a broken arm."
"He has a concussion."
The doctor says walking in.
"He will need to stay the night."
"I'm sorry I didn't answer Casin."
"Its okay, I was just worried."
"You don't need to worry about me. I'm a tough cookie."
He chuckles.
"Can I get a kiss? I think it'll make me feel better."
He says, I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek.
"There feel better?"
He nods,
Cameron comes in and Casin looks at me,
"You were with him?"
I nod,
"Did you get laid?"
"Oh my god no Casin, I haven't even kissed him."
"Oh okay good."
I shake my head,
"You're dumb "
I smile and move away, Guage hugs me tightly, Jake doesn't and Levi hugs me and kisses my cheek Seth kisses me forehead.
I stand next to Cameron and they all look at me.
"Nothing, you look happy."
Guage says smirking but still looking sad, I whistle and Seth whistle back, Cameron looks at me suspiciously.
"You okay if I go home?"
I ask Casin, he nods.
"Yeah, have a good time."
I roll my eyes and we walk out, Cameron laces our finger together and we go back to my house.
He stops at my door,
"You not coming inside?" I ask,
"No, I um. I have a feeling if I do we might do something we both aren't ready for. I don't want to rush this since I have a bad reputation."
"Okay, I understand."
He grabs my face and kisses my forehead,
He didn't even try to kiss me. Did i do something wrong?
"Um, goodnight."
I smirk shaking my head,
"What's wrong?"
I walk in but he stops the door from closing and pulls me back outside. I love how he takes control of me, he grabs my face and ashes his lips on mine. Our lips linger together for a few seconds, fore works and fuzees fill me and my core ignites. He pulls away slowly,
"Best kiss ever."
He says making me smile.
"Good night Cameron."
"Good night Angel."

The Brightest Stars FallWhere stories live. Discover now