Part Two

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*Carl's POV*

The man and the boy ran to the car, "Please! Help us!" They yelled.

Daryl was about to keep driving until I yelled, "Daryl, we have to help those people!"

He slammed his foot onto the breaks and the man and boy came running up to the car.

They were out of breath when the man said, " need.....your help...."

"Why?" Daryl asked.

"T-ter...terminus. It's where"

"What happend to it?"

"It's been, taken....over. We need to get it back. It's our home."

"This isn't the same world, man. I'm sorry but I need to get us all back in one piece."

"Please! No!" The man cried out as Daryl drove away.

"Daryl, what the hell?! We could've helped those people!"

"Daryl, stop the car!" Sarah yelled.

He stomped his foot on the break.

"Are you happy?"

Sarah had started to open the door when Daryl said, "look, all I care about is you 3, and the rest of the group. We need supplies and we need to get back to the prison."

Sarah ran out of the car and started yelling, "hey! Come here!"

The man and the boy had come running back to the car.

"All I that...." the man was still out of breath. "That you give us a ride to Terminus."

"I think we can somehow arrange that." Sarah said.

They had gotten into the back of the truck and we drove off.

"Um, Daryl? Terminus is the other way."

"What's your name?" Daryl responded.

"Um, Gareth, and this is my son, Andrew."

"How many biters have you killed?"

"Well, a lot, I guess."

It was silent for a few more moments until Daryl said, "your going back to the prison with us."

"But, I, we, need to get back to-"

"I don't care. Do you want to survive or not?"

Gareth was silent the rest of the way back to the prison.


One day later

Rick had allowed Gareth and Andrew into the group.

I had noticed that Andrew was the same age as Sarah and I, about 15 or 16.

I had noticed that Andrew was starting to come around Sarah a lot since he bad been here.

I mean, it's not like im jealous or anything. Andrew was just, suspicious.


3 hours later.

It was the middle of the night and I had heard Sarah get up. I thought nothing of it at the time so I went back to bed.


When I had woken up in the morning, I had gone to Sarah's cell, like usual. Except, she wasn't there.

"Sarah?" I called out.

I had found a piece of scrap paper that said,

Dear Carl,
I know this is probably going to be hard for you but I have left the group. I couldn't take seeing you everyday and not having you feel the same way I did. Andrew had told me he liked me, which I was waiting for you to tell me, but Andrew is very nice and can actually express his feelings. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but you should've told me you liked me when you had the chance. I have packed up all of my things and have left to be with Andrew and Gareth. I hope you survive this terrible outbreak, and may the best be with you and the group. Tell your mother and father I said goodbye, and everybody else in the group. Goodbye Carl Grimes, just always remember, I loved you.

She was gone.

I looked around her cell once more and had found the necklace I had given her off of a dead one.

She was really gone.


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