Chapter 2

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Neil was sleeping after having his medicine while anvi was ruffing his hair and was in her thoughts...

Anvi ( mind) Bhai how long you will suffer? When will the day where these nightmares will stop disturbing you..? Bhai when will you get the happiness... when will angel come to your life.... ?

She was lost in her thought that didn't realise Neil was wake and staring her face... seeing her completely zoomed out he could easily guessed she is thinking about him only... he hasn't shared his past with anyone no means no one.... he himself build walls between him and others...

Neil ( mind) I'm sorry anvi baby but I can't let you come in my shell of darkness.... all I know is to protect you... I have lost hope living but you have gave new hope.... I live for your smile... I know you have thousands question haunting your head but it will never be answered... I'm sorry baby but I can't risk your life......

He again looked at before shaking her elbow which was near his face as anvi was ruffling his hair.. anvi looks at him...

Anvi : Bhai are you better now...

Neil : I'm fine dear... go have rest... I'll be fine...

Anvi : no i won't leave you... please Bhai...

Neil : but you need rest...

Anvi : please....

Neil : only today but promise you sleep later....

Anvi : promise...

Neil smiled at her... seeing him smile a smile appeared on her face.. his smile make her day.. she stood up and brought tray of food. And kept on bed while Neil looked at her confusingly...

Anvi : I know you had your medicine but doctor said to give you food after your nap too... plus you had medics 4 hours ago... so have this...

Neil had tears seeing her care since three years... he shooed his tears back as he didn't wanted see her his tears and also didn't wanted to make her upset... she doesn't like his tears like he doesn't like her tears... Neil gave smile and got up while sitting on bed...

Neil ( mind) I don't know Where could i have been without you...

He looks at anvi who was serving plate for him... seeing one plate he knew she won't eat and he knows she hasn't eaten since morning...

Neil held her hand as she was going leave the room... She looks at him..

Neil : where you going? I know you haven't eaten... sit here and eat with me...

Anvi : but Bhai?

Neil : sit...

Anvi nods and sat beside him... Neil took first bite and forward to her.... she took the bite and starts chewing it... she also fed Neil...

Neil went to shower and washed his hand while anvi kept the plate in tray and kept it aside...

Neil come back and saw her talking on her phone... he could only hear anvi aside...

Anvi : I can't come today.... I know it's important..... but I can't.... okay... send it me later... hmm... tomorrow I'll be there... bye....

She cuts call and saw Neil gesturing what happened... she shook her head and nods no.. Neil moves to her and lifts her chin...

Neil : baby what happened? Who was it? Tell me!

Anvi : nothing Bhai...

Neil : anvi.... tell me....

Anvi : today is last day for dance admission... but I'm not going to fill it....

Neil : may I know the reason why?

Anvi : Bhai I can't leave you alone.... I won't go...

Neil : anvi you will go... it your parents wish to see you becoming dancer... for them do it... for me... fill the form... please...

Anvi : Bhai please I can't... leave you alone here.... you know.....

Neil : nothing will happen to me.... you go... and I want no more question after this... okay... call your friend and tell her you coming...

Anvi was going to say no but seeing glare and stern face Neil from made her shut her mouth... she only gave nod and move to call her friend while stood there...

Neil ( mind) I can't be selfish keeping you here with me... I know you don't want leave me but anvi baby you have life too... I can't you give anything except pain.... in this three years I'm trying to push you but you kept coming near me.... I don't want you near me... Because I know you will only get pain.... I'm sorry Baby....

He looked anvi who looked happy talking to her friend... he smiled sadly and walked back to bed and laid down....

While in orphanage avni was playing with children when neela comes there... seeing avni playing with kids a smile appeared on her smile... one of the children saw neela standing there...

Kid 1: avni di... look neela maa...

Kids calls neela as maa too.. neela loves when children calls maa because she feels as like she is with her own children... she smiled and went to them and bend down on her knees.....

Avni passed smile to Neela who returned the smile back...

Neela : what is my baby's doing?

Children gave her toothy smile...

Kid 2: playing maa... maa you play with us too...

Neela : off course my child why not....

They all starts playing hide in seek when avni stopped as she felt her breath going away... neela saw her standing there. She quick rushed to avni...

Neela : you okay... should I get your inhaler...

Avni : I'm fine maa... just have short of breath... I'm fine... you join them... I'll be back...

Neela wasn't letting her know but avni convinced neela... neela let's her go but she was still worried for avni..... neela watched her going until one Kid dragged her with them...

While other side at Khanna House... Neil was resting in his room when anvi came to check on him... she covered him with duvet and left the room close... she kept the lights on as she knew Neil's is sacred of dark...

She met kaka in the hall..

Kaka : anvi beta you going somewhere...

Anvi : kaka I need to collage.... please keeping checking on Bhai... I'll he back soon...

Kaka nods and pats her before she left... kaka went back to kitchen and starts preparing for the food...

Enjoy the update.....

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