Chapter 4

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Worried was only written on Neil's  face... he wanted his baby sister safe... his eye were still fixed with the room anvi was in... his eye never left the door for second.... he kept remembering Their cute bro-sis scene... tears brimmed in his eye but he is much stronger guy who hide his pain... his pain isn't known to anyone expect himself...

One talents he is that hiding his pain perfectly... the room lights turned when his eye moved from door to the person... he immediately stood and looked at the doctor...

Neil  : doc..... doctor... how is she.... she is okay....

Doctor : I'm sorry but we couldn't save her....

His body went stiff and numb... he couldn't believe the stranger girl gave him hope to Live the life again but she left him like others... why does life cruel be to him... does he only Deserve pain... in his mind only anvi and him happy moment were ringing....

Doctor looked at him as Neil  wasn't responding.... he kept his hand on Neil  shoulder which Neil  immediately jerked him by holding his shirt....

Neil  : save her..... please save her....

He left the doctor shirt and fell on his knees and starts begging doctor to save his anvi.... he never thought he will be connected with her so much... he got habitual living with her....she was his life now.... his breath was haven when she was around with him but know it felt like only hell....

Kaka who was standing there numb.... seeing Neil's  condition his heart broke... he didn't only worked for them but considered them as his owns... his family dead but he lived with Neil  and anvi with all heart and loves them.... but seeing his children in pain his heart broke....

Kaka taking his slowly steps move to Neil  and kept a hand on Neil's  shoulder.... Neil sensing a familiar touch he turned and saw kaka... he immediately threw himself in his arms... he starts sobbing like a kid....

Kaka didn't knew how to stop Neil .... crying will make his condition more worst.... kaka kept his hand in Neil's  hair and caressed his hair.. doctor stood there looking at them...

After Half hour later kaka broke hug and looks at doctor....

While Neil  sat on the floor... his tears didn't stopped....

Kaka : when can we take the body?......

Doctor : by tomorrow......

Kaka nods before looking at Neil ... he kept his hand on Neil ... Neil  immediately looked up... to see kaka....

Kaka : let's go home......

Neil didn't moved from his place but kept staring him... Hearing his baby sister is no more Neil's  heart broke In zillions pieces...

Kaka tried many times but Neil  Sticked to the hospital floor......

A week later... things are not same in khanna  house... Neil  hasn't left his room.... in all these week... kaka tried many times but he only got one reply from Neil  "Leave me alone"

Kaka had fear thinking Neil  might harm Himself.......Neil's  room was dark.... not even single lights was there... not even little lamp which anvi brought for him... everything was scattered on the floor...... his hand was bleeding but he cared less.... everything in his room was Broken In pieces....

He was staring at picture when his phone rang..... a ring of phone made him conscious.... he looked around his dark room and saw his phone flashing......

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