Chapter 6

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Anvi was in her room when Avni comes there.. Avni looks at anvi who was looking lost...

Avni ( mind) how long you will sit like this...?

Avni : anvi.... will come out with me...

Anvi hearing avni voice she looks at her...

Anvi : I'm fine here.... can I go home....

Avni : I have called to your home but no one answered... maybe no no was there...

Anvi : can.... I try....

Avni : okay!

Avni gave her phone and dialled number seeing the first number saved as her name...

She waited for someone to pick the call... at last ring someone picked it.... she heard kaka voice after week...

Kaka : hello.... who is this...

Anvi got teary eye hearing kaka voice buts she wants to hear Neil's voice...

Anvi : kaka.....

While other side in khanna house.... kaka after two days came back as Neil told him to leave me alone in the and promised to him that he will take care of himself... ... listening to Neil he left the house and came back today morning... the first thing he did coming to khanna house to check on Neil...

He went to his room and saw him sleeping covering his body... he sighed and went down... while he was going in kitchen the phone rang.... he walked to phone and picked it before it could be ended... he spoke first and waiting other side to speak...

But hearing anvi voice his body went numb... from other side anvi was speaking but kaka couldn't believe his ear... hearing anvi voice.... to confirm himself that he isn't talking to anything wrong or misunderstood someone voice...

Kaka : are you..... anvi....

His throat were fumbling... he couldn't form a word... he was happy to hear to hear anvi Voice but in his mind only word revolving how it's possible... but knew her death was only fake..... his eye were filled with tears... he was hoping to be anvi... not any dream....

While other side anvi was having time to control her tears... she wanted to hear Neil's voice for once.... she looked up to see avni wiping her tears..... avni nods no... while anvi kept staring at her until she heard kaka voice....

Avni : you talk... I'll be back....

Anvi nods while avni leaves the room... anvi wiped her tears...

Anvi : kaka.... I'm your anvi.... kaka please take me from here.....

Kaka : anvi beta where are you.... I'll come....

Anvi : orphanage.... kaka I need you and Neil Bhai.... Please come.....

Kaka : beta.... I'm coming.... what orphanage?....

Anvi didn't knew the name of Orphanage when she was brought in orphanage because she was unconscious.... at the same time Neela and avni come and see her still talking... anvi looked at her and passed phone to avni and got scared seeing Neela there...... Neela and avni looked at anvi who was Moving back and trying to hide herself... avni sensed her being comfortable.....

Avni looked at Neela and understood why anvi reacting like this... avni gestured Neela to go out... she also gave phone to Neela... Neela nodding her head she left the room... while avni went to anvi and sat beside her....

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