Chapter 20

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A silent was around the house.... sobbing was heard but whose.... silent crying was heard but in all these one person was smirking looking at their condition.... the person who was smirking was none than Juhi dad... he was smirking his seeing their condition..... the gun he had in his hand he lifted up to Neil's head..... Neil who was looking down and crying silently.... he snapped his head hearing Avni's screaming his name...... avni who was also crying silently seeing Neil's condition saw Juhi dad pointing gun at Neil.... she didn't want to lose... she can't lose the person who she Loves.... her legs and hands were tied which was not allowing her to do anything.... not getting any option she screamed his name....

Avni: Neillllll.......

Hearing her scream not only Neil snapped his head but also Juhi looked at her father then at Neil......

Juhi dad :  Neil khanna because of you...... I didn't get money.... or property on my name..... to get your property on my name you have to leave this world..... you have to die..... good bye........

He pulled the tigger....... before someone else shot Juhi dad at his back.... bullet hit his back... the gun dropped from his hand and fell on the floor with thud landing on his stomach to ground.. ..... his back were covered with blood...... avni closed her eyes tightly hearing gun shot and screamed Neil's name again.......

Avni : neiiiiiilllllllll.........

Neil who standing there front of Juhi's dad with eyes closed.... his mind and heart prayed for Avni's happiness...... a tear escaped from his eyes..... but not feeling anything he slowly opened his eye and saw Juhi's dad body on the floor....... then his eyes traveled to avni who crying..... he ran to avni without caring about Juhi or bothering who shot Juhi's dad........ Neil immediately untied the rope from Avni's legs and hands.... he pulled her in hug.....

Avni hugged him tightly feeling his presence.... she hid herself in hid chest and sobbed making his shirt wet.... while Neil tightened the his grip on her......

While Juhi stood there staring at her dad died body.... tears made through her eyes.... whatever happened he was still her dad.... she got the love from him though it was all fake..... she was pulled in hug by who shot her dad.... she cried hugging the person.....

Person : Juhi..... baby stop crying.... he doesn't deserve your tears.....

Juhi : vi.....dyut......

Yes the person who shot her dad was vidyut himself.... vidyut rubbed her back and hugged her more tight....

Vidyut : don't cry....... Juhi......

While Juhi was crying over her dead dad avni was still crying hugging Neil in shock..... she was poor soul too.... she lost her parents in young age then losing someone again who is very close to your heart it did scare her lot..... Neil didn't knew how to stop avni.... so he forcefully broke hug and pulled avni from himself.... he saw her eyes closed and tears dripping on cheeks..... Neil moved his thumb to her cheeks and wiped those tears.... he then move close to Avni's head and kissed her forehead.... he left his lips there for few minutes...

Neil moved his lips back and looked at her.... he saw her opening eyes slowly.....  avni opened  her eyes and looked at him...... before Neil could say anything avni crashed in his  arms..... while he hugged her back.....

Avni : don't...... leave me..... I'll die without you..........

She stopped as Neil pulled out off hug and kept his palm on her mouth not letting her further speak......

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