Chapter 19

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In Mumbai a person was standing leaning against wall with hands in pocket.... person eyes were fixed with Avni's Picture..... the person smirked seeing the picture when phone rang.... the person took hands out off pocket and walked to where phone was kept....

Seeing the caller a evil smirk appeared on the person face.... the person picked the call and kept behind ear....

Person : hello.....

Caller : sir we got to know about miss avni.....

Person : what the information now?

Caller : sir she lives with Neil khanna in his house with her mother.....

Person : living with Neil khanna.....where did she Live before?

Caller : sir you know about parikh orphanage... she and her mother handles it.... before they use to live there but past few months both Mother daughter are living in khanna house....

Person: good..... keep her eye know  her.... soon as you see avni alone stepping out of house... get her kidnapped....

Caller : okay sir.....

Person : after kidnapping avni bring her straight to our secret farmhouse and make sure no one is with her..... now cut the call....

The person ends call and looks at Avni's picture then at Neil's picture.....

Person : I am so close to kill you Neil khanna.... just feels hours then your death in my hand....

The person smirked seeing their photos......

While other side in Mumbai Juhi was planing something unaware of cruel life.... Juhi was sitting in room when vidyut comes....
Juhi looked at him hoping to get some good news....

Juhi : did you get any news about Neil khanna! If you did then don't waste my time.... quickly give me the news..... hurry up.....

She wasn't allowing him to speak while he was looking down..... she stopped talking and looked at him to see him looking down... she stood up from bed and walked to him.... she held his hand in hers hand.... soon as her skin touched he looked at her like sicked puppy..... he truly loves her but he didn't get the  same love back.....

Juhi : vidyut please tell me.... what the news you got about Neil khanna...... I want to destroy him...... please vidyut...... if you want me alive then tell me.......

Soon as death came out her mouth he palmed her mouth and looked at her.....

Vidyut : I got information about the second person who lives in khanna house with Neil khanna.... there is girl and her mother living with Neil khanna in his house..... I think the girl is from orphanage as I have noticed her mother going to orphanage few days..... i tracked her mother and got to know that the girl is orphan and loves Neil very much.... she wants to heal him.... she is living with so she could give him the love and care.... she tries healing Neil khanna.....

Soon the silent room heard a loud sound..... vidyut  looked at Juhi worriedly.... his eyes landed on her wounded her hand which was continuous blood oozing out rapidly..... he tried holding her hand but she jerked  his hand.....

Juhi : don't fucking touch me...... how could someone heal Neil khanna.... he doesn't deserve love or care..... he won't be healed by anyone not even her.... she can't heal him.... Neil khanna has to die from my hands.... he bloody killed my  mother...... he bloody killed my mother....... he killed her..... what did my mother harmed him...... I won't leave him alive.... he has to die..... I will kill him like my mother died yelling in pain..... she can't heal him.... she can't..... fucking bloody hell she can't heal him.... I don't care but I want that girl front of me....... before killing Neil I will kill her.... how bloody she dared to heal my enemy.... how dare she....... now stop looking at my face  go get that girl front my eyes...... go Bloody...... leave now.....

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