Chapter 10

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Avni was sitting beside Neela holding her hand... anvi and kaka have already left from hospital.....

Avni looked at neela who was wearing mask....

Avni : maa please wake up... I don't have anyone else except you... maa you are only my family... if you leave me then I won't be able to live.... maa think about children.... Kaira, Rahul, Karan, Rita.... maa every children wants their Neela maa.... maa please open your eye.... maa please for your Avni wake up.... I'm sorry leaving you alone... i promise you I'll won't leave you alone anymore.... maa I only have you after maa and papa death.... maa won't you see me getting married.... you can't leave me before making me bride... maa you said you wanted to see your grandchild then how can you decide to leave me maa... maa wake up..... I need you..... maa your Avni ....

At the end she starts crying loudly holding Neela hold... how can she see Neela In death when bed when Neela was the one who Handled Nandini after her parents death.... Avni didn't thought she will get mother love form of Neela after her maa passing her... she carved for father love but Neela didn't let that happen... Neela gave her mother and father love...she didn't thought in all this years she would get a happy family.. her family always was Neela maa and every children from Orphanage....

Avni was crying holding and hugging Neela's chest..... this was watched by someone who's heart broke but didn't knew why her tears hurts... while seeing Avni crying didn't knew why his eye was getting teary...

Yes it's was Neil khanna standing outside of the room watching Avni through glass window... her tears broke zillions of his heart in pieces... he wanted to console and hid her his arms... he all wanted is to wipe her tears from her eyes... but why does it he wants to do this.... what does she mean to him...

Neil wiped his tears before leaving yeh hospital... he came outside of the hospital and went in nearby park to the hospital.....

He sat near the in the shade part... he is guy who doesn't like light, sun or Anything gives him light.... that's doesn't mean he likes dark but his life is made by being dark... he never had anyone expect anvi and kaka who he get to know past 3 years ago....

He was lost in thought when he heard some noises... he looked to see a parents playing with kids... seeing them laughing like family tears made through his eye... his eye become watery but he wiped it up immediately before it falls on his cheek..

Neil ( mind) no thinking about family.... family is just For name sake... Manik you won't fall weak front of this world..... you made yourself strong wall between you to let anyone break it... no happiness, no love, no family, No care, no support... no getting feed by father or Mother... Neil khanna doesn't need all this.... only he need is fake love... which will not Last till too long...

He was thinking all this when a felt something near his feet.... he looked to see a ball near his feet... he tilted his face and saw a boy age 6 years old standing there...

Neil didn't smiled but picked up the ball ana give to him... the boy got smiled and kissing his cheek he ran from there... Neil touched his cheek where the boy kissed... he then saw the boy playing with his siblings... he sadly smiled and left the park...

While in the hospital Neela hasn't opened her eye which was making Avni' worry... she was sitting on bench outside of the room as doctor told her that she couldn't stay inside for too long... she was sitting out and straight at the door... she felt someone presence next to her... she looked at her side and saw Neil standing there...

Neil who cane back in hospital saw Avni sitting... he didn't realise when his foot begin to walk towards her...

Neil : can I sit here...

He asked her... she wasn't in state to ask or say so she just nodded her head making his his heart smile...

Neil sat beside her and looked at the door too...

Neil : you know....

Avni hearing his voice she looked at him...Neil himself was confuse heading his own voice...

Avni : what...?

Neil : she is be fine... she has you... she won't let you down... she will be fine for you only....

His word were giving her hope only... she could only thank him... Neil wasn't looking to her but his each word reflected pain his eyes... she couldn't see the pain in his eye or could feel if through his voice as he is master piece hiding his pain....

Avni : you know she is not only my maa... buts she is more than my maa... she was the who handled me..... she isn't my real mother.....

Neil got shocked hearing the last word....

Neil : she...... isn't.... your mom.... then...

Avni : yes you heard it.... she isn't my real maa... not more than maa who I love more than my own life.... I don't know if she wasn't with me then I wouldn't have been alive here sitting next to you.....

She wiped tear which just fall from her eye... she stoop and walked to the door and kept her hand on the glass window....

Avni : maa.... my mother......

She said but didn't knew what made poor soul gone through hearing all this.... Avni turned and looked at Neil whose head was down.... she was about to go near him when avni called her name.... Avni turned and saw anvi coming behind kaka...

Anvi reaches to them and hugged Avni ...

Anvi : you okay!

Avni breaking hug nods...

Anvi : how is aunty..?

Avni : still unconscious....

Anvi nods when her fell on Neil who still sitting with his head down.... before she could go to him.... he got up and left the hospital... anvi found it strange and was about to follow when she got text message from Neil ...

" I'm going home.... take care of yourself and Avni ... and don't worry about me I'll take care too... see you tomorrow... stay with Avni till her mother doesn't get charge... tell kaka to Stay too... I'm be fine...

She wasn't sure leaving Neil alone... but also couldn't disobey Neil ... she message saying okay...

Double update! I know it's short.. but manage.. I'll update Tomorrow longer one than this...

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