Chapter 9

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Avni immediately to orphanage to see a big coward... she pushed inside and what she saw next broke her hurt... she saw Neela lying on the floor with blood oozing out of her stomach like someone shots her.... Avni ran and fell on her knees near to Neela body....

Avni : how...... did this happen.....

All the kids were crying seeing their Neela covered in blood... Avni condition was no less too... she had to control her tears.... she can't break front of kids... she couldn't... she need to be strong for them......

Avni immediately controlling her tears she called up the ambulance.... the ambulance came in no time and took Neela to hospital.... Avni stayed back in orphanage as she had to handle children.....

Avni took all children in one room and made them all sit... then she looked at few people behind her...

Avni : Maria Di please .... look after kids... I'll be go to hospital... I will call after reaching there.... and please made all children have their breakfast...

Maria is the 40 years old who works in orphanage past 5 years.... she loves children and avni ....She respects Neela a lot.....
Avni left to hospital after telling Maria to look after children.....

As avni left the orphanage...
Anvi with kaka and came to orphanage... they didn't see Nandini going out... they got out of the car and went inside the orphanage only to see no one and silent... this wasn't place where to be silence thought anvi... anvi was looking for Avni when she saw Maria coming out on of the room.... anvi doesn't know her as Maria didn't come front of her.... anvi followed by kaka ran to Maria.... Maria who came out of the room after making children have their breakfast...

She looked at anvi and kaka...

Maria : who are you?

Anvi : I am anvi... and he is kaka... do you know where is avni Di...

Maria : she went to hospital.....

Anvi and kaka got shocked hearing hospital name.... they looked at each other then at Maria...

Anvi : why.... hospital.... is she okay..... she was fine.....

Anvi was in tears thinking something happened avni ...

Maria: no avni is fine.... but....

Kaka : but what.... please tell us what happened..... the way avni ran from house.... it looked something happened....

Maria: actually we all were about have breakfast when someone shot neela ma'am....... we normally eat outside..... I don't... know who shot her......

Avni felt like crying.... kaka was shocked hearing someone shot Neela... thought they don't Neela or avni much but somewhere they feel like family.... anvi looked at kaka....

Anvi : kaka I..... want to see avni Di.... please let's go hospital.....

Kaka : but beta..... I can't take your there.... without sir permission.....

Anvi : Please kaka..... aunty which Hospital they went to.....

Maria : city hospital.....

Anvi thanked her and ran out the orphanage followed by kaka... anvi sat in car.... Kaka to settled down and starts driving to hospital... anvi took her phone and dialled in Neil's Numeber....

Neil who was sitting in his room and staring at his ceiling... staring at his ceiling is his favourite... He was angry because anvi asked him to leave the house in day time.... when she knew how much he hates the outside world... he hates to his core of his heart... he never wants to see the outside of world.... her word angered him..

He was thinking about avni and his incident that happened in the morning... he was thinking when his phone rang.....

He saw his phone and frowned seeing anvi calling him... he doesn't know anvi and kaka went to see avni .... he nevertheless picked it up..... but when he heard her cry made his heart break.....

Neil : anvi..... anvi... baby why you crying....

Anvi : Bhai.... Avni Di.....

Hearing Avni name something happened in his heart....

Neil : what...... happened to avni .....

Anvi : woh...... di.....

Like that she narrated him what Maria told them..... Neil was shocked to her but one word was ringing on his head... he composed himself...

Neil : where....are you... now...

Anvi : Bhai I'm going to hospital.... please Bhai let me go.....

Neil didn't why he wanted her to be safe.... his heart was telling him to go.... his heart and mind was fighting but at the end his heart won and made decision to check on avni ....

Neil : which hospital?....

While other side anvi and kaka reached to hospital but hearing Neil word anvi got shocked....

Anvi : Bhai you will come....

Neil : just say name of the hospital....

Anvi : City hospital....

Soon as she finished she heard call ending... she looked at kaka who was looking at her with question on her face....

Kaka : what are you up to anvi beta.... Neil baba doesn't like coming out of the house... he only comes out for you only... then how today....

Anvi : kaka it's called love....

Kaka got confuse hearing her...

Kaka : love....

Anvi : I'll tell you later but right now I need to know about avni Di and Neela aunty health.... lets go....

Kaka nods knowing Neela health is important and also knows anvi mind is up to something... they both rushed inside the hospital and went to reception....

Anvi : Excuse me....

The receptionist looks at her...

Rec: yes... hoe could I help you?

Anvi : could you tell me what room is Neela parikh in....

Rec : room 303!

Anvi thanked her and rushed to the room 303... soon as she saw avni she ran and hugged avni tightly... avni was ataken back of this sudden hug but she hugged it back....

They broke hug...

Avni : you here.....

Anvi : yes.... why didn't you call us Di.....

Avni kept it quiet when door opened... they turned their gaze to the door and saw doctor coming out... Avni quickly rushed to doctor....

Avni : Doctor.... how is she.....

Doctor : the bullet we took it out.... she is in unconscious.... but if she doesn't open her eye then she may slip coma... just pray that she opens her eye before 24 hours....

Hearing doctor avni got some relief back when they heard Neil's voice... Avni without thinking anything she turned and ran to him and hugged him tightly... he stumbled back... but he managed to hold her.... avni reaction shocked anvi and kaka.... mostly Neil was confuse and Shocked at the same time....

Here is the update!

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Who shot Neela?

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