Chapter 17

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Avni was sitting in garden while sipping her coffee but she looked completely lost... she almost burned her mouth twice... she kept coffee cup aside and crossed her arms together and thought something... one pair of eyes were watching every actions of avni... the person moved to avni and called her name....

Person : avni Di....

Avni turned around hearing anvi voice and saw she standing in garden with another two cup of coffee...

Avni : Anvi why you standing there... come here...

Anvi walked around and sat beside avni... anvi passed a cup to avni... avni took it...

Avni : thank you!

She said before sipping her coffee... anvi sipped her too... she stopped sipping her coffee and looked at avni who was sipping her coffee.

Anvi : avni Di...

Avni stopped and looked at her...

Avni : hmm!

Anvi : where are you lost? I am seeing past few days you sit in garden and get lost in deep thoughts.... is there something bothering you... if is then you can share with me.... maybe we can find solutions off it.... Di don't stay quiet....

Avni : nothing is serious anvi... I was thinking whatever happened in our life... don't worry no harm will reach to Neil... any harm reaching to Neil should pass to me before harming Neil.... I will save Neil from every danger even if I have to risk my life... I'm ready for this... anvi but not anyone Neil be alone or suffer in pain.....

Anvi listened to avni was feeling happy..... avni kept the cup on the table and held anvi's  Hand... anvi looked at avni confusingly...

Anvi : Di.....

Avni : I am taking Neil out today.... promise me you will stay with Neela ma... if Neil is my life then you are no less too... I don't want to lose you or Neil.... promise me that you will sleep  with maa... and don't leave her telling her okay.... I don't know how long it will take me to come back... but promise you or maa won't step of house in night....

Anvi : I Promise you Di... I won't step out of the house... but Di where are you taking Bhai with you...

Avni : I don't know myself... maybe somewhere it gives me peace.....

Anvi : okay.... should I bring your lunch here or you will come inside....

Avni : Actually anvi I am not felling hungry so I won't to eat lunch.... you have yours.... till I see if Neil is wake or not....

Anvi : Di it's  not happening.... you are missing her meals... I have not told Neela maa but if you continue doing this then I have to complain to her......

Avni : okay baba don't complain... I will have my lunch... you sometime I doubt do I have one maa or two... you always act like my mother... but you know I love you...

Anvi : you should be like this... and yes if you don't follow your meals then I can become your mother... love you Di too... come let's go before you leave with Bhai....

Avni : yeah let's go...

Avni picked up her both cup and walked with anvi who was holding her own cup... they both walked inside and saw kaka sitting on table... seeing him like that avni asked  anvi to see kaka while she takes the cup in kitchen... anvi Nods and give her cup up avni... avni taking three cup went to kitchen....

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