Chapter 7

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Avni was sitting beside Neil and caressing his hair... she didn't knew what feeling she had... she didn't even bothered about her surrounding.... all she cared was him... she wanted him to be fine... but what's the feeling... what's the right of her to show care to him... she didn't have any answer... she looked at his face and saw some marks and bruise... she made herself note to ask anvi about this later...

Anvi and kaka who noticed all this standing in room found very shocking... in this three years they haven't seen anyone going near or tried consoling Neil like how avni did.... but that's not shocking for them... they were shocked to see Neil reacting to see Neil hugging back... kaka and anvi were very aware of Neil's habit... he wouldn't let any stranger coming near him then hugging is no near... anvi kept starting avni... while kaka left the room thinking they need time...

Anvi was still standing there and looked at avni who was busy caressing Neil's hair...

Anvi ( mind) can avni di my Bhabhi... Neil Bhai wife... but will Bhai agree.....

She smiled thinking avni will be her Babhbi but her smile didn't last for long as she knows Neil will never agree to marry anyone or let anyone come close to him... she thinking that she didn't realise when avni was calling her...
Avni who was caressing Neil's hair when her eye fell on anvi and saw her lost... she called her name but seeing anvi not responding... she thought to call bit louder....

Avni : anvi.... anvi....

Finally anvi came back to her world and heard avni calling her... she looks at avni who gestured where she is lost... anvi shook her head and moved avni...

Avni : is he your brother...

Anvi nods then she noticed something only to feel her lips carve in smile... avni didn't noticed see her smile as she was busy thinking about Neil...

Anvi ( mind) she is the one... she is for my Bhai..

She again smiled like fool seeing how Neil's Hand is bandage perfectly.....

Avni : anvi I should leave now... maa must be waiting for me....

Anvi : di please stay today here...

Avni : sorry anvi but I can't stay here...

Anvi : please di for today... stay...

Avni thought while when she felt Neil moving... she quickly distanced herself from him and ran outside of the room leaving anvi worry and shock...

Anvi was going to follow avni but stopped hearing Neil's voice... she moved close to him and heard him calling her name...

She got teary eye hearing his voice after week... she sat beside him and took his hand in hers...

Anvi : Bhai... your baby anvi is here... Bhai... open your eyes... see I'm here...for you... Bhai open your eye...

As her tears fell on Neil face he slowly opened his eye and saw her...seeing her front of him he tried cupping her face but couldn't hold it because of his injury.. anvi noticed this and held his hand carefully making sure not to hurt him...

Neil : anvi.... my baby sister... why you left your Bhai.... I was alone without me..... promise you won't leave me..... promise your Bhai... baby....

Neil and anvi both got tears...

Anvi : I'm sorry Bhai... I promise you i won't leave you... anvi promise to you Bhai... forgive me Bhai... I'm bad.... I left you...

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