Eddie Kaspbrak (FLuff)

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When you have to call Eddie to get him out of the house to save Bev, you know his mother is controlling so you wait outside for him in the bushes...

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"Y/n, ring Eddie." Bill demands, not stuttering.

Bev got captured by IT and Bill had collected me and my brother Richie at the arcade. Richie is supposedly getting Stanley and Bill is trying to get Mike and Ben.

I nod my head and pick up the phone.

Ring, Ring, Ring...

"Come on, pick up Eddie." I grumble lightly. I need to keep my hopes up but low as well, knowing how manipulative his mother is. Eddie is a childhood friend of mine so I know all about his medication through observation as well as the way his mother has raised his mentality.

It's fucked, that's my opinion.


"Hey, Dingus."

Eddie's voice hesitates, I know that he's not really ready to deal with my shit.

"What is it, my Mom will want to know who I'm talking to." His voice is wary and I frown slightly. Better be quick, his Mom never liked me. Never. Maybe because I was a girl, or because I'm Richie's sister and would joke around or splash in shitty water with him when we went to the Publics Works Sewer.

But his Mom, oh she hated me.

"Eddie, I need you to come back with the rest of the group."

"I can't."

"No, you have to, please. It's about Beverly."

He hesitates again, probably trying to not alert his mom. I bite my lip anxiously, trying to keep cool.

"What about her?"

"IT. That Clown, IT? IT got her. Please, Eddie. She's my best friend and I can't do this without you."

I hear his breath shudder on the other end and I glance at the phone by my ear. "Okay. *shudder shudder* I'll meet you there."

He hangs up the phone and a wave of relief washes over me.

Thank God, but I know it's not over yet. His mother is going to slow him down. I need to go, try and help him if need be.

"I'm going to go get Eddie. I'll meet you in a minute Bill okay?" I tell him.

"Y-Yeah just get h-h-h-here q....quick."

I nod my head before racing off. I quickly sweep up my bike before hopping onto it and pedaling off down the road.

I keep my eyes open, looking out for Eddie's house. When I see it in the distance, I feel my heart rise and I quickly slow down my bike. It's not too far away nor is it too close. But I want to keep my eyes open just in case.

In the distance, I hear their voices getting faintly louder and that's when I see Eddie burst out the door.

"Eddie! Eddie baby!" His Mom desperately calls after her as he bounds down the footsteps. She clearly tries to stop him but he apologizes to her and tells her he has to go before picking up his bike and zooming off.

I quickly dive out of the bushes as I see his Mom try to get to her car.

"Eddie, come on!"

"Y/n!?" he asks alarmed. I quickly ride onto the road beside him as we both zoom off.

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