Bill Denbrough (Smut)

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"As leader of the pack, I get whatever I want."

This one is seriously dirty and takes the innocence out of Bill. But most Smuts do that anyway.

Lel just read

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You are strong by Bill's side the entire time from start to finish of Derry chaos. So when Richie fought with him. You had to choose between your brother or the guy you like.

Yep. Richie is your brother. And Bill is your crush.

Bill's strong. Determined. Badass. Leader and the best with team work.

Bev is a good friend. Richie is the annoying best friend brother and we've always been there for each other. Always.

The others are too. But the feelings you've had for Bill will never match to what he feels for you.

Or so you thought.


I exit the school, clutching my bag straps. "Y-Y-Y/n! Wait!"

Bill runs down the hall, past all the people and right beside me. I smile at him, his soft innocent eyes gleam with hope.

"I thought you were being held behind."

He shakes his head, smiling. "I off scot-free."

"Hey! Nice!" I high five him and he chuckles. Smiling wide with glee.

"Are you g-g-going to the P-prom?"

The Prom or school ball is coming up in two months. But I've seen the way Bill looks at Bev knowing I could never go with him. And if he went with her, my heart would be crushed into smithereens. I'm not risking it.

I shake my head, and he frowns. "Why, why aren't you?"

We cross the road as we make our way to the store. Bill says he wanted to get something but hasn't said what it was.

"There's nobody to take me. But that's okay."

"What if the Loser's a-a-all go as friends." He suggests.

No...Richie with Eddie. Mike found a girlfriend. Which leaves Stanley, me, Bill, Bev, and Ben.

"That would...I don't know."

Bill frowns, as I rub the back of my neck. He knows that there's something on my mind yet I'm not telling him. He seems disappointed.

We arrive at the store and we exchange glances. Bill looks over to the right before quickly grabbing my hand.

"What the-"

"I s-saw Bowers."

I nod my head before looking around.

"Stay r...right here. I'll be-be back."

I nod my head and with that. He leaves me in the middle of the aisle. How lovely.

I see Henry and his goons enter the store and I begin to back up.

Shit, if they see me. I'm done for.

I start backing up. Not turning around as I get to the end of the aisle when I bump into someone.

I'm about to shriek in fright when they grab me, covering their hand over my mouth and dragging me out of the store quite quickly.

I try to scream but when I figure out that doesn't work, I bite them.

"Ow! Y-Y/n!"

Bill shows a sign of hurt and my eyes widen. "I j-j-just snuck us out t-the b-back so Bowers wo-wouldn't see us."

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