Richie Tozier (Imagine)

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It's time you came out to your brother...

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There's been this girl I liked since third grade. And I still love her. I didn't ask her out then because I was young and didn't believe that I was having the right feelings.

But around other boys. I could only see them as friends. Some flirted with me. But I didn't flirt back. I didn't feel the affection.

I was so afraid to admit I was gay. But that's exactly what I was. And I knew it.

And when Richie and Eddie started secretly dating. It made me curious. They're both guys, both gay.

I wanted to tell someone. Ask them why I was feeling this way. But I didn't know who. I didn't even trust anybody.

But Richie. He's my brother. I can't be scared to talk to my brother...can I? He's gay, maybe he would understand.

For multiple days, I just kept putting it off. Too scared, worried, because Derry doesn't accept those kinds of people. Continuously never telling the truth. It was beginning to be a problem as she was all I could think about. All. I could think about.

And it came to the point where I stopped hanging out with the rest of the Losers. Scared if they found the truth on their own. They would never want to be my friend. Ever again.

Beverly tried to talk to me. I ran away.
Bill tried to stop be. I dodged him.
Mike found me by the park while I was taking a breath. I ran away again.

And I haven't been returning home knowing damn well that Richie will be the next one to talk to me. Our parents are away on a business trip so that's how I've been able to get away with not staying at home.

I make a quick pace through the halls. Ducking and diving when someone grabs my wrist. I look back to see who it is and...oh no.


"Y/n, I need to talk to you."

"Not right now." I say. I tug away and keep going down the hall. But Richie follows.

"No! Right now! You keep running away from me and our friends!" He says, following me.

"Your friends." I say turning to him. "I can't hang out with you guys anymore."

"What? Why?" He asks confused. I bite my lip confused, before shaking my head.

"I can't tell you that!"

"Yes you can! I'm your brother!"

I quickly go down the school zone, run to my bike and start to ride.

"HEY!" Richie yells. I ignore him, making a quick pace to the Quarry. Once I arrive...I stop. Taking a couple of huge breaths. My hands-on my knees as I pant. I hear a bike stop behind me and I turn around.

"Richie, leave me alone!"

"No! There's something you're not fucking telling me and I want to know why!" He snaps, walking over to me.

"If I told you, you and the rest of the Losers would hate me for the rest of my life!" I exclaim, his eyes widen when a couple of tears run down my cheeks.

"What? No! Friends don't lie!"

"I'm not lying to you!"

"You're keeping a secret that's burying you inside!" He shouts. "I hate to see my twin sister so destroyed, I mean look at you! You're a mess! You haven't come home and you're avoiding all your friends! I want my sister back!"

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