Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I woke up with a beautiful girl cuddled up against my chest.


I softly played with her light brown wavy hair. I smiled as she moved a little like she always does when she gets the chills. She was so calm and cuddly. I lightly kissed her temple which made her giggle.

"Stop that. You already gave me the chills." She blushed a little bit then cuddled closer up to me.

"You cold?" I laughed. "Just a bit." I took my blanket and put it over her body.

"Your nose is the cutest." I said pinching it. Only making her look at me like if I was crazy.

"What about you? Aren't you cold?" She asked giving me back the blanket but I stopped her. "No. If you stay here by my side...I'll be more than fine." She smiled.


Just friends.

Just friends.

Just friends.

We are just friends. He loves you but as a sister. Nothing will happen. Nothing. Nothing at all.

I suddenly heard a picture being taken.

"KISS ALREADY!" Anna screamed caused me to blush, Matt to laugh and her and Shawn to smirk.

"Delete it please!" I begged. She shook her head no. "Fine." I didn't really care. I know she'll just keep it in her phone just like her other pictures of me. She keeps them but never shows them. That's good right?

"You guys wanna go to the mall later? Prom is coming soon!" Anna asked jumping on the bed.

We all nodded in agreement.

"But not before we have a pillow fight!" I yelled hitting Matt on the side. He screamed and started tickling me.

"Ahhh noooooooo!" I laughed, giggled, screamed, and yelled.

We just continued our pillow fight.







"I'll just have a grande caramel frap, please." I told the cashier.

"We'll have the same thing as her." Anna told her. We've been walking around the mall for an hour looking for dresses and tuxes. We decided to take a break and come to Starbucks, because why not?

"Names?" The cashier asked.

"Swag, Swag master, Swag money, and Swagitty swag." Anna said quickly. We all bursts out laughing but then quickly stopped. Us acting like nothing happened, the cashier rolled her eyes and when I was about to hand her the money, Matt grabbed my hand and slowly put it to my side. I looked up at him blushing.

"Girls never pay." He smiled "I love your eyes." he mouthed at me.

"Shawn will pay." Matt nodded pushing him to the counter. We all laughed and Shawn just put him hand against his chest. Shawn wasn't the kind of guy who would say "no I ain't paying this time." He gave her the money and we sat down waiting for the names 'Swag', 'Swag master', 'Swag money', and 'Swagitty swag' to be called.

"Don't worry man. I'll pay the next two." Matt smiled. "No it's all good." Shawn smiled. He's so sweet.

*Minutes later*

"Umm...Swag? Swag master? Swag money? and Swaggity Swag?" a bunch of people started laughing, and some we're making comments like;

"that's stupid"

"oh my gosh"

"that's funny"

"what the heck?"

"kids these days"

"what even." and a few rolled their eyes, but that's none of my business.

We all grabbed our drinks and headed out.

"So where are we going now?" I asked.

"We still haven't gotten anything for prom." Anna whined.

"I don't even wanna go." I whispered hoping nobody would hear me. "why not?" Shawn asked. "well I already know nobody likes me. why would I wanna go alone?"

Matt was about to say something but then looked away.

"Me and you are going together silly!!" Anna beamed. I smiled. "oh c'mon we all know you're going with Johnson." I teased.

"You better shut your mouth little girl!" Anna warned. "what are you going to do huh?" I laughed.

Anna started getting mad.

crap. crap. crap.

she's a fast runner.

I quickly handed my drink Matt and started running around the mall. When I looked back I saw Anna chasing after me, and Shawn and Matt trying to keep up with us.

I ran as fast as I could.

Right when I looked back to see how much longer I had until Anna caught up to me I bumped into something hard.

Which of course I had to fall on my own ankle and twist it.

"HOLY MOTHER OF POOP!!" I yelled out.

It freaking hurts so bad!!

"are you okay?" someone asked. I recognized that voice.

I looked up slowly.

Jack Gilinsky.


Oh my gosh Stephanie just ran into someone.

Holy crap.

That's Jack Gilinsky!!

Are you kidding me what are the Jacks doing here?


I quickly ran up to where Stephanie was laying. She was grabbing into her ankle.

There goes my next trip to the hospital.

"are you okay?" I asked Stephanie. She kept staring at Jack G.


I. Just. Bumped. Into. Jack. Gilinsky.

Oh My Gosh.

I zoned out.

"Stephanie?! Oh my gosh! are you okay?" I heard Matt ask as I looked up at him.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out of my mouth.

"Let's to her to the hospital." Shawn said taking my hand. "I'll take her! I mean it's the least I can do right?" Jack G said.

I looked over at him and then at Anna. She was smirking. I looked back at Jack and smiled. I was about to shake my head and tell him it wasn't necessary, when Anna spoke... "it's the least you can do."

"WHAT? I mean... I'll go too." Matt said loudly. "NO!" Anna coughed. "No it's's the least he can do." Anna said sternly and loud.

What is going on?


so chapter 3 huh... good? bad? ehhh?


chapter 4 in progress.


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