Glowing Green

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"Hey Kyle, are you ok?"

My eyes start to refocus.
"Yeah my bad, woah."

I then realized I have been zoning out for awhile. My eyes felt dry, I had to blink a few times and rub my eyes under my glasses to regain my sight. It looks like einstein wrote his lifes work on the board.

"How long have I been zoning for?"

Eli laughed a bit.
"About 5 minutes. I didn't want to wake you from your daze I didn't know if the same rules were applied from waking up a sleep Walker."

I blew some air from my nose because I couldn't help but to laugh a bit. All though I can't help but to be worried for myself. I have been dazing out here lately, and i have no idea why. It almost feels like there's something clouding my mind, something I can't get rid of.

The bell rang and I soon found myself walking down the hallway to my locker. End of the day already? Damn the day went fast. I groaned to myself, maybe I need some kind of therapist.

I got on the bus. I wish my parents could pick me up, I hate the bus. The reason? Emily Watson. My ex. Her strawberry hair shined in the dark. She had deep dark brown eyes. She makes my life a living hell. We dated on and off again. It was an abusive relationship.

The stereotype is that the guy abuses the girl. In this case it's the complete opposite. She use to hit me hard when she was mad. She used to call me a "ugly fag". Gosh I hate her.

I dont even know why she liked me in the first place. I'm not her type. I had longer brown hair that would fall in front of my brown eyes and I was skinny. Most of the people she dates are the exact opposite. Blonde, short hair, broad in the shoulders, muscles galore. You get the idea.

"You should come and sit next to me doll"
I turn my head over to see Emily looking back at me with the devil's smile.

"Piss off you witch"
the words slipped out of my mouth like butter.

But it sure did shut her up. The rest of the bus ride I spent trying not to make eye contact with people. I guess you could call me a introvert. I didn't much care for people.

The bus soon opened the doors and I realized it's my turn to get off the bus. As I'm getting off I turn to the bus driver and thank her. I take the last step off and she shuts the doors behind me.

I start walking towards the door to my house. It was a light purple door that still had the Christmas wreath on it. Our family was to lazy to take it down.

I open the door up and step inside. Before I am all the way inside my house I catch a glimpse of a girl about my age in the garden next door. It seemed to me that she was planting tulips... no... Roses.

I stop to get a better look of her. Do I know her? I dont think so. I've never seen her in the school hallways. Maybe she's home schooled? Possibly. A lot of people that live around here get home schooled.

Shes really pretty too. Nothing like the girls around here. She was different. She had jet black hair pale skin and a sharp jaw. But she probably had one thing in common with the girls around here. Shes probably a bratt.

I must have zoned out into my thoughts for awhile thinking about her because when I zoned back into the real world, she was staring at me with glowing green eyes.

I felt frozen. I couldn't move. How long have I been staring at her for? She must think I'm a creep. I quickly ran inside and shut the door behind me.

My mom greeted me when I got home but I ran past her up the stairs. I got in the shower to ease my thoughts. I tried to think about something other than what just happened. I loved my shampoo it smells pretty good. It smells masculine but not like axe.

I'm sure most of the girls were tired of the guys smelling strong of axe and cologne. I know I did. The color of the bottle is cool too. It's my favorite color, glowing gre- I stoped myself from finishing that word. I repeated it. Glowing green.

My mind soon clouded over my eyes. I can't believe I did that. I embarrased myself. God I'm an idiot. She seemed weirded out. I couldn't get her out of my mind.

What the hell is going on with me? You dont know her. Dont be a weirdo. But the thing was no matter how badly I try to get her out of my head, the thought of her would slowly craw back into my mind. But why? I'm not know for falling for someone as soon as I look at them. Wait- did i just say "falling"? Oh no.

I got out of the shower, dryed off and put my clothes and my favorite shirt on. It was plain black but it was comfortable. I sat on my bed and stared at my wall.

Am I crazy? I picked up a photo that had been sitting by my bed. It was of me and my best friend darryl in Florida. We went on a trip to Disneyland when we were 7. He moved schools when we were 9. Im 16 now. I miss him. I wonder if he misses me. Probably not. He most likely moved on. He has new friends.

I thought about him for awhile. Until a familiar yet strange thing crawled back into my head. Her. I tensed my eyes. I couldn't help myself. I jumped up from my bed and looked out my window down to the neighbor's garden. Shes not there anymore. Shes most likely back inside.

I look at her house. It was yellow and small it had neatly grown vines on the one side of it on the other side there was the small garden where I had saw the girl. I looked at the small window on the house. I saw her looking back at me.

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