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It was the day of prom. I was filled with excitement. I'm going to be that one person that's going to be dancing all goofy. I dont think jorden would mind, actually she would probably join me knowing her. She is awesome. Someone that I can just goof off with. My best friend and my girlfriend.

My mom was helping me get ready for tonight.

"Ok try these on. Hopefully they fit."

She handed me a suit to wear. It was all black. I'm cool with that. I went into the bathroom and changed into it. This was the 5th suit I've tried on. And you know what? It doesnt bother me. I want this night to be special so I dont mind the fact that I've had to try on that many.

I looked into the mirror. Oh yeah, this is the one. All of the other ones were to big since they were dads. But I guess she found one that was used when he was younger. I walked out of the bathroom and showed my mom. I twirled to be funny.

"Honey, it looks great on you."

"I know right? Finally found one that fits."

"Do you like it?"

For once I actually look good and feel confident that I look good.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Ok good. Now, we have to have a little talk"

I know better than this. This wasn't going to be a "little talk".

"Yeah? What's it about?"

"Ok look, you have to make this special for your little girlfriend. You need to have good manners and be a gentleman. Do not get all mushy gushy in front of everyone. Do that on your own time. Tonight is about the dance."

I rolled my eyes. And chuckled a bit.



She was not finished.

"Dont smile all werid like you usually do in pictures. Let it be a genuine smile."

I hated that she always brought that up before I take a picture. I always look werid in photos and I hate it. But nothing can ruin my night tonight.

"Ok mom. I'll try."

"Dont 'try', do it."

"Ok I will 'do' that."

"Good. Ok you'll be good then. The only thing we have to hope for is that jorden is wearing a black dress"

"Why does it matter if shes wearing a black dress?"

"So she can match you."

"We need to match?"

"Yes. Do you not know anything about going to a prom?"

"I thought I did but apparently not."

"Ok now let me do your hair."

"You want to do my hair? How? What is there to do with it?"

She walked over to the bathroom and opened up the covered. She took out a shaver.

"Cut it."

My eyes widened

"No way! Your not touching my hair."

"Oh but I am."

She smiled.

I found myself letting her cut my hair. It was getting to long anyways. It was always falling in front of my eyes. She shoved a mirror in front of my face.

"What do you think?"

I examined the new me. You could actually see my eyes and my face. I kinda liked it. It made me look alot different. Alot older. I hope jorden likes it. That's all I really cared about.

"I like it."

"It makes you look alot older."

"I know. I was thinking the same thing."

I wondered to myself, if I look this different, I wonder what she looks like. I wonder what things her mom did to change her.

It was time to go to her house to take pictures. I walked over to her house and knocked on the door. Her mom opened it.

"Hi Kyle, oh well you look handsome. Come in. Shell be down stairs in a second."

I thanked her and walked into the house. It was always awkward talking to her parents when they dont know I've been secretly sneaking over all these nights.

Me and her parents stood downstairs waiting to see her walk down them. I heard jorden call her parents from up stairs.

"Can I come down now?"


Her parents got their cameras ready. I saw a bit of black clothing coming around the corner. Then I saw the rest of her.

Her hair was up in the back and small black curled pieces of hair fell in the front. She wore a long black dress, on the top it was lace and the bottom flowed off of her hips. The sleeves were lace and went to the forearm. She wore black heels that had some jewels on it in the form of a pattern. Her earings were diamonds that hung off of her ears. My mouth dropped.

She was so beautiful

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She was so beautiful. No, she was more than beautiful. She was gorgeous. She was stunning. I knew right then she was going to be the prettiest girl there. And I was the one going with her. I knew that the other boys would probably ditch the girls they went with if she asked them to dance. Which she wouldn't. But it would be funny to see how fast the guys would say yes to her.

She walked down the rest of the stairs without falling, which I would consider a talent with heels on.

She walked towards me and I almost lost balance.

"Hey kyle. You look handsome."

"You think I look good? Have you seen yourself in a mirror? You look gorgeous."

She blushed. I didnt even care that her parents were right in front of us. I was going to say it no matter what. It's how I felt about her. I didnt care who heard.

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