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It was only last night that this all went down. But right now I couldnt think of that. I had to go to school.

I combed my hair to the side and got my clothes on. Today my choice of clothing is a graphic t-shirt with a skull and my dark blue Jeans. Very typical of me.

I unplugged my chromebook and put it in my bag. I tried to zip my bookbag back up but the zipper was stuck. I just left it how it was.

Why is all my stuff breaking? Jezz. I picked up my leather jacket and headed out the door. It was getting colder outside. It was almost fall. Which is my favorite season.

The one thing that I dont like about it is that it can be really cold sometimes. That's just how it is in Pennsylvania. It really sucks that I dont drive yet. I mean, I could get my driver's licenses but theres no point in it if I can't afford a car. Maybe I should get a job.

I was planning to go to school for marinebiology, but I can get a small job like a fast food job for now. That's something to think about later because I arrived at the school.

I always liked the look of our school. It looked classy when in reality it was like a zoo. It was made of the classic red bricks. There were concrete steps that stretched around the front of the building.

The entrance door was lined in black and on the glass there was our mascot, the dragon rapped around the letter "R".

The social pyramid was on top the snob rich kids. In the higher middle class was the people that money but was kinda nice to everyone. In the lower middle class it was the people that didnt have much money but was somehow popular because of their looks. Then on the bottom there was the classic nerds. I was obviously the bottom class.

No one really talked about the social classes. People just assume it. It's like a rule that no one has to state. I can see Jordan being in the lower middle class.

Judging by the house she lives in, her family doesn't make much money. But she was good looking. People would really like her. There were three main halls of lockers. I was locker 436.

I opened my locker and got my books that I needed for the first 3 classes. Huh what's this? Oh yeah, it was a picture of me and cole. How did this get In my locker? I set it down in the top part of my locker and shut the metal door and I soon noticed Jordan standing next to me, fiddling with her locker. That must be her new locker. Does she not know how to open it?

"Hey, do you need some help?"
She turned looked at me. I blushed.

"Oh hi Kyle, I didnt realize that was you. Ah yeah, I could use some help. Heh."

"Okie dokie"

okie dokie?? Oh no, you did not just say that. I cringed at myself. Jordan noticed but didnt say anything. I got on my knees and and looked at the lock.

"The password?"

"Oh, sorry its 45-10-50"
I budged the locker open.

"There you go. Usually the first time it opens, it will be easier the next time you open it. If it doesn't get better, I would talk to the janitor. She will help you."

I noticed that I was talking to much. Trying not to make eye contact, because if I do then I will think about her beautiful green eyes all day and for the rest of my life.

"Ah I see. Thanks Kyle. Hey, what class do you have first?"

"Science. Did you get your schedule yet? Your new here right?"

I knew she was new here. I would have noticed her opening her locker beside me before. It was a stupid question but I was trying to make small talk.

"Yeah I got my schedule."
She stuck her face into a paper which I assumed to be her schedule.
"Hey I got science first too! I guess I'll see you in the first class."

My face turned red. But at the same time it felt like the color ran out of my face.

"Awesome. Theres a free seat next to me in science. Do you want to maybe sit there? I could help you with your work. I'm kinda a brainiac when it came to how things work"

"Sure. I'd love to sit next to you. Your my only friend here. I get nervous around people easily. Maybe you can introduce me to your friend group."

She called me her friend. My week is becoming better every second.

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