Street Light

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She was staring back at me. I couldn't breathe. Am I really seeing this right now? No.. I can't be. I couldnt help but to feel like she felt the same way I do.

It doesn't seem realistic but it just feels right. She shut her shades. She seemed scared. I would have done the same thing but I was still frozen. I got a shiver up my back. I have to be dreaming. Right? Nope. I wasn't.

Maybe I was just overthinking about stuff. Maybe I'm just stressed. I let out a big sigh and flopped onto my bed.

I heard a voice from down stairs. It was mom. She was calling me down to eat. I opened my bedroom doors and a aroma filled my nose. Mom's famous bacon. My mouth started to water. The smell was so good that I could almost taste it. I walked down stairs to get a belly full of bacon.

"Sorry I had to make dinner early. I have to go to a meeting for work."

"Its ok. I'm hungry anyways."

"Well how was your day at school?"

"It was alright I guess. Nothing fun about it, really."

"I figured as much. How's about you eat up, I gotta go"
I shoved my face with food.

God it was delicious. Mom grabbed her red jacket and headed out the door. So it was just me alone. With my thoughts.

After awhile of doing crossword puzzles and watching old cartoons, my eyes became heavy and I feel asleep.
I woke up with my arms in a weird position, like usual.

I grabbed the top of the clock that sat next on the coffee table next to me and turned it towards me. 8:30 already? Jezz, how long have I been asleep for?

Mom wasn't home yet. I didn't think it would take this long for her to get be back. Its already dark. Maybe I should get up.

I grabbed the sides of the chair and pushed off of it like I was in my mid 80s. Nothing much to do around here, I should just take a little walk around the block. Mom usually let me walk around our neighborhood. I guess I was just old enough too.

I grabbed my leather jacket and put it on. It was a little big on me because it was my dad's. I looked down at my clothes. I kinda look like a greaser. That was the first time I thought that for myself.

My mom would always say that about me. That was just my style. The longer hair, jeans, a t-shirt and some sort of jacket.

I put my hand on the door knob. It was cold. I turned the knob and headed out side. Making sure that the door closed behind me. I started walking around the block. I probably should have gotten finger less gloves. Its chilly out.

I kicked a small stone. It ended up getting caught in the ridges of my shoe. Of course that's my luck. I was looking down the entire time. When I looked up, I had realized I had walked pretty far. I looked around the street. Under the street light there was a girl standing there.

You could see her shining black hair. That girl. I walked towards her. I dont know why I did. I didn't even know what I was going to say to her.

I guess she could here me because she turned around in fright. When she saw me she eased up some.

She smiled with her big bright green eyes.

"Hey. What are you doing out here in the dark?"

I tried to say something back but I choked on my words I felt dizzy like I was going to pass out. Her voice was cute. It was soft and deeper.

"Ah just taking a walk. Did I scare you at first? You seemed alarmed."

"Im taking a walk too and No, I'm just always alert."

"Oh I see. Oh uh, my name is Kyle by the way."

She stuck her hand out grabbed and shook mine.

"I'm Jorden."

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