spent the night

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I froze. Did I really just watch her faint on the floor? What the hell? I started crying. I ran out of the bathroom and when to the office.

"Theres a girl that fainted!"
The office lady looked at me. She was about in her mid 60s and had glasses

"What happened?"

"I dont know. This girl just fell onto the floor after I saw her cough up blood"
She could tell this was serious but her expression didnt change much she made me take her to the place where I had seen Jorden black out. She was still there. Laying on the floor but there was some blood coming down her nose. They called an ambulance and had her rushed to the hospital.

The people pushed me back as I tried getting closer to her. It broke my heart seeing her like this. The office lady turned to me and said that I should go back to class. But how could I?? I just watched the girl I love faint.. I couldnt just go back to class and pretend like I'm ok and that nothing happened. But I had to. Or I would have probably gotten in trouble.

I turned my back to the place I was looking at and started to cry as I walked back to class.

I never knew how hard it was trying to answer a question that the teacher asked you when your thinking about something completely different. Actually..I already knew that. But this time I cant even try to think of an answer. The only thing I can do right now is say "I dont know" and have the teacher ask someone else.

I dont care if we are reviewing questions for a test tomorrow. I dont even care if I fail. I just want to know if jorden is ok.

School ended. And it felt like days. I got home quicker than usual because I took the bus. I didnt want to walk home without jorden because what's the fun if she isnt there?

I check my phone, nothing. I usually get a text from her as soon as we get into our houses. But there was no text from her. No texts from anyone. Should I just wait? Actually I'll sleep the time away. I crawl into bed and try to fall asleep but I just cant. It probably took an hour for me to sleep.

My dream~
It was jorden. She was in front of me. She was awake and not bleeding. I started talking to her trying to ask her what happened but she wont talk. She just..looks at me. I try to ask her again but she doesnt respond. She looks down and closes her eyes. She talks in a soft voice.

"Roses always die"

I got shivers.

"What do you mean?"
I reach out and try to touch her. My hands are stopped. Theres a barrier between us. She starts to fade. But at the last second I could tell she had looked up at me.

I woke up with sweat all over me and tears running down my face like a water fall. I sit up and wipe my face off with my arm. What the h- I look out the window. It was dark. How long have I slept for? I check my phone. 1AM. Welp, there goes my day. I look at my messages. And I was happy to see there was a message from jorden.

"Come to my house and climb through my window"

I looked out to her house and noticed her light was still on which meant she was still awake. I climb out my window and walk over to her house. I've never had to do this before. I got onto the latter placed up against her window. Huh, convenient. I thought. I started climbing. I got up to her window and knocked softly. The window opened. It was jorden. She seemed to be ok. I jumped into her room and hugged her tightly.

"Your ok!"
I said with my eyes watering

"Yeah, I'm ok. Hey it's all good. No need to get emotional goof ball"

I loosened the hug yo look at her. But I didnt take my hands off of her.

I blushed.

"Its ok. It's cute that you get emotional when you see that I'm ok."

"Oh really? Is that so"

She smiles
"I think so"

I pick her up playfully and she laughs. I put her softly onto the bed. And wrestle her. Being careful that I dont hurt her. She laughs till her face turns red. I thought it was cute. She stops trying to get away from me and looks at me in the eyes.

Gosh shes beautiful, I could just- kiss her. I look down at her lips and look back up at her. And old trick I learned to tell someone that you want to kiss them. She smiles and bites her lip. I go in and kiss her. Her lips are soft and just perfect for mine. I open my one eye to just look at her. To look at how beautiful she is. I pull back.

"Wow" she says quietly. "That was...amazing."

"I know. I was there. I teased"
She giggled.

"Hey, can...can you do something for me kyle?"

"Anything for you"

"Can you spend the night here? I've had a long day and I want you with me to help me fall asleep"

Without thinking I say
"Of course. I'm here for you."

"Ok good I'm kinda tired right now so can we go to bed now or...?"

"Yes. I'm tired to" I lied. I wasnt tired. But I didnt want to tell her that. Shes had a rough day and I'm going to be there for her. I'm sure I'll fall asleep soon. Cuddling with her made me feel comfortable. For once, I was happy to sleep.

I woke up not remembering my dream. I hate when that happens. I love my dreams. Well, sometimes. I looked at the time.
"Perfect. Its about an hour before mom wakes up." I get up and look over at the bed. Shes still sleeping. I'll leave her a note saying that I went back home before my mom wakes up. I grab the sticky notes that were on her white dresser and wrote

I hope I made you feel better last night. I woke up before you did and went back to my house. Hope you get to sleep in.
- Kyle

I stuck it to her tv and snuck out the window.

/Coming with more soon. Hope you enjoy the story so far :)\

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