Your Cool

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We spent the whole class talking. Which was awesome. Shes really cool. She has alot of the same interests as me. Which is unusual for a girl to like video games and stuff.

She asked if she could come over today to play some COD. I automatically said "hell yes". I already knew that my parents would let her come over.

My grades are good and our family has no plans. After school she walked with me to my house.

First she stopped at her house to tell her mom she would be over at my house. She closed her door and we headed towards my door.

In my head I couldnt believe that the most beautiful girl is coming with me to play some call of duty. That honestly made me attracted to her more.

I opened the door and saw my mom standing there.

"Ah who's this? Is this your girl friend?"

I was blushing. Hard.

I looked at jordan and her face was also alittle red. She must have just been embarrassed.

"Hello I'm Kyle's mother, it's nice to meet you."
My mom put out her hand and jordan shook it

"Hello mrs link. Nice to meet you too."

"Mom, is she aloud to stay for a bit? We planned on playing some games."

"Well how is your grades?"

"Pretty good. I got my C up to a B-"

"Alright then shes aloud to stay. You guys have fun!"

"We will"
We both said as we went up the stairs.

My room was small so there wasn't much to show.

"Ah I love your room. "

"Thanks it's not much though."

"Its good enough for me."

She sat on my bed as I turned on my console. I gave her the blue controller and I took the red one. I sat next to her, she looked over and smiled.

"You know, I maybe a girl but I dont play like one. So watch your back."

"Was that a threat?"
I smiled.

"Mm maybe"

Boy she wasn't kinding. She kicked my butt at it. It was embarrassing for me but she didnt put any shame on me.

"Jezz you really are good huh?"

"Oh now you believe me?"

"I'm just taking it easy on you"
I blushed

"Well don't. Come on give me a challenge. "
she looked at me.

As she was distracted I shot her and her character died. She smiled pushing me jokingly. I could feel a spark through her hands.

"That wasn't fair and you know it."

"You said to make it harder for you, your words not mine."

She rolled her eyes and parted her hair to the side. She was over for at least 5 hours. It was getting dark already. At this time she had to go home. It was 8 o'clock.

"Alright. I got to go home now. Before my parents go to bed. I should probably visit them for awhile."

"Sounds like a plan. But hey do you mind going out my window? My parents are going to sleep and I dont want you to accidentally wake them."

"Ha I'll try."
She opened up her window and took one step onto the roof.

"See you tomorrow Jordan"
By the time I said this she already was already at the edge of my roof.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow"

She climbed down the side of my house. I closed my window and locked it. I turned off the game and headed towards my bathroom.

I got to take a shower because if I didnt my hair would look greasy tomorrow. Then I would look like a true greaser, wouldn't I?

I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I turned on the water, it was instantly cold. I turned the nob to "hot" I stuck my leg into the water OWCH TO HOT, TO HOT EEK!

I turned it to the middle. perfect. I stuck my face into the water. It was relieving. I got my whole body wet and started washing. I heard a knock on my window.

Oh crap. It was probably Jordan. She must have forgot something. I didnt have enough time to get my clothes on. I quickly jumped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my hips.

I tripped over the sides of the tub and stubbed my toe. "Owch" I almost slipped on the water on the floor.

I got to the window and opened it. A bird flew in.

"No no no no no no"
I ran around my room trying to shew it out.

I finally got it out of my room after tripping a few times. I shut my window. I geuss my day was going to good. Something bad had to happen. Ugh. I need to go to bed.

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